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1.6.0 Stuck as male

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2012-05-27 around 16:00

What happened:

I logged onto a server and got the gender selection screen, I chose female and then the server went down and i didn't get in.

Where you were:

I was southwest near the railway bridge close to the ocean.

What you were doing:

I just spawned.

*Current installed version:

1.6.0 Dayz

ArmA 2 Beta 93160

*Server(s) you were on:

Some EU server.

*Your system specs:

intel Core i7 620m


ATI radeon 5650m 1GB DDR3

*Timeline of events before/after error:

1-Logged into a server

2-Chose to have my character female.

3-Server went down

4-Joined a different server

5-Still a male. (Tried more than one server to check the gender, male on all servers)

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Happened to me aswell. Dallas3 went down to apply the 1.6.1 hotfix. I came back and male. Really annoying. Hope rocket can fix it somehow.

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Happened to me aswell. Dallas3 went down to apply the 1.6.1 hotfix. I came back and male. Really annoying. Hope rocket can fix it somehow.

I didn't even have the option to chose at all.

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Happened to me aswell. Dallas3 went down to apply the 1.6.1 hotfix. I came back and male. Really annoying. Hope rocket can fix it somehow.

Great that i'm not the only one.

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Didn't even get the option. I'd rather be man but this needs a fix I guess.

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Date/Time: May 27th, 2012 at 11am EST

What happened:

Where you were: I dont remember the first server I was on, but the 2nd one was "US1"

What you were doing: I logged into a server, I dont recall the name of it. I selected female and I turned into a female. My friends woke up and we switched to US1. The server told me I was running the wrong version. So I logged out and downloaded/installed and logged into US1 server. Then, I was a male with no prompt to ask if I wanted to be male or female.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Chicago something (I know, not helpful) and then US1

*Your system specs:

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Logged into a chicago server.

Was prompted if wanted male or female.

selected female.

logged in.

killed zombies then killed by sniper.

Logged out.

20 minutes later, logged into US1.

Received message from server I was running the wrong version.

Closed game.


Ran game

Logged into US1

Was a male.

Received no prompt to ask if male or female (since ive already had a prompt)

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I'm having the same problem. :c Hope it gets fixed some way or another soon.

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Hiya - similar problem here, I was given the option to choose gender, and picked female, but when I got into the server I was still male. Boo!

Date/Time: 27/05/12 ~6pm GMT(?).

What happened: Got option to pick gender, chose female, but am still male.

Where you were: Spawned on the beach.

What you were doing: .. spawning!

*Current installed version: 1.60.1

*Server(s) you were on: Not sure, sorry.

*Your system specs: Win 7, Athlon X2 2800+, nVidia 8800GT 256MB, 4GB RAM.

*Timeline of events before/after error: I updated my client using SixUpdater when the new patch came out. When I joined a server (sorry, not sure which one), I got the option to pick male or female, and picked female. When I spawned in the server, I was still male (with my usual skin etc). On joining other servers, the option doesn't come up.


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Yep, happened to me to after picking up a new skin.

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Me and my friend having the same issue we we're both bandits still after patch and we thought that there was no female bandit model skin so that bugged us out or something but then we died and i relogged to the server to get the gender popup screen but nothing.. and we're still both males.

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I Didn't even get the choice, joined the Thailand server, got kicked because they were having problems with international bandwidth, never got the option to change.

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Same thing happened to me, is there a way to fix this? I pressed respawn to try to spawn closer to my friends and came back as a boy. Posted this in another thread but this seems to be the one getting the most attention.

Date/Time: 5/27/2012 2200'ish utc

What happened: Respawned as male despite previously being female

Where you were: On the coast

What you were doing: Pressed respawn

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: dallas 4 maybe

*Your system specs:

I7 920 @ 2.66

ATI 5870

8gb ram


*Timeline of events before/after error: Was female, pressed respawn, became a boy :(

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Same thing happened to me...

Waited for ages for server, eventually semi-spawned in debug forest, reconnected, and never got the option to be the girl I've always wanted to be :(.

Date/Time: 5/27/2012 0335 (ish)

What: No option to be a chick (after spawning in debug forest)


Server: NZ4

Before this (as i recall), I connected with the wrong version (updated from SixUpdater). I subsequently updated via the Six-DayZ launcher, and connected...

Perhaps we could submit playerIDs to the gender changeologist?

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Same, respawned in the wrong area, then got shot, then respawned as male.

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Happened to me as well, but somewhat differently.

I joined a server and got the gender selection screen, then chose female and I spawned stuck in the ground with no way of getting free and unable to move in any way.

My first reaction to that was just to click Respawn which kills your character and I've been stuck as male ever since.

Date/Time: 27/05/2012 Around 13:00 GMT

What: Character gets stuck in the ground after choosing my gender and gets stuck as male on respawn.

Version: 1.6.0

Server: UK4 (I think?)

Timeline of events before/after error: Joined the server, chose female, spawned stuck in the ground at my last location where I left, pressed respawn, spawned and now stuck as male.

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Same bug.

Date/Time: 27/05/12

What: Wrong skin after respawn.

Server: eu 8

Version: 1.6.0

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Never got the selection screen neither.

Date/Time: 27/05/12

What happened: Joined several servers, never got to select gender

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Not sure, tried plenty of different ones, SE09 was the last one

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Same bug, joined a server, was immediately given the option, but it wouldn't load in, went through a few server jumps to find a usable one and low and behold I am male.

My rig: Acer Aspire x3450


Version: 1.6.01

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What: I never got the option to change genders either across 3 servers either.

Where: Attempting to log in somewhat near the Balota airstrip.

When: 5/28/12

Version: 1.6.01

Servers on: I can't recall.

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