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Official US 1040 Colony Thread

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Colony has been moved, and the current locations and procedures can be found in the link below.


Posting the idea on the DayZ forums only brought a ton of cuntfaced hackers. We will leave the thread open for discussion of the Colony, but none of the information will be posted here.

5 Posts on website needed to see the colony information.

Edited by HunterBoy
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Haha! that was thrilling! I killed 5 of you and you guys shut down the server.

Then you accused me of using a thermal as50 lol. What noobs! You cant even tell the difference in sound between an as50 and a m107?

It was a perfectly clear night with a full moon. I could see you nearly perfectly through my m107. Not to mention I was only 300 M out.

It was kind of hard to see you when you ran inside cause it was so dark. But the fools on the roof and silouhetted against the walls were easy picking

I was on the hill to the east of the factory. Perfect view of all of you. You really should put some defense there. Its the only hill in the area and the first place a sniper would go.

Also im not a griefer. I just like PVP. I could have easily killed your friend who was in that barn earlier (remember when you messaged me saying she was friendly?) I decided theres no need because she was running around using a flashlight. Warmed my heart to see someone actually using a flashlight in day-z. Reminded me of when I was naive enough to do that.

As for your guys and your colony ... lol that was funnnnn. Realllllly jack-ass of you to kick me saying I have a thermal as50 when im using a m107. Cant you admin's just check the logs and see what weapons I was carrying?

I wish it was my clan in there. We are always looking for pvp but no one ever wants to. A hidden sniper shooting at us would be so fun. Would have listened for the sound of the gunshots, and exited the factory running in the opposite direction. Circled round the hill using super wide margin and taken the sniper out.

Really pathetic of you guys to panic so quickly.

Anyway good game. I just wanted to kill you guys. Wasn't going to steal that gaz that I could see parked in the factory.

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Haha! that was thrilling! I killed 5 of you and you guys shut down the server.

Then you accused me of using a thermal as50 lol. What noobs! You cant even tell the difference in sound between an as50 and a m107?

It was a perfectly clear night with a full moon. I could see you nearly perfectly through my m107. Not to mention I was only 300 M out.

It was kind of hard to see you when you ran inside cause it was so dark. But the fools on the roof and silouhetted against the walls were easy picking

I was on the hill to the east of the factory. Perfect view of all of you. You really should put some defense there. Its the only hill in the area and the first place a sniper would go.

Also im not a griefer. I just like PVP. I could have easily killed your friend who was in that barn earlier (remember when you messaged me saying she was friendly?) I decided theres no need because she was running around using a flashlight. Warmed my heart to see someone actually using a flashlight in day-z. Reminded me of when I was naive enough to do that.

As for your guys and your colony ... lol that was funnnnn. Realllllly jack-ass of you to kick me saying I have a thermal as50 when im using a m107. Cant you admin's just check the logs and see what weapons I was carrying?

I wish it was my clan in there. We are always looking for pvp but no one ever wants to. A hidden sniper shooting at us would be so fun. Would have listened for the sound of the gunshots, and exited the factory running in the opposite direction. Circled round the hill using super wide margin and taken the sniper out.

Really pathetic of you guys to panic so quickly.

Anyway good game. I just wanted to kill you guys. Wasn't going to steal that gaz that I could see parked in the factory.

I am the admin, and I did check your logs. I even provided them. A GAZ? You must be blind and retarded.

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I must admit those hills to the north and east do seem like a snipers paradise.

Unfortunately tools like Pico are the type of people who will flock to this site.

I like the idea though.

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ya, convenient how you pasted my whole log

then left out my weapons

and 30 sec later you post the TWS thing.

You were probably browsing to find what the tws log tag was so that you could post it, because the you saw M107 listed as my weapon

I can understand the admin panicking and shutting down the server because you think enemy is using a tws so you dont lose your UAZ (not gaz), but its pretty pathetic to try and lie about it later.

I'm not going to submit you for shutting down server. Its all in good fun. But lying about it in a meaningless discussion afterwards is pretty immature and inane of you.

Ask any sniper whether you can see through an m107 scope relatively clearly on a bright night when the moon is out and there is no clouds.

But even with the panicking thing, still makes no sense. Any experienced player who deals with snipers should know the difference in sound between an m107 and a as50. They sound nothing alike.

Edited by Clan-Pico
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Hopefully you guys are still there when I get off work tonight.

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Well that didnt work well, 2 people came in and shot up the entire complex, got it all on fraps, including me dying lol.

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Well that didnt work well, 2 people came in and shot up the entire complex, got it all on fraps, including me dying lol.

Somebody server hopped in, I took out one of the snipers attacking us when I was on the roof. A second sniper on the tallest hill took me out.

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Well that didnt work well, 2 people came in and shot up the entire complex, got it all on fraps, including me dying lol.

Well that didnt work well, 2 people came in and shot up the entire complex, got it all on fraps, including me dying lol.

Yea invisible and teleporting. Rofl.

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It was very interesting indeed, when the people hopped in, i was in that top room of the stairs with my DMR lookin down, all of a sudden, i start getting hit by an SD weapon from apparently nowhere, im fairly certain i would have seen someone walking into the room i was in, im not convinced it was hacks, but i do have my suspicions.

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Well that didnt work well, 2 people came in and shot up the entire complex, got it all on fraps, including me dying lol.


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Server taken overfrom hackers.... Got banned en route after meeting up with a nice guy in a barn... Then got banned by the hackers. :l kinda stinks that hackers ruin everyones fun tbh

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Seems fail, killed all of their security and then they re-started the server. SAD LOL. Apparently I was invisible and teleporting, nice server guys.

Edited by toxiczed

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Well just watched for like 25 mins and saw 2 or 3 small firefights and most recently someguys drove off with the V3S. Could have killed them but meh.

Edit: Bus and UAZ are still there.

Edited by HGMReturns

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Server taken overfrom hackers.... Got banned en route after meeting up with a nice guy in a barn... Then got banned by the hackers. :l kinda stinks that hackers ruin everyones fun tbh

Come on our TeamSpeak.. We'll sort this out

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Seems fail, killed all of their security and then they re-started the server. SAD LOL. Apparently I was invisible and teleporting, nice server guys.

You the cunt that came on TeamSpeak ? I provided you with logs of your addWeapon script in the script.log and you raged out because we caught you .:) Edited by HunterBoy

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If people are actually doing what you say Hunter, post the logs here. Seems like you get asshurt when someone raids your camp.

Regardless, if you need security, I'm willing to help. I also want to get some trading in. Is this still up?

Edited by Nick8478

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Honestly you guys need hacker protection. And in order for that o work is to get a hacker yourself to protect against griefers honestly hacking to precent hacking is 100% understandable in this situation

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Seems fail, killed all of their security and then they re-started the server. SAD LOL. Apparently I was invisible and teleporting, nice server guys.

As stated in my previous post, i dont like to call hacks, but in this case it did seem plausible. It is very possible that the guy could have climbed the ladder up onto the top story then popped around the corner into the room i was sitting i, as i didnt have a perfect view of that door, though i had a decent view, and i didnt see any movement. None of us are raging, and if it was you guys who killed us, thank you for leaving us the UAZ, we all appreciate that (no sarcasm). Also seems odd how this is your only post on the DayZ forums. Not sure if you were the actual guy on our server, or just some guy trying to get a rise out of us on the forums. Just saying, it does seem rather shady. We're just kinda on edge due to an increasing quantity of hackers among all the DayZ servers, and we have witnessed large amount of hacking on our server as well. (fools teleporting around sniping everyone on the server with an AS50 point blank, that sort of thing)

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