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Anyone else...run out of things to do?

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I'm not really going to ramble about it but after a while, after you meet all your goals, beat the learning curve, and do everything the game has to offer it just gets...boring (at least it does for me.) Now I pretty much get on, run around for 15 minutes and then get bored and log off. Anyone else feel like this?

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Anyone else feel like this?

I do, but then I set missions like take over cherno or elektro or even NW airfield. Have you obtained the PBX and Heli? Set missions. Do them. Execute as a team doing even the silliest things and you will laugh your ass off. Honestly there is no end game to this. So create what you want it to be.

Edited by F3 Phoenix
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Not really - I'll be sure to update this topic when I do.

Actually I was almost at that point, posted elsewhere, then we found a scripters camp on our server. Now we're gonna head down there and try and take them out.

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Not yet, you could always play something else, I imagine they will constantly add in more content once the game is released.

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Nope have to make your own fun, I build forts and bunkers with the razor wire/ tank traps/ i set up firepits / and lay down bear traps with gear covering them /set up a tent or two and wait for noobs to come exploring. Maybe you could play medic and go around helping others out, play secret santa and load up random tents with gear

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Maybe I haven't reached the point you have but my friends and I have started getting some really sweet gear (and hoarding it all of course) so now I"m travelling down to snipe some people down south. (I'd snipe up north but we don't have the coordination for that despite us taking out 4 travellers with 2 vehicles I was the one who got all the kills) I've always wanted to stalk some people and just track em' down. Play with some buddies or find some friends, we're always driving around like idiots in a car doing burnouts and getting air time as we look for crashsites in which we then find a vantage point and try to kill as many zombies as we can before we race each other to the loot.

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I did... But then i enjoy the gearing up from nothing the most... So all i do usually is go into some kind of a endfight with zombies (big rifle to attract a lot, or nading myself with them) and start over.

But if you dont enjoy the gearing up part, better use some of the other people's suggestions here :)

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Yep, bad. Every time I get all the gear I want I run out of things to do. I'm being lured to the dark side of DayZ.

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If you notice the map is alot bigger then they are currently letting us enjoy.

Shows expansions- additional locations.

an no its always fun!

Hunt people, Track them, find their base. Search Destroy, see how long yo can hold down a grocery store or a church, build a helicopter, make a base, help other people, roam the woods discover locations. run around cherno firing your gun like a mad man and defend off the hordes of zombies with a hatchet.

all are very fun things to do mainly the last one.

Be a Douche bag and wire off the school and or hospital and set up shop and wait for people to try and get in a blow their fucking heads off!!!

be creative.

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There will (hopfully) be and endgame to the standalone. What that will be... I do not know. It certainly wont be raid like events. I hope. Cba with generic MMORPG shit.

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Set yourself challenges like playing at night, or playing on a server with settings outside your comfort zone (first person-only is one I am poor at). One day I plan to do the "medic" thing and see how that goes, but I'm not quite that bored yet.

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I've got plenty of things to do, but I get shot before I can do them.

My next goal is to light a bunch of fires in Elektrozavodsk at night time and see gaze upon it from afar.

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Gamers don't know what to do anymore nowadays unless they have achievements or some nonsense. It's a massive sandbox... do what you want!

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I still enjoy hunting players and I still feel that dizzying rush when I get into a firefight. It's a shame then that I haven't been able to get my fix of DayZ for over a week now - but as long as the hacking is as rampant as it is, the game remains unplayable for me.

Edited by Zarathustra

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