MisterNovember 0 Posted May 28, 2012 'xCryonic said: Quote I installed the beta patch' date=' and play on servers with the patch "93160", now 35-50 fps.[/quote']Yup, Beta Patch has much better performance than other patches, + you get past the "Waiting for server response" screen faster.If you install the beta patch on your client, are you restricted to only play on servers with the beta? Or can you play on the 1.60 servers as well? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stoopid 0 Posted May 28, 2012 'MisterNovember said: Quote Quote I installed the beta patch' date=' and play on servers with the patch "93160", now 35-50 fps.[/quote']Yup, Beta Patch has much better performance than other patches, + you get past the "Waiting for server response" screen faster.If you install the beta patch on your client, are you restricted to only play on servers with the beta? Or can you play on the 1.60 servers as well?It is possible to play on all servers if you got the beta patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MisterNovember 0 Posted May 28, 2012 'Stoopid said: Quote Quote Quote I installed the beta patch' date=' and play on servers with the patch "93160", now 35-50 fps.[/quote']Yup, Beta Patch has much better performance than other patches, + you get past the "Waiting for server response" screen faster.If you install the beta patch on your client, are you restricted to only play on servers with the beta? Or can you play on the 1.60 servers as well?It is possible to play on all servers if you got the beta patch.Excellent - beta here I come! I'll do anything to get my FPS up at this point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frylord 0 Posted May 28, 2012 'MisterNovember said: Quote Quote Quote Quote I installed the beta patch' date=' and play on servers with the patch "93160", now 35-50 fps.[/quote']Yup, Beta Patch has much better performance than other patches, + you get past the "Waiting for server response" screen faster.If you install the beta patch on your client, are you restricted to only play on servers with the beta? Or can you play on the 1.60 servers as well?It is possible to play on all servers if you got the beta patch.Excellent - beta here I come! I'll do anything to get my FPS up at this point.Stupid question, but where is this beta patch? Assuming you're not talking about hope not, as I'm getting low FPS since both 1.6.0 + it's hotfix. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MisterNovember 0 Posted May 28, 2012 'Frylord said: Quote Quote Quote Quote Yup' date=' Beta Patch has much better performance than other patches, + you get past the "Waiting for server response" screen faster.[/quote']If you install the beta patch on your client, are you restricted to only play on servers with the beta? Or can you play on the 1.60 servers as well?It is possible to play on all servers if you got the beta patch.Excellent - beta here I come! I'll do anything to get my FPS up at this point.Stupid question, but where is this beta patch? Assuming you're not talking about hope not, as I'm getting low FPS since both 1.6.0 + it's hotfix.http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrducky (DayZ) 33 Posted May 28, 2012 I'm joining the ranks of people who are saying the 1.6.0.x is running really badly.Even before the patch 1.6.0 patch, I have had some pretty severe framerate issues (specifically after 1.5.6 and before Though for most parts, the framerate in those versions was bearable, at about 25-30 or so. Now, with, its about 15-20 at best (happens rarely), and about 5-10 at worst (quite often). And that's the framerate even in the middle of some forest, not in the cities, and with only 5-10 players on the server during night time.It seems to be somewhat server dependent - On some servers it seems to be consistently lower than on others, and it does not seem to directly correlate the amount of players or zeds. At least on one server (where a lot of other ppl were complaining about framerate on the chat as well) I had a best case framerate of about 5-10, and mostly on the 5 fps side. Which was obviously not very playable.The framerate for me seems to be totally CPU (or much rather main memory access speed) limited - since none of the graphics settings seem to have any noticeable effect. Also, the game pretty much seems to gap at approx 50% CPU utilization (2 cores), it never manages to properly utilize all of the 4 cores (despite any command line parameters). I'm using the current steam version of Arma2.Phenom X4 @ 2.8GHz, 8Gb DDR2 @ 800, GTX 260, WinXP 64Basically, I'll be going for a pause from the game, hoping that the next patch might resolve this, since the current framerates of 5-10 are just not playable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazygambler 0 Posted May 28, 2012 I've noticed something, fps in wilderness is a little lower than usual, it drops in towns to around 10, when i killed all zombies in town, FPS was same as in wilderness, around 20-25. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frylord 0 Posted May 28, 2012 'MisterNovember said: Quote Quote Quote Quote If you install the beta patch on your client' date=' are you restricted to only play on servers with the beta? Or can you play on the 1.60 servers as well?[/quote']It is possible to play on all servers if you got the beta patch.Excellent - beta here I come! I'll do anything to get my FPS up at this point.Stupid question, but where is this beta patch? Assuming you're not talking about hope not, as I'm getting low FPS since both 1.6.0 + it's hotfix.http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.phpHow do you get the beta to run with CO? All of my efforts so fare have resulted in only OA getting launched in beta, which obviously won't allow me to launch DayZ as it requires CO.Unrelated though, the beta patch does seem to make Arma run even more smooth outside DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chainedlord 0 Posted May 28, 2012 The FPS is perfectly fine when any server restarts, you may even see improvements from previous patches. However thirty minutes to an hour into the server, the FPS starts to drag itself down.From my experience on any server restart I have a solid 60 FPS, then as more time goes on, I gradually drop to the minimum of 7 FPS (Unplayable) after about an hour. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coolgeek@inbox.com 0 Posted May 28, 2012 Yup exactly what Chainedlord says. Relogging doesn't help. It's on the server-side causing FPS loss somehow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
proxzor 3 Posted May 28, 2012 Yeah its exactly what Chainedlord said, I thought Rocket said he would release a hotfix for it today? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickenbacker 190 Posted May 28, 2012 'rocket said: Can you report feedback now with the update? I too had it' date=' and with the new update it is gone.[/quote']The game turned into a slideshow for me with 1.6.0. In it's much better!Someone still keeps hitting that damn chainlink fence right next to my ear every minute or so, though. Did you misplace an ambient sound file or something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainWhappin 3 Posted May 28, 2012 My FPS is in the teens also with normal, grey apocalyptic weather. It was runnin 30+ before 1600 and the hotfix didn't help. Not sure what other details I can give. I was pretty much in a clearing below Komakorov and made my way to balota airfield with same unbearable fps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andrewwatson4303@hotmail.co.uk 0 Posted May 28, 2012 Still got this problem :'( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pantzed 0 Posted May 29, 2012 I have also been encountering this problem, only since I updated to (I never tried relevance: I noticed that the FPS drop comes and goes even when I am looking at the same thing. In other words, it is not graphics dependent. In one instance, I was inside of a house covering a door for an extended period of time. Every so often (at seemingly random intervals) my FPS would suddenly drop significantly, causing things to become very stuttery. Usually within 10 minutes it would return to normal and be smooth as silk even though the image on the screen was the exact same.The only correlation I can possibly draw is that in every FPS drop there were other players around. However, I have often been near other players and had "good" FPS as well.Game Settings: "Very High"Resolution: 1920x1080System:Windows 7Intel Core i7 930ATI HD6950 2G Onboard RAM16 GB RAM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xarok777@gmail.com 205 Posted May 29, 2012 Big fps drop when its rainy/stormy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lynx (DayZ) 19 Posted May 29, 2012 Here is a quite extraordinary story I posted in another thread. I was using, but I see no reason why that story shouldn't be mentioned here, too.tl;drI was disconnected from NY1 when it was getting dark (8pm) and raining. After reconnecting immediately, it was still 8pm, but daylight and no rain visible, although you could still hear it. FPS dropped to 10 (was about 30-35 before disconnect). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PCMau5 0 Posted May 29, 2012 Alot of people in the NY15 server i was playing in last night all reported that their game was running at 9FPS constant, then when it became night time BANG very smooth at about 35+FPSI'll be patient and see if it is fixed soon :DSpecs:Intel Core 2 Quad Q83004GB 667MHz RAMXFX HD 5770 OC 900/1250240GB SATA II HDDServer was about 5pm (Im in Scotland so i was at about 11:30)and it was bright and i was near a very small village consisting of about 4 houses, Looks like some FPS drops could be server-side as on another server that was about 8pm (Transitioning from Day to night) i was getting about 25FPS.I'll go and experiment with some more servers now and put the results here.EDIT: Noticed using MSI Afterburner and Playclaw that my CPU load was maxing out at about 50%But i have my game on the lowest settings to see if i could play it, Graphics settings don't make a differenceand since my CPU isn't hitting close to 90% utilization my GPU is another story, don't know if it's because lowest settings areso bad that it uses onboard instead but i'm using 0% of my GPU when playing.This happens on Garrys Mod too, because Garry's Mod isn't GPU intensive, so it could just be that or whatever.Also noticed that my Temperatures on my GPU when i go onto higher settings are about on par with my Temperatures i get when i run Furmark, which everyone knows simulates a load that is much greater than most/any game out there.I'm using a Noctua NH-D14 on my CPU so overheating is not an issue.From what i have heard ARMA is very CPU heavy, but its not even using 60% of it so i know it's not really my computer.GPU Temperatures:Idle - 51cDayZ/ARMA (Lowest Settings) - 53cDayZ/ARMA (High Settings) - 77cFurMark - 79cEDIT 2: Played on 3 different servers.I played on a Norwegian server, i got good FPS for a while then it started to drop further and further.I then played on a EU server, i got incredibly bad FPS.So it seems that the Framerate issues are definitely Server side.Seems the longer you are in the server the FPS begins to drop overtime, but some servers are laggy right of the bat so i can confirm a few replys earlier saying that it is server side and that the longer it is on the more drops you get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites