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Official US 1040 Colony Thread

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ok so you guys just blatantly killed me then banned me from ts when i tried to talk to you...

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ok so you guys just blatantly killed me then banned me from ts when i tried to talk to you...

LOL Dude, you were invisible and killing people inside the camp!

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Being apart of this community, I finally made my way to the colony and must say that it is very entertaining. I enjoy it very much and encourage others to join in on this fun.

US 1040

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LOL Dude, you were invisible and killing people inside the camp!

no i had been in your camp for about 20 minutes... i had traded my m24 for an as50 and bandaged up whoever found me when they went on patrol...

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no i had been in your camp for about 20 minutes... i had traded my m24 for an as50 and bandaged up whoever found me when they went on patrol...

no i had been in your camp for about 20 minutes... i had traded my m24 for an as50 and bandaged up whoever found me when they went on patrol...

You were never banned server side, it was TeamSpeak side and we resolved that via PM. Was the wrong person, you weren't the one having a go.

My video is uploading to youtube as I post this.

Will edit with link when it's done.


Sorry I have a life outside the internet.

My video is uploading to youtube as I post this.

Will edit with link when it's done.


Sorry I have a life outside the internet.

I've never restarted the server due to people dying, what would the point even be? Bodies vanish and they would still respawn on coast.

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You were never banned server side, it was TeamSpeak side and we resolved that via PM. Was the wrong person, you weren't the one having a go.

I've never restarted the server due to people dying, what would the point even be? Bodies vanish and they would still respawn on coast.

Yea right and your next excuse will be "It was a scheduled auto-restart" even though you don't have auto-restarts set up.

Video evidence does not lie :P

Edited by Yukkimura

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Lol LuminatX! Nice video. Your lucky you had a video. He woulda accused you of hacking or using a tws like he tried with me.

The main problem with their colony is they CHOSE THE WORST PLACE EVERRRRRRRRRRRR to set up a colony. So very bad.

They should have set up a colony on green mountain or devil's castle. Both locations are quite good, but devil's castle is very far so green mountain is the more ideal spot (like the guys from the Green mountain survivors group)

http://dayzmod.com/f...green mountain

Green mountain is amazing

- it is so heavily wooded

- no adequate hills you can snipe from.

- You are forced to climb the mountain at a steep angle with almost zero vision

- The tower itself on green mountain has a godly view. Multiple spotters can sit up there and see everything. Its also a protected perch so the spotters can simply go prone if their getting shot at.

- To top it off, the entire complex has a concrete wall around it so you are forced to enter through the gates. No matter how much sneaking around you do on the mountain, sooner or later you have to go through the gates.

I died 4 times trying to infiltrate green moutain survivors camp. I wanted to sneak up the mountain using trees and rocks to keep me out of their l85's. Then dispatch of any guards at the gate, and before they could react I wanted to place two satchel charges inside the tower base and see if i could blow the whole thing up and kill all their spotters up the tower. I only managed to make it to the top one time and there were more guards than I expected at the gate. I killed two with my mk48 before they shot my face off. Fun times.

Thats sort of what I was expecting when I got to this new colony. I took such a long time sneaking up that hill as carefully as possible. And to my suprise their riding around in a motor cycle making a bunch of noise. No guard on the obvious sniper hill, and utterly plain view snipers on the factory roof who were nicely sillouhetted against the concrete. Killed 5 of them including one in the compound before admin shuts down server and accuses me of using a tws lol.

Pick a better spot for your colony next time and stop the douchy admin behaviour.

Day-z's big 3 problems

1) hackers

2) inflation of high end gear because of easy duping

3) douchy admins who do stuff like shut down server when they are dying or when people raiding their camp.

I feel vindicated seeing as how LuminatX posted a clear video of the abusive admin behaviour.

How very convenient that the server "auto" shuts down the exact 30 seconds when they start opening fire on you and killing your guys. If you expect anyone to believe that ... lol

Edited by Clan-Pico
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I'm not trying to defend the server restarting, it does seem fishy, but why didn't you guys log back in 30seconds later when it came back up and finish the raid?

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who cares? why can't you all just leave them alone? all they are trying to do is set up a nice camp for people who don't want pvp. If you want to pvp you should just go to another server/colony. So stop all your bitching and move on, there's hundreds of servers to chose from. just saiyan

-the duck, a new member to the colony.

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Oh yes, a clear video of the server restarting. Such proof. Lmao. We don't restart when we get attacked, oh and the retard that says we need to move, yea lets go to green mountain with the artifacts because rocket cant fix what he broke :) sounds fun

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Oh yes, a clear video of the server restarting. Such proof. Lmao. We don't restart when we get attacked, oh and the retard that says we need to move, yea lets go to green mountain with the artifacts because rocket cant fix what he broke :) sounds fun

So, are you saying that the server auto-reset? It would be nice if you state a reason. It would make it so much easier for all of us to believe you. :)

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So, are you saying that the server auto-reset? It would be nice if you state a reason. It would make it so much easier for all of us to believe you. :)

With BEC you can have servers auto reset every few hours. It's done to ensure zombies and loot cycle correctly on the server for when admins aren't on, but we don't turn off the BEC when we're online so it will still auto restart.

So anymore raiders? 2 Failed attempts so far.

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I was trying to raid the colony approaching the downed helicopter for cover, my m1911 and double barrel with 2 slugs woulda pwned the whole place. Too bad the sniper had his hax going.

On a serious note, farming is pretty fun...


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Tell that to Wesley (One of 1040 head admins) who has been stalking me for a couple of days now, despite me changing my name multiple times. When asked why and how he said "I've got your GUID and IP and I do it because I can". Perhaps he's using something else than DayZ Commander.

Muhaha. im watching you yuki. always watching.

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funny, 6+ people on overwatch, and you die, which is obvious, and you call hax.

I was being sarcastic. Poking fun at the claims of you guys hacking.

I was shot because I was lost and ended up really close to the compound without knowing it was in sight. I was off the road with my pistol, which cannot be lowered, so yeah, my fault and I don't blame the sniper for killing me.

Edited by bad_mojo

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So was I executed by bandits at the colony? Or.....am I to be shot on sight now?

Your good mojo.

When the artifacts get fixed we're moving to green mountain

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It's a pretty good success besides the occasional sever hopping groups who usually don't last long. Today I donated 5 nvgs and a few guns for trade, but what I like best is all these scrub bandits that are helping us fill our tents to the brim :) thanks kids!!!!

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It's a pretty good success besides the occasional sever hopping groups who usually don't last long. Today I donated 5 nvgs and a few guns for trade, but what I like best is all these scrub bandits that are helping us fill our tents to the brim :) thanks kids!!!!

Too funny :D

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I heard that you guys need more security and I would love to help out. However I will ask you that you don't SHOOT ON SIGHT when someone approaches with their weapon lowered waiting at the front gate. I would be happy to help the bandit crisis.

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I heard that you guys need more security and I would love to help out. However I will ask you that you don't SHOOT ON SIGHT when someone approaches with their weapon lowered waiting at the front gate. I would be happy to help the bandit crisis.

Follow procedure and you wont be shot.

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