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(FiM) Steve

Press "Space" to continue

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To keep it short and simple:

I think it would be nice if you had to press space or enter right before you enter the map. like when you die and you choose female or male.

The reason for this is that some servers have a huge loading time like 7-10min. So you don't have to look at the black loading screen in case it might finish.

And yes an easy solution would be disconnecting in a bush or something, but it just seems like a missing feature.


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Makes sense, probably simple to code. I see no sense in not implementing this, but perhaps it should have an idle timer before a forced spawn or a kick.. Thoughts?

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So you want us to have to push a button before we play?

How would this fix the loading issues at all?


It's not about fixing loading times. It's about not being afraid to pop to the bathroom or go get a drink and coming back to see the YOU ARE DEAD screen. Basically, what the op proposes (I think), is that AFTER completely loading, you press space to then spawn into the game.

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So you want us to have to push a button before we play?

How would this fix the loading issues at all?


Quite a simple addition and it would fix load issues to a small extent. It's not going to speed up the process but it will ensure everything is laoded and ready to go. I've had friends spawn in next to me, a standing character visible for quite some time before they are in game. Perhaps the motive for your attack is the Brony profile pic but. who's the one with the problem here, Reptile?

Edited by Haplo

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So you want us to have to push a button before we play?

How would this fix the loading issues at all?


It would fix you not having to pay attention for the 7-10 mins the loading time takes.

Seems like it could be easily implemented, so my verdict is SUPPORT!

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It's not about fixing loading times. It's about not being afraid to pop to the bathroom or go get a drink and coming back to see the YOU ARE DEAD screen. Basically, what the op proposes (I think), is that AFTER completely loading, you press space to then spawn into the game.

Story of my life m8.

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Failed that one didn't you rec0n_uk.

Tell me more about the other trends you follow.

u wot

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Good idea, I think.

Here's some beeeans :D :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

Edited by Stalker92

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agreed, this is a great idea..

as mentioned it removes the need to sit there like a R'tard and watch the loading screen like a hawk.

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Definitely support it. Allows you to go and do something else while it loads and I don't have to worry about someone killing me mid-spawn.

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