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I never said "it's an alpha" I said we are alpha testers, we aren't customers, it is our job to test the game. Though we are free to come and go as we please. (The message below is not specifically just for you, it is meant as a general statement.)

My suggestion is that if you are getting graphical artifacts and you have already posted what settings you are using, what beta patch you are on, and information regarding your graphics card (what card, what drivers, etc). And haven't been able to find a solution via tweaking your settings, then you should go play something else until the next patch.

A majority of what we are seeing are people just blatantly complaining that they have artifacts, yet they don't post any useful information at all. Rocket and the dev team are busy, that much is obvious, when the patch is ready they will release it, and we can resume testing/playing.

You have a valid point sir. As I previously said, it would be nice as testers to know what they are up to.

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Why are we being ignored?

How long does it take to make a short post to the community about what's going on?

Keeping everyone in the dark is driving people away. People are probably starting to think you don't care, you couldn't give a fuck or just can't be bothered.

One of the first self-help books written was called: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

I think there is a new self-help book on the way called: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People by Dean Hall.

Silence is golden, but in this case that golden bit is in liquid form and smells like piss.

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Why are we being ignored?

How long does it take to make a short post to the community about what's going on?

Keeping everyone in the dark is driving people away. People are probably starting to think you don't care, you couldn't give a fuck or just can't be bothered.

One of the first self-help books written was called: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

I think there is a new self-help book on the way called: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People by Dean Hall.

Silence is golden, but in this case that golden bit is in liquid form and smells like piss.

This is the greatest post I have read ever on DayZ forums.. Nicely done sir.. you have my beans

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Most of us are aware of the fact that this mod is in alpha stage. i dont complain about bugs... but what drives the most of us (me included) mad is that NO ONE of the whole forum team says something about the actual status. no communication

as one of us said, beeing left in the dark isn't good.

thats the worst point for me.

Edited by bjoernhart
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Hi guys rocket here. yes, we've noticed 1.7.5 has broken vehicles and tents, and we understand that's made the mod pointless for a good deal of you. Sorry about the gear you've all lost. We won't be giving it back, but instead we're just going to fix the problem. We're working hard to get 1.7.6 ready, but we're having some trouble finding the broken bits of code so it may take us a few more days to get a release ready. Thanks for your patience and your continued support.

now how fucking hard was that?

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Hi guys rocket here. yes, we've noticed 1.7.5 has broken vehicles and tents, and we understand that's made the mod pointless for a good deal of you. Sorry about the gear you've all lost. We won't be giving it back, but instead we're just going to fix the problem. We're working hard to get 1.7.6 ready, but we're having some trouble finding the broken bits of code so it may take us a few more days to get a release ready. Thanks for your patience and your continued support.

now how fucking hard was that?

Thanks Rocket. Now off you toddle to finish the new game. There's a good lad.

Edited by 8007H
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People like you just need to rage quit and leave this community...




^Going to be my "new" signiture soon... :lol:

BTW: It IS an "Alpha" Mod...it can't be an "old" argument since it's STILL in its "Alpha" testing phase...DERP!

Stop saying stupidity: we're "paying" this mod with our time, helping the devs to develop a commercial product that will be SOLD on the market, while we're having fun doing so. So stop talk about them like they are giving a present to us, they aren't giving anything for free.

While in fact it's exactly the opposite: we're going to pay for it TWO TIMES. If you didn't realized it yet, most of us have bought Arma2:OA exclusively to play DayZ, we gave money to BIS, BIS *is the same developer/publisher* that is going to produce and sell DayZ "The Game", that we're going to purchase.

To resume:

1) Most of us have bought Arma2:OA > Money to BIS.

2) We're spending time to help to develop/test a product that will turn into a commercial product > Beta test time = money.

3) We're going to pay for the stand-alone version when it will be ready.

Do you call this "for free"? You must be the joy of those TV commercial sellers... how many toasters and bench for abdominals did you bought last month?

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106 pages later,and NOT a single fuck was given!


Edited by Kill8ox
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Indeed, would be nice to hear where this is going at...

Rocket could take like 5 mins of his time to post info for us (or someone who knows something).

This is like waiting if you got death sentence or what...

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Exactly my thoughts. That extra freakin MILLION copies sold not because people carried about glorious roleplaying hiking simulator. What was the original numbers? 50k ? 100k ? 200k (being generous here already) sold ?

Dean showered Bi in jewgolds and now you suggest we buy your game again ?! Even same map, slightly rehashed, and boy will it be ridden with endless bugs. Hiding behind "B-b-but you bought ARMA 2!!" is EA level of giving the fat middle finger to people who supported you. Keep going into that direction and you will find yourself surrounded by DayZ ripoffs by every major publisher, endless Korean copypasta and only community that is left are the drones like Ash712 - oblivious to logic. For reference see Star Wars The Told Republic, you might need a submarine for that though.

[user warned. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
Not ok

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"We need a few days more". What happend the last days? Crawling balls?

Ah sry i forgot: The normal excuse for everyone: "We were on GamesCon"

Edited by liqSTAR

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- No items are being saved in tent and vehicles post, everything is lost after server restart when placed in a new vehicle

- No vehicle repairs are saved, everything is reset back to its prior state after server restart.

- Items stolen from tent will be back after server restart

- Vehicles do not save positions in post patches

These have made made persistent characters and worlds pointless.

Have reverted back to ver. on US 571 to see if the issue is the same.

Edited by SumoS
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- No items are being saved in tent, everything is lost after server restart

- No vehicle repairs are saved, everything is reset after server restart.

- Items stolen from tent will be back after server restart

- Vehicles do not save positions in post patches

These have made made persistent characters and worlds pointless.

No items are being saved in vehicle as well.

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I have a huge respect for developers, however at this point i have to admit that there is a big lack of info...

Alpha stage works well only if testers can actively communicate to developers and receive their feedback at the same time.


Ticket system for bug fixing (replicable, being working on, fixed, bla bla bla)

I worked on the IT envirorment for past 10 years i know what i am saying..

It would be very much appreciated to hear at least few words from their side: "Thanks everyone for posting bugs, we are working on fixing most of them..."

The only thing i head so far: "Dogs and standalone version"...

Edited by vIP3r
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I have a huge respect for developers, however at this point i have to admit that there is a big lack of info...

Alpha stage works well only if testers can actively communicate to developers and receive their feedback at the same time.


Ticket system for bug fixing (replicable, being working on, fixed, bla bla bla)

I worked on the IT envirorment for past 10 years i know what i am saying..

Being someone who works in IT, you might want to read official words a little more carefull.

Lets enhance that a bit.

The ideal place to load bugs is at the community bug tracker:


Also can't belive how childish most of the posts are. Yay for gaming community. -_-'


Edited by tequilapuzh

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Being someone who works in IT, you might want to read official words a little more carefull.

Lets enhance that a bit.

Also can't belive how childish most of the posts are. Yay for gaming community. -_-'

Thanks for your reply i got lost in this forum and i haven't read it!

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And he wants to update DayZ on the minecraft model way?

I can see that.

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Share on other sites is pretty unplayable for clans - no way to store gear (tents and vehicles don't save items inside) and a lot of vehicles just vanish as soon as the server restarts and appear in their default spam locations and broken again (just lost the chopper after hours of fixing *sigh*)

To lingor island, at least there should be some news there.

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Also can't belive how childish most of the posts are. Yay for gaming community. -_-'

There's a gaming community? News to me. I thought it was just a bunch of bigoted, racist anti-semites abusing the anonymity of the internet that, in addition to not enjoying the fact that there are more important things for Rocket and the team to do than pandering to children on a forum (like, I dunno, actually developing the mod?), don't enjoy being beaten by people better than they are.

Yes, the tents/vehicles aren't working at the moment. Suck it up. You're not meant to retain your gear through death anyway.

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