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About FUBBMisery

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  1. FUBBMisery

    Sniper vs Huey (A very intense fire fight)

    Taking out vehicles with the as50 is the best.
  2. FUBBMisery

    I shot at my first players tonight

    Nice it's pretty fun killing players. You should of stayed hidden and watch the other guy but I know how intense it is.
  3. Pretty badass right place right time.
  4. FUBBMisery

    Satchel Charges

    I changed I just didn't know what to title.
  5. FUBBMisery

    As50 hate

    Lucky he didn't want that stuff.
  6. FUBBMisery

    Alt+f4's How I Hate Them So Much.

    Actually if you read what I said I go after the snipers killing the noobs in the city.
  7. FUBBMisery

    Alt+f4's How I Hate Them So Much.

    I've had luck in the past with some good people being there. I usually don't snipe the people in elektro just go for the snipers. People in a v3s all decked out came there so why not ruin there day for picking on the noobs
  8. FUBBMisery

    Alt+f4's How I Hate Them So Much.

    That's a pretty fun gun to use where did you find it?
  9. FUBBMisery

    Satchel Charges

    We raided a few camps and stocked up on satchel charges. We planted them in the fire station and got a few kills. Then we decided to hit the control tower we got 1 kill then something great happened. A small squad rolled in and started looting around we didn't shoot them because we wanted to have fun with them. They had some zombies agro'd so they ran to the control tower They killed all the zombies so the fun part was about to happen. We detonated the satchel charges and got 4 kills. All and all it was a good day in the Apocalypse.
  10. FUBBMisery

    Should I?

    Ok I will i think i might just go out to sea when im bleeding and let myself die.
  11. I was sniping in elektro and I see a V3S with 3 people all ghillie suits pull up so I got excited. I zero'd in my as50 and took a shot. He laid down right before I shot so i missed. Him and his pussy friends Alt=f4'd. Since they wanted to leave when I was shooting at them i decided to blow up there v3s. I hope you guys dont miss it too much. To all the Alt+f4'ers it just makes the game not fun dying is a part of the game and if you're too attached to your gear to lose it go play call of duty you don't lose your stuff when you die.
  12. FUBBMisery

    Should I?

    I was recently killed and decided to switch servers since it was night and i didnt have any nvg's. After a few minutes I found myself and others teleported to the "ThunderDome". The hacker made a message go across my screen saying This is the Thunder Dome fight to youre death. He equipped us with as50 nato rounds coyote backpacks ghillie suits and other materials i hid from them and logged out. Is it morally wrong that i kept the things?
  13. Morgan. For about 3 weeks. Central. I will try my hardest. I like using my sniper but I also like the machine gun. fubbgaming I really love playing DayZ and would hope to be playing with you guys soon.