Petri (DayZ) 14 Posted August 10, 2012 Because kill on sight is for pussies?But seriously, only because not everyone is like that, this wont reduce to a deathmatch with zombies.Deathmatchers will eventually get bored and go for the next deathmatch game, leaving the real sociopath murderers, and bandits who actually work hard to be a bandit behind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bazbake 456 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 7:42 PM, nicraM said: I didn't read but the first sentence of your post.Are you just gonna repeat what I say and try to turn it around on me, unsuccessfully might I add, like the child you are?I don't make qualms about killing unarmed players, but in all honesty I get nothing out of it. Whether a feeling or gear (I don't usually loot anyway). I do it out of survival instinct. I can prove to you, that you need me and I don't need you.Watch closely.What do you fear in this game the most?Oh, OK. =)What do I fear the most in this game?Nothing...You are irrelevant cannon fodder, if I so choose you to be. Even with a gun, you couldn't hit the side of a barn. I make this game exciting. You fear myself and people like myself, when leaving your bush. You should have stayed, in the bush. You shoot unarmed people and they need you to shoot them because you don't fear anything because all you do is shoot unarmed people?Nothing you just said makes sense in the language you wrote it in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 7:48 PM, JuniorQc said: Why don't you try to be real bandit? Rarely a bandit will just blow the head off the person and take their shit, most likely they will try to rob them. Why not show up with a group a 3/4 player armed to teeth ROBBING people?You tell them to go prone, drop weapon if they have any, try to loot their bag and things ? that is some good bandit stuff right there!If he try to run instead of killing him, shoot him in the leg to make him prone,Just use your godamn brain and imagination and put something up. it's not me the bandit here.because right now your not bandit, your some murderer REALLY not the same thing. your doing what you would do it cod or bf3 you KILL, instead of trying to come up with something more original and actually ROBBING the people....Your not really a bandit at all and it's not by survival instinct. it by pure douchebagnessPs: you do not fear nothing (normal you stay at the playground (coast) and shoot unarmed it's normal to feel safe you bastard?While me and my friend are looting the airfield meeting real men who shoot ARMED people, (not armed with a makarov or double barrelshotgun)Come to the north we'll have some funI never claimed to be either. I said, in fact, that I am a murdery mofo (in jest, mostly) because the game chooses to label my kills as murders. So, basically what you are saying I should wait for someone to shoot at me or actually shoot me for it to be kosher to shoot back?Sounds like a self defeatist attitude, if you ask me. Like I said, I don't placate to kids and their shitty views. I will continue to put the people down, that I choose to put down. I guess you all didn't read my initial post in this thread. I helped a couple newbies and it got me killed. Doesn't mean I won't decide to help, cause it does feel good. But most of you don't deserve saving. That much is evident. Take it as a lesson. If we pussyfoot around you, you will never learn how to play. You think, I came like this? Nah, you and your kind made me this way. Thank you! <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoOne (DayZ) 2 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 3:00 PM, Ulfhedjinn said: We got a badass over here, etc.We Got a gay over used comment over here^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 7:54 PM, BazBake said: You shoot unarmed people and they need you to shoot them because you don't fear anything because all you do is shoot unarmed people?Nothing you just said makes sense in the language you wrote it in.I shoot anyone I come across that I don't talk to on vent. If you are unarmed I might leave you alone. But, probably not. It is a game. You aren't your pixels. You aren't your gear. Your choices in game don't reflect who you are in real life. Play the game as it were real, but put it down when you log out. Relax...Breathe... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snizzlenose 11 Posted August 10, 2012 "I don't kill unarmed players, I even let them go with me"almost every single one will be nice and all, keeping behind you, until you let your guard down, because then they'll lot your Primary and shoot you. Simple but effective to get loot. Now days I don't let any unarmed near me, sure I dont KoS but I do a warning shot infront of them, and if they proceed to come closer I shoot them. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 7:50 PM, nicraM said: I talk shit because all I hear from some of these kids (and I know they are children) is how much of an asshole I am for "ruining their fun."I don't do it because I want to, I do it cause it is necessary. Please understand that I am a kind, caring person, but I will be dammed if you, nor anyone else gets a chance to back stab me.As for medics, sure. But they know the deal. This is a Post-Apoc and if they take lead while "helping," it is, what it is.Traders? No, I will KoS. There is no room for trading. Either earn the shit yourself or get a clan to play with that is willing to help. I understand that you want to do these things, but I want to survive and by survive I want to also have the best experience in game. I can HS most zombies from hundreds of yards away. They are irrelevant, anyway. If you want to just play against AI, go make yourself a LAN game.If you enter a MP world, understand that there are things scarier than the zombies (not saying much - heh) in them there woods. I never said you guys can't play the way you want to play. But, don't tell me how to play. And, if you call me every name in the book while I put you down, it just shows that you are an asshat and don't deserve an ounce of respect from me, nor anyone, for that matter.I hope that makes sense.See you in GW2. ;)Wolf, out!whats your in game name ???so i can add you to my ignore filter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 7:57 PM, nicraM said: I never claimed to be either.I said, in fact, that I am a murdery mofo (in jest, mostly) because the game chooses to label my kills as murders.So, basically what you are saying I should wait for someone to shoot at me or actually shoot me for it to be kosher to shoot back?Sounds like a self defeatist attitude, if you ask me.Like I said, I don't placate to kids and their shitty views. I will continue to put the people down, that I choose to put down.I guess you all didn't read my initial post in this thread.I helped a couple newbies and it got me killed. Doesn't mean I won't decide to help, cause it does feel good. But most of you don't deserve saving. That much is evident.Take it as a lesson. If we pussyfoot around you, you will never learn how to play. You think, I came like this? Nah, you and your kind made me this way.Thank you!<3no what he said was to head up north and fight were the PVPers fight.. not hang around the noob spawn points were you dam well know people wont have gear or usualy a weapon at all.NOTHING you do in game currently is worthy of bragging about until you can survive among the true pvpers...the prize for killing carebears and frwesh spawns isnt even a bobbie prize.. its no prize at all really.. not even a weak golf clap Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 8:09 PM, MeowMeow said: "I don't kill unarmed players, I even let them go with me"almost every single one will be nice and all, keeping behind you, until you let your guard down, because then they'll lot your Primary and shoot you. Simple but effective to get loot.Now days I don't let any unarmed near me, sure I dont KoS but I do a warning shot infront of them, and if they proceed to come closer I shoot them.thats a perfectly accaptable way to play in front of noobs.. this way both parties get the message and both get out of the meeting what is needed, either a helping hand or they both go their seperate ways..i tip my hat to you sir..oh and my beans Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Basshead 20 Posted August 10, 2012 Aw crap, i broke my Good Guy Greg ways and killed some guy with a Lee Einfield who was running at me. Thank good for the AS50, eh? Oh well, OP is a fag, he kills people who are noobs and so forth. He should get a life yada yada yada. I think i just summed up the entire thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haviv[3rdid] 57 Posted August 10, 2012 (edited) On 8/10/2012 at 8:25 PM, Basshead said: Aw crap, i broke my Good Guy Greg ways and killed some guy with a Lee Einfield who was running at me. Thank good for the AS50, eh? Oh well, OP is a fag, he kills people who are noobs and so forth. He should get a life yada yada yada. I think i just summed up the entire thread.You forgot to add the comparisons to Hitler. Edited August 10, 2012 by Benjamin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gizm0 96 Posted August 10, 2012 (edited) On 8/10/2012 at 7:50 PM, nicraM said: Traders? No, I will KoS. There is no room for trading. Either earn the shit yourself or get a clan to play with that is willing to help. but doesn't freeside trading existence show there is room for it? O.o just asking.also 777th post milestone :D Edited August 10, 2012 by Orthus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMachine 803 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 7:27 PM, tenzomonk said: yet, you also state:"If i had my way, I'd round up every new spawn in the game, herd them onto a tiny strip of land at the coast (perhaps near cherno) and just keep them in there with barb wire fences. I'd also occasionally fly over and bomb them"( but rounding up "every new spawn" seems like the "easy way." (in fact, how much easier could it get for YOU). Or maybe that's building character :/I was however, thinking of spawning fresh again... care to let me know which server you are keeping safe? :D i'd love to have a warm fuzzy feeling inside, knowing i'm being protected from noobs!Read the post and the location of the poster I was quoting when I wrote that.I was being ironic.(no one's got it thus far, even that guy) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hazrauken 0 Posted August 10, 2012 i only kill unarmed if they are heading in the same direction as me. then they might become a threat very soon, if they are miles away leave them alone, or if there are only builidiongs with no guns in(pre looted by yourself) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 8:32 PM, Orthus said: but doesn't freeside trading existence show there is room for it? O.o just asking.also 777th post milestone :DIt seems we are going in circles. I don't care if you play the way you play. But, don't expect me to placate to your idea of the "proper DayZ experience." It is subjective. With that said, once again, I have no qualms about killing your pixels. It is what I do best. And, there is only so many times I will get stung (once) before I kill that bee. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gizm0 96 Posted August 10, 2012 (edited) On 8/10/2012 at 8:48 PM, nicraM said: It seems we are going in circles. I don't care if you play the way you play. But, don't expect me to placate to your idea of the "proper DayZ experience." It is subjective.With that said, once again, I have no qualms about killing your pixels. It is what I do best. And, there is only so many times I will get stung (once) before I kill that bee.sorry, I think we can both agree that noone should tell anyone else how to play. I was just testing you cause when you said dayz has no room for traders, I wasn't sure if you meant the playstyle is wrong, or if its not support by any game mechanics at the moment.So really I have no issue with player killers in general (anymore), but I'm generally sick of seeing threads that belong in the bandit campfire being posted in gd, and players who don't want to kill other player being told to gtfo.Now I don't think either of us would object to having more tools that help facilitate more play-styles without making them overly easy, just more managable. I also believe this is possible without taking anything away from currently supported* play-styles.supported= has some backend code associated with it, like the first aid and storage(cargo) systems.edit; I think we both want generally the same thing, but due to possibly the way we are wording it or hyper-focusing on a single part, we aren't noticing that we have the same goal, just different mindsets and experiences that cloud our judgement at times. Edited August 10, 2012 by Orthus 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvthoch 0 Posted August 10, 2012 i love to kill new spawns specially if they have a mic some poor bastard yelled at me friendly pls dont kill me yerterday i killed that bastard without mercy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChiefMasterKush 321 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 8:36 PM, TheMachine said: Read the post and the location of the poster I was quoting when I wrote that.I was being ironic.(no one's got it thus far, even that guy)I think you may have that word confused with another word.And since were on the subject of misunderstanding words, I think 'Safety' is another word you don't comprehend either.Keep posting though, I've enjoyed most of them so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ash_Lee 2 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 9:04 PM, Orthus said: sorry, I think we can both agree that noone should tell anyone else how to play. I was just testing you cause when you said dayz has no room for traders, I wasn't sure if you meant the playstyle is wrong, or if its not support by any game mechanics at the moment.So really I have no issue with player killers in general (anymore), but I'm generally sick of seeing threads that belong in the bandit campfire being posted in gd, and players who don't want to kill other player being told to gtfo.Now I don't think either of us would object to having more tools that help facilitate more play-styles without making them overly easy, just more managable. I also believe this is possible without taking anything away from currently supported* play-styles.supported= has some backend code associated with it, like the first aid and storage(cargo) systems.edit; I think we both want generally the same thing, but due to possibly the way we are wording it or hyper-focusing on a single part, we aren't noticing that we have the same goal, just different mindsets and experiences that cloud our judgement at times.Well said, could not agree more, I think that should sum up an end this whole thing jus sayin. Again just my last 2cents. Peace~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McLovinCR 29 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 7:24 PM, nicraM said: If you avoid players what are you doing in game?Killing non-factor AI from a bush half a klick away?Yeah, sounds like fun.I love how most of you don't even know what you are arguing for.Machine, myself, and anyone that is a murdery mofo in this game, make it exciting.If you think fighting AI is exciting, go play SP.This is MP. I don't tell you how to play, don't tell me how to play.It is that simple.P.S. You need us. We don't need you.It is that simple.That's the "try" part... If I encounter another geared player, let the good times roll... otherwise, i don't need to kill him. The thing is that every situation is different, but camp to kill new spawners is just lame, but as you said: I don't tell you how to play, don't tell me how to play... if you want you can follow that faggot road... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slyguy65 499 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 8:09 PM, MeowMeow said: "I don't kill unarmed players, I even let them go with me"almost every single one will be nice and all, keeping behind you, until you let your guard down, because then they'll lot your Primary and shoot you. Simple but effective to get loot.Now days I don't let any unarmed near me, sure I dont KoS but I do a warning shot infront of them, and if they proceed to come closer I shoot them.They can't loot your primary...if your rich enough to carry multiple guns...then you already know what your risking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dramatic Exit 62 Posted August 11, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 7:24 PM, nicraM said: P.S. You need us. We don't need you.It is that simple.I'm sure you're extremely important. <_<---------Wanna know why I don't shoot the fresh spawns?I like firefights. Challenging two-sided firefights. (provided folks don't go into AltF4/server ghosting mode)If I shoot everyone before they get themslves to a position where they can provide that, then I'm gonna spend my time wanting something that I'm actively preventing from happening.But again, you're one of those folks who doesn't want a challenge. They wanna feel like they're superiour. It's normally indicative of someone with shitty self esteem.Wanna talk about it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OoieGooie 11 Posted August 11, 2012 My 2 cents (some scary people here)....1. Playing SoloLess risk in dieingCarry less suppliesUnable to heal as easyNo communication with othersVehicle repair far slowerTraveling can be tedious2. Co-OpVery high risk game-playCan carry moreHeal easierKill easierHigh stress game-play (chance to get back stabbed)Very high reward game-playSomeone to talk tooRepair vehicles quickerCan take a long time to meet up with friendsIm still a bit of a noob but I far enjoy co-op more then solo. Solo is ok at the start to just run into a city and gear up but slowly starts to become boring. With co-op, I love having a good chat and plan our next move. Yeah, the risks are high but if you have been playing as long as I have (games in general), you find a challenge in a game and you try to beat it. Games are about risk and if you don't take those risks then whats the point? I find it very disappointing that today's gamers will see 'risk' and avoid it to the point of killing new players. Not only that, but they state a "positive" reason for doing it which "makes it ok". Hitler made killing Jews the "right thing to do". Maybe I have a weird way of looking at things? Gamers are gamers and I want to play with them. Its a shame so many these days don't see it that way. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bazbake 456 Posted August 11, 2012 Godwin all up in this piece.Hitler? Really? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites