Leeu 38 Posted June 14, 2012 Some thoughts on how the new disconnect penalty might affect the 3 main player types and their style of play:From the perspective of CAREBEARS:- I'm inclined to interact with other players up-close and personal. - I'm inclined to help other players.- I will protect my gear and equipment - I won't let my fate be decided by some fkng 5 second disconnect penalty.- So: If another player shows aggression towards my party by shooting OR does not reply to our attempts at establishing communication we will probably try and avoid them - whether at a distance or up close. Previously if we wanted to avoid such a player we could have just gone to a safe area and disconnected and moved to another server in order to avoid them. Now... the 5 second disconnect penalty greatly increases the risk unknown players pose to me and my party. At distance this risk is obviously lower (unless of course if they already have us in their sights - see "BANDITS" below) compared to up-close, where it's much much higher now. So with this new change am I still going to be as willing to come close to unknown/unverified players? Am I still going to be as willing to help unknown/unverified players? Am I still going to be willing to team up with random people? What about the possible future change of not spawning with a weapon at start: will I team up with someone if I fear they might shoot me when they find a weapon and I still don’t have one? - "Safest" style of gameplay: I might want to think about being more inclined to avoid contact or at least minimise it rather than help or team up, conduct a more lengthy verification routine (what weapon is he carrying? does he have company? etc) i.e. become more paranoid, as well as being more inclined to shoot first i.e. become more trigger happy for safety's sake (careful with raising your weapons now boys, and god help you if you accidentally discharge your weapon or just in general surprise someone by coming around a corner suddenly)From the perspective of LONERS/CLAN GAMERS:- I'm not inclined to interact with other players up close and personal. - I'm not inclined to help/kill/loot other players.- I will protect my gear and equipment - I won't let my fate be decided by some fkng 5 second disconnect penalty.- So: Previously if I spotted another player - regardless of whether friendly or bandit - I could just disconnect and move to another server in order to avoid them, not so simple now, especially if they are not alone, in which case I might have both a close and at-distance threat. If I simply run away from another player(s) and try to avoid them - unknown whether friendly or bandit - if I was spotted and the player is close then he might run after me and shoot my character if I disconnect, COD style. At distance this risk is lower, but still present and higher than previous. Now am I going to assume this won't happen and just carelessly disconnect and hope he won't run after me or spot me at distance and shoot within that 5 second window? - "Safest" style of gameplay: I might want to think about being more aggressive, shooting on sight/shooting first, shooting to kill – if any bandits/carebears in my area see me taking out their own without hesitation do you think they will be willing to come close or even step up to the plate and square off with me? Might be a good tactic to clear an area, just start killing left-right-and-centre, people are likely to leave, and then you simply walk around looting without being disturbed.From the perspective of BANDITS:- I'm inclined to interact with other players up close and personal - once they're dead. - I'm inclined to kill/loot other players.- I will protect my gear and equipment - I won't let my fate be decided by some fkng 5 second disconnect penalty.- So: Previously I might have come within relative close proximity to my target(s) in order to hold-up or kill/loot them. My targets might have even seen me due to this relative close proximity. Previously my targets wouldn’t have been so paranoid and trigger happy and maybe (especially since the DEVs removed bandit skins) even come to “help” me as I didn’t necessarily represent an immediate visual threat. Now, any relative close proximity has a significantly increased risk of me dying, as I don't have full control over my character AND a significantly increased risk of everyone shooting at me because they’re so fkng paranoid.- "Safest" style of gameplay: I might want to think about shooting on sight/shooting first, but most importantly shooting from a distance without being seen, and of course shooting to kill.And this is all because of a 5 second disconnect penalty. What about if a 30 second or even 1 minute or 15 minute penalty is implemented as some retards on this forum suggested? Oh and don’t forget about the abysmal ARMA netcode which still allows for someone to get shot and technically have zero health, yet in game they’re still shooting back killing the guy who shot first and in the end both people drop dead.Considering everything, you think the above 3 types of players are going to go easy on the trigger?Nice work. You just traded in a runny nose- cold for the Ebola virus. 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Diwwah 9 Posted June 14, 2012 Great way to see just one side of the issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 40 Posted June 14, 2012 @LeeuWhy are you posting this in two threads? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 14, 2012 I'll admit I did this the first time i was playing when i had a good amount of gear. But i don't plan to from now on after reading this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miqueloz 33 Posted June 14, 2012 @LeeuI'm sorry, but that's retarded. You treat disconnecting from PvP as a legit way of playing and a feature. You're also implying that "carebears" are all relying on disconnect abuse when they take the risk and trust someone/don't shoot them? "Oh well, if they're hostile, I'll just Alt+f4"? Those type of players deserve to be punished. Frankly, you're making all that up. That might be true for you, but I'm preeeeetty damn sure that the majority of players aren't going to change their gameplay just because they can't exploit anymore.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Renegade0260 3 Posted June 14, 2012 I don't see why the "player avatar stays vulnerable for 5 seconds after DC" feature would cause problems at all. If anything it should be 20 or 30 seconds or more. So this FORCES people to play smart and log out only when it's totally safe. As for the doppleganger issue, simple, just make it so that players are not allowed to connect to ANY server for 1 minute (double the DC timer) seconds after disconnecting from any server. Surely something in Hive can do this.If anything it will fix the exploiting kiddies who think it's clever to shoot once, then DC, switch servers, move to a position where they can shoot you, switch back, then bang, your dead or similar exploits.I think even more anti-server-hopping-DC-exploit measures need implimenting: Perhaps once you have been spawed on a server for more than 3 minutes, you can't join a different server for at least 30 minutes. This means people who join servers but then don't like the ping/lag/time of day can switch, but people who have spent time on a server can't use server hopping exploits to gain tactical advantage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XslaneyX 4 Posted June 14, 2012 Had this happen to me for the first time yesterday. I approached the NE airfield from where the antenna is tucked up at the north east. Sat in the treeline by a rock wall and scoped in using a DMR i found the other day in cherno. Saw one chap running around the hangars with the odd dead zed so took a few pot shots and me being new to sniping on this game missed all shots. He scarpered into where the air control tower was. I managed to sneak down into a couple of pine trees closer in to get a better shot. I could see the bugger just to the left of the tower on the ground leaning by a bin. Just as i was about to pull the trigger someone else slots him. Looking round after 5 mins i spot some dude crawling in the grass (well rolling) toward the tower and i could see he had a coyote backpack on (the big gucci one) seeing this i scuttled back up into the tree line and back toward the antenna and then down to get a position behind him as i was having that bag! took some pot shots at him as he was looting the chap he killed moments earlier and as he ran into the open zig zagging managed to score 2 hits and he dropped like a sack of shit. Quickly scoping the area and seeing all clear i ran down to his corpse to loot my new bag and some goodies i have never had before like the gps and an m14aim battle rifle? Mid loot though his body disappeared so couldn't grab the remaining bits and pieces that looked interesting. Within moments of this happening i am shot whilst in my inventory screen and i am pushed down to aout 7k blood and dropping. I quickly look about and see some dude no less then 20 meters from me laying there firing what looked like a rifle. I manage to get a few shots off with my 1911 and reload and put a few more in. Just as i do this he vanishes into thin air....... I was pretty shocked but at the same time i laughed knowing that some mug who tried to kill me from that range failed hard and was on the brink of being killed himself by my 1911. I quickly bandaged up and headed west toward grishino only to be passed by a jeep full of survivors and about 30 zeds chasing it. I dive for cover in a house after being slapped by one of the buggers but i am overcome by the sheer numbers of them and bled out/eaten.TLDR:i shoot a bandit,loot body,i get shot at,guy fails hard from 20metres away,i shoot back with 1911, he disconnects,i'm shocked and laugh at same time, I get prawned 25 mins later by a horde of zombies.:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispow 3 Posted June 14, 2012 I'm all for the new 5 second persistence, but it worries me a little if the server goes on a massive poop and you end up in a zombie situation you can't get out of by no fault of your own. Hopefully the new zombies will make this happen less frequently. Excited!For PVP--this is a great feature! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castun66 20 Posted June 14, 2012 Everybody that is complaining about how logout timers aren't fair, blah blah blah, this and that, oh woe is me, are forgetting one thing, which was mentioned by the OP, Rocket himself:(important bits bolded)Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.It will be patched out' date=' very easily, in a future update.[/quote']You don't like the changes, don't bother playing anymore. I've said it before that it's not really open for debate simply because Rocket is going to do what he believes is the right thing. He may take some opinions and experiences into account, but in general he doesn't listen to carebears whining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maj. Krushov 0 Posted June 14, 2012 Im sure Rocket will listen both sides since this mod helped in the sales of ArmA2 and they want to keep making money. Thats how works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abexuro 17 Posted June 14, 2012 Can't it just be like that you have to be "out of combat" for 30 seconds to log off. So you can quit whenever you want, you just need to wait when you are fired at/attacked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubmifer 22 Posted June 14, 2012 To the guy shooting at me in Berezino in the BE server: I didn't disconnect to avoid death if that's what you were wondering. I was actually just about to go in the orange house where you shot me at to go and disconnect because the Italy-Croatia game was about to start. Since I felt bad about disconnecting while getting shot, so I actually ran out again to gave you the opportunity to actually have another go and I could find a safe spot where I could save it without having to feel like one of those guys disconnecting to avoid death.Can't say I like the road this game is heading to. It's really becoming a PvP deathmatch. It seems that everyone seems to think that every survivor they see has to die. Most of the time when I see another survivor running around of which I know is no threat to me, I just leave him be. And when he is close to me, I always try to see if I can find out what his intentions are. But the killing of people for no real reason is really starting to bug me. I can't believe that Rocket wanted it this way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aegon 1 Posted June 14, 2012 This is ridiculous. Some guy had killed me with an M4SD in Elektro while I was running around being bored. I spawned in Elektro, went and looted my body, finding nothing missing. I then ran off and killed some zombies. This same guy came running through a gate while I was inside the little gatehouse building. I shot him and he vanished before he hit the fucking ground.expert US 3 or 4, with beta .666 runningI hope you're reading this you pussy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arcticia 1 Posted June 14, 2012 I think leaving a a body behind is a bad idea, there is no chance of you being able to defend yourself even if you are in a safe place. Say I go log out in a small house, not being shot at or chased by zombies but a player sees me go into the house. I disconnect because it's a relatively safe place to log out since it's a house in the middle of nowhere.Now this player that saw me isn't friendly, so they start sneaking into the house with the intent to take my beans. As for me, I just disconnected and my body is remaining for a few seconds and the player turns the corner and puts 5 bullets in my head for good measure.How is that fair? When I can't defend myself because I'm not even playing my character. A time which delays you from being able to disconnect right away would be a much better option. Maybe if a person instantly logs out, make them loose blood, or make them get an infection. At least give the person a chance to defend themselves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miqueloz 33 Posted June 14, 2012 Then log out in a place where you won't be surprised in 5 seconds. Not really that hard. 1) Look around you2) Log out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
poisonman 28 Posted June 14, 2012 walking through walls and glitching on 3rd floor isnt overpowered? radar in head making you hiding isn t overpowered? zig zag trajectory unable to shoot him? r you fucking serious?Zombies aren't "underpowered"' date=' they are just ridiculos: they cannot see you when they should, but they can unnaturally run at crazy speed with crazy acceleration.[/quote']So you guys think the zombies are hard? really? I think I've died to zombies twice in my month + of playing this game, and both times were during the first night of playing while I was still learning the game, the map, and how the zombies work in the game.The majority of my deaths in this game so far have come from the environment and bugs. I also have 4 deaths due to being PKed. Zombies are fast, and zig zag, yes, but they are far from hard. Especially if you only aggro one or two. You can easy turn around and run backwards, wait for the zombie to stop and do his attack animation and have a free shot to his face to kill him. I do this easily all the time with a crossbow. If you have more than 3-4 on you, all you need to do is run to the nearest enter-able building, the zombies will slow down to a walk and funnel in the door single file for you to rape easily. Zombies are fast sure, and won't ever stop pursuing you currently in game with the patch we are on (which is going to change in the next patch). But they can't catch you / hit you while you are running away from them, you can easily just keep running till you find a building if you have more than 3-4 on you. Otherwise the turning around and running backwards till they stop and do their stupid attack animation trick works just fine.If you have been playing this game for more than a week or two and are still having a hard time with zombies or think they are overpowered, then you obviously haven't figured out the zombie's mechanics yet, I just don't know what to say, other than "your doing it wrong" that and apparently your a slow learner and possibly a really bad marksman as well. I dunno, they are pretty easy, I can't wait till Rocket makes them harder and more of a threat personally. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sephirotic (DayZ) 1 Posted June 14, 2012 I'm the only one tired of reading the SAME shit all over again?For the last 2 months EVERY SINGLE USER ON THIS GODDAMN FORUM HAS ALREADY WRITTEN AT LEAST ONCE HOW HE THINKS HIS GREAT IDEA AND PERCPTION OF THINGS HAS GONE UNJUSTFULL MISSEN and bla bla bla 30seconds timer bla bla bla all over again.You guys think rocket don´t know what the forum main topics are? If he put 5s instead of 30s he has his reasons, stop repeating the same goddamn obvious idea over and over again like a f*** autist!GEEZ!walking through walls and glitching on 3rd floor isnt overpowered? radar in head making you hiding isn t overpowered? zig zag trajectory unable to shoot him? r you fucking serious?Zombies aren't "underpowered"' date=' they are just ridiculos: they cannot see you when they should, but they can unnaturally run at crazy speed with crazy acceleration.[/quote']So you guys think the zombies are hard? really? I think I've died to zombies twice in my month + of playing this game, and both times were during the first night of playing while I was still learning the game, the map, and how the zombies work in the game.The majority of my deaths in this game so far have come from the environment and bugs. I also have 4 deaths due to being PKed. Zombies are fast, and zig zag, yes, but they are far from hard. Especially if you only aggro one or two. You can easy turn around and run backwards, wait for the zombie to stop and do his attack animation and have a free shot to his face to kill him. I do this easily all the time with a crossbow. If you have more than 3-4 on you, all you need to do is run to the nearest enter-able building, the zombies will slow down to a walk and funnel in the door single file for you to rape easily. Zombies are fast sure, and won't ever stop pursuing you currently in game with the patch we are on (which is going to change in the next patch). But they can't catch you / hit you while you are running away from them, you can easily just keep running till you find a building if you have more than 3-4 on you. Otherwise the turning around and running backwards till they stop and do their stupid attack animation trick works just fine.You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Even predicting the 2 seconds lag it takes for the zoombie to die after being shot, this process of run, turns shoot, back to run again, doesn´t work if you have over 90ms of ping. Since me and my friends live in Brasil, we don´t have a single option of server bellow 140ms of ping and it´s impossible to use this technic for us.Laggy zoombies are a BIG issue and makes shooting then at fast zig zag speed accurately impossible.The only pratical option is entering in a building. Even so, if we are camping in a open area in a danger spot (against another player) and a zoombie hear us, running or DC'in is the only option. They will reveal or position because they always know where you are and take a lot of effort to kill when you are lagged. Frankly the Oniscient radar-like perception of the zoombies is EXTREMELy unimersive and ruins any attempt of stealhty killing a group of survivors now, (i hope the "you can hide for the zed know" works in the new 1.7.1 version, this will make sniping less than 300 meters from a zoombie actually effective) i rather just disconnect if a large pack of zoombie hear me than risking being knocked down by then in a laggy server. I've died once long time ago by A SINGLE HIT OF A SINGEL ZOOMBIE because i "only" had 8k of blood. I never died for a zoombie again and have played for over 2 months (and a arma II player for over 2 years may i add) and i'm currently alive for over 20 days without never disconnecting on a PVP cituation. I love the tension and survival characteristic of this game but i don´t feel imersive at all and and being extra cautions to help in the "feeling" of realism and "tension" of the game when dealing with zoombies alone is just boring and annoying, not "Exciting". I like realism and the hardcore nature of the game, but lot´s of things needs to be fixed before i actually feel scared and extra cautios to fight a zed. I like what a guy said in the previous page: If you want extreme realism and a merciless enviroment, take an ak and go to war, you won´t find buggy soldiers and death will actually mean something. This game death is underated. This is just a fucking bugged game, so i'll play it as such. And yes, i know its an aplha, that's exactly my point. I play it as a tester. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cormac McCarthy 15 Posted June 14, 2012 lag is your issue derp, not the zombies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caçador (DayZ) 0 Posted June 14, 2012 You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Even predicting the 2 seconds lag it takes for the zoombie to die after being shot, this process of run, turns shoot, back to run again, doesn´t work if you have over 90ms of ping. Since me and my friends live in Brasil, we don´t have a single option of server bellow 140ms of ping and it´s impossible to use this technic for us.Well you obviously dont know what you are talking about either. I play on FR servers and my ping is always 200. I can run/shoot/run/shoot just fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
digital0 22 Posted June 14, 2012 Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.I don't know why people are still stating their in their eyes legitimate reasons to do this. rocket stated the obvious.Nomatter what your opinion is about the state of the mod, fair or unfair doesn't even matter. rocket doesn't want it so he will patch it out. You still abusing this loophole are only gonna hurt yourself. Enjoy the alpha, grow some fucking balls and just immerse yourself in the adventure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganjastar 53 Posted June 15, 2012 Any news on a fix for this? people do it ALL THE TIME. you notice a sniper, call him out on chat, bam he disconects. you chase a guy into a barn, bam he disconects. you shoot a gy, hes bleeding on the ground, zombies distract you for a few seconds, bam he disconected...more and more poeple are using this every day. its completely game ruining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunkyHermitCrab (DayZ) 95 Posted June 15, 2012 I think the 5 second delay is enough. The only reason I ever DC is when server hoppers get the drop on me. Its not that I am trying to pussy out, I just don't feel the need to die to people who are also exploiting the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leeu 38 Posted June 15, 2012 I'd love to see how this 5 sec disconnect penalty pans out. Hell I'm up for a 30sec or even 1 minute penalty - it's all the same reasoning to me: - Problem: I lose control over my character, making him vulnerable.- Logical requirement: Safeguard immediate area so that in that penalty window no harm comes to my character.- Logical action: Kill everything and everyone within reach depending on line-of-sight and shot opportunity.So like I say it's all the same to me. With this disconnect there will be situations where I can't avoid contact and go on my merry way. Consider also the broken or absent VIOP/VON / Identify Friend or Foe system within DayZ, plus the fact that bandit skins were removed... I think I'll adopt a std operating procedure from now on that whenever I see a player within close proximity that's not on my TS, I will shoot first & shoot to kill without hesitation.So I've just gone from a loner to a bandit in proportion to how much of a penalty window there is. Instead of dropping all the ammo I've come across recently, I think I'll hang onto those 420 rounds of 7.62x39mm & 42 rounds of .45ACP and I won't think twice about expending all of it. Yeah for DayZ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cormac McCarthy 15 Posted June 15, 2012 ^ and this is why i dont play anymore, dayz started out as, (when you see someone you ask for help) now its (oh shit a player, BAM BAM BAM) trololol. fucking sucks that the majority has become immature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MichaeLK 16 Posted June 15, 2012 truth be told I was a decent full time survivor who wouldn't shoot anyone.Even after someone fired a shot at me I would try to persuade him to leave the area or even to let me leave the area in peace.Now I have no choice but to shoot anyone pointing a gun at me for more than 3 secs unless he talks to me via chat or mic.Oh well....we shall adapt and we shall survive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites