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Choose between restart with nothing or with our stuff

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where would be the fun to kill someone if he keeps his stuff?!

Edited by Knollte

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its called permadeath for a reason

if you hate losing your stuff on death, play something else

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*Friend shoots other friend with Ghillie, AS-50, other high end gear

*Friend who was shot returns with same gear

*Friend who shot friend picks up old gear

*Repeat x100000000

Rare items are now not rare at all.

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What's the point in playing then? My most fun experiences have been dying so I can work my way up to better gear, again.

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I dont follow, how would being able to restart with all your weapons and having not lost a single thing make "the stakes higher"?

It doesn't. It would do the opposite. It would make the stakes ... non existant. The way to make the stakes higher, would be to have "real" permadeath - that is to say, something that is more severe than simply being respawned at the beach with no gear.

In real life, death is permanent. You don't respawn at all - well, as far as we know. Or if we do, it would still take too long to grow up to get back where you were last anyway.

If you were to simulate that, you'd have to give a global ban after you got killed, or maybe something less severe, like a 10 or 20 minute timeout on the server you played last, thus forcing you to spawn on another server.

Edited by kebman

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It doesn't. It would do the opposite. It would make the stakes ... non existant. The way to make the stakes higher, would be to have "real" permadeath - that is to say, something that is more severe than simply being respawned at the beach with no gear.

In real life, death is permanent. You don't respawn at all, Well, as far as we know, or if we do, it would still take too long to grow up to get back where you were last anyway.

If you were to simulate that, you'd have to give a global ban after you got killed, or maybe something less severe, like a 10 or 20 minute timeout on the server you played last, thus forcing you to spawn on another server.

Ah, I see what you were saying now. I'd rather not have a ban/timeout after you got killed. As I've said in other posts, I'd prefer a skill system so that each individual life has some sort of value to it.

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I can't believe that in this forum the majority of topics are useless like this one.

Edited by Lillo

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Lillo: Your post is the most useless I've read today.

Carebear Baddie: Yeah, you're right. It would probably be too harsh. Like the idea of a skill system, tho!

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Death should have even more of a consequence than it does now. So starting with all your previous gear is not the direction we want to be going in.

Edited by Po1ymorph
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