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Should I?

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I was recently killed and decided to switch servers since it was night and i didnt have any nvg's. After a few minutes I found myself and others teleported to the "ThunderDome". The hacker made a message go across my screen saying This is the Thunder Dome fight to youre death. He equipped us with as50 nato rounds coyote backpacks ghillie suits and other materials i hid from them and logged out. Is it morally wrong that i kept the things?

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Technically, nothing that can get you banned. From a moral point, you are aware that it is hacked items, so you should ditch the stuff. Preferably somewhere where nobody else can come across it.

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't throw away anything. If a hacker gives everyone in the server AS50's, well I personally hate the AS50 and love the 107 but the thing is he cost me all my previous gear. Moral high ground would be throw it all away but then I have no equipment to defend myself. Morally, yes I should do it but i'm not going to screw myself over just because a hacker ruined my gear. Considering i'm running with an L85/ SD m9/ M107 / all tools, coyote and ammo them giving me an as50 would be a downgrade :P

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