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Koot (DayZ)

WTF is happening to the server community.

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How about a 24 hour respawn timer on death? Suddenly it has consequences' date=' and that much more reason to try and avoid it. It forces players to stop and think about their own actions and what they can do the next time to avoid the same fate, and definitely discourages DM style gameplay.

It might also make defense of permanent installations more feasible, as you won't be as concerned about players respawning and coming back to continue the attack, and it would give you more of a chance to relocate once your position is discovered.

Maybe too hardcore for some, but in terms of experiments, it might be interesting.


I both like and dislike this.

Like - This would give death much more meaning, and create even more paranoia in player encounters. It would create a real desire to stay alive for more than 2 minutes, and less desire to risk engagement of other players.

Dislike - A night of playing could be ruined by griefers. This could potentially buff bandits and severely punish those who do not shoot-on-sight. Also, the game currently has a lot of bugs and I imagine people would be pissed if they got killed by a door and were unable to log in again for 24hrs.

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"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results".

1. Get a fucking plan.

2. Stop assuming everyone wants to survive.

3. Stop assuming everyone wants to cooperate.

4. Find the people (offline if needed) that want to do these things.

5. Trust those people and nobody else.

6. Don't be part of the fucking problem (avoid' date=' rather than kill).

This IS stupid. So do something about it. Posting "aw everyone kills everyone" on the forums is what people have been doing for ages. Has it worked? NO. So try something else. I see a few groups are doing different stuff, and they're keeping quiet about it. It's obvious from the database those people who are adjusting to the "anti-game" environment and those who aren't.

I don't have the resources or the inclination to balance the game, or develop some kind of punishment system. So that just ain't going to happen, even if it was within the scope of the project (and its not).

[b']So the DayZ world has gone to shit? Good. We're on track then. Because its a fucking Zombie Apocalypse.

Does this mean these stupid PvP threads will be deleted?

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This mod is simply 'a quest for stuff' with some added survival features. Similiar to Skyrim, Fallout, Diablo and the likes. Killing people gets you stuff, so... Why travel all the way to NW Airfield to scavenge when there's a guy you can kill with an M4A1 CCO standing right infront of you?

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Just as an idea

A nice way to stop server hoppers would be to have 1 character per server per player

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Well... I thought rocket and I were about to start a deep conversation on taking games seriously and wanting to feel real and new stuff with them, that was never possible with conventional games before. I was just about getting comfortable here. But I guess he's coding stuff and whatnot.

Going to sleep (not really, I'm always on).

Also, FlowerChild, just want to say I admire your work, sir.

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here's the thing, this plays out as one large game of TTT (trouble in terrorist town, it's a g-mod mod http://ttt.badking.net/ ) but there is no way to cast suspicion or essentially tag people doing shady stuff. take for example the reason i shoot on sight now and rarely team up with any randomers or even help them, loads of bandits using decoys friends or saying, "i'm friendly or screaming don't shoot if you get the drop, then the second you start to chat whatever you're shot in the head or from behind and there's no repercussion other than warning others on one server (which a lot of these guys just disconnect from the second they get found out or someone starts shooting at them).

if say inspecting bodies gave you say like what type of gun someone was killed with (caliber of rifle) or something, you might know what to look for and who to avoid.

also if you're just server hopping you're never going to make new friends or gain anyone's trust. stick to one or two servers and get to know the regulars and get to know them, they still may kill you, but at least you know it's not just someone server hopping and people you can have a chuckle with.

tl;dr there is no benefit to trusting randomers at this point vs shooting on sight since the risk outweighs the rewards at this point since there is no repercussions to psychological tactics like lying or using decoys.

personally i've just adapted to it and avoid the coast, hell i've had people i've chatted with for quite awhile just shooting the shit with on the few servers i frequent shoot me on sight and i just chalked it up to the game and congratulated them on a clean kill.

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That's just too much. Sometimes when I think on hardcore heavyweight stuff I smile and find it promising' date=' but then on second thought I see that it wouldn't work. It's too easy to die and the game is way to unpredictable lag-wise for that right now.

Plus, just imagining trying to shoot a decent survival series in the game with this respawn time is enough to lose your mind.


Well, I personally don't think you can balance a gameplay-experience based on people's desire to record videos, so let's take that one out of the equation :)

Obviously, 24 hours to respawn is a number I just pulled out of my ass, but would you feel the same way about 12, 4, 2, 1?

I think it's an idea at least worth considering, and in terms of the game as an experiment, I can't really think of that approach being taken before, at least in heavy doses, to try and induce a dose of consequence into this kind of gameplay experience.

Honestly, I can't fully predict the impact it would have on the game, but I do see the potential for it helping with a number of current problems (for example: server load) in one fell swoop.

Also, from a dev cost perspective, I've never looked at the Arma code, but I do know that this kind of thing can be easy to pull off in other engines. I personally try to balance cost/benefit in every feature I work on, so if something like this is trivial to implement (again, no idea if that's the case here), it might just be worthwhile to try out to see if it helps.

Anyways, just throwing it out there. Top of the head idea that I thought might motivate some constructive conversation :)

Also' date=' FlowerChild, just want to say I admire your work, sir.


Thanks man! I appreciate that!

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I'd feel good enough with half an hour period, but I'm pretty sure there'll be only like.... 5 people who agree on long respawns.

But we should keep in mind that maybe people would just fear dying so much that mutual trusting would be even harder.

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I'd feel good enough with half an hour period' date=' but I'm pretty sure there'll be only like.... 5 people who agree on long respawns.


From what I've seen from Rocket, I think he really doesn't give a shit how many people like an idea if he thinks it's the right thing to do. I probably wouldn't put forth an idea like this for any other mod, but he strikes me as the kind of guy that would have the balls to do something like this :)

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@ underscore' date='

Sorry mate, you are totally, and I mean totally wrong. Evolve with the game mechanic, I have, I do not stay near the coast, I have been as far N as Berezino and things happen there as they should.

If you want TDM or even DM then stay on the coast, evolve with it....

There are always social dynamics, just depends how you implement them,


Evolve? How about rocket and fanboys evolve? All I see is a bunch of lame ass excuses for lazy ass game design. Anybody can make any sort of game with any sort of rules and then when players say that it's not really all that fun to play or that the game is changing in such a way that the original intent has been lost, just retort with "evolve" and "balance is for bitches". We'll see who the bitches are when the majority of people - those people who came here for something other than shoot-man-with-gun - evolve to playing something more to their liking.

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The shoot man with gun crowd will likely leave well before people seeking a more broad gaming experience. There are a shit ton better games out there that provide that kind of experience.

Let the new car smell wear out before you judge the "state of the community"

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i just play day z like i would any roguelike, i expect to die, but expect to learn from that death and get further and last longer the next time i play.

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you know if you really wanted to throw a cat in amongst the pidgeons so to speak and shake things up a little...

wildfires in the towns. just periodically have one burn to the ground forcing everyone to run like hell.

after all, there are firefights, exposions and all that happening, plus no one to put out the fires. stands to reason somethings going to get out of control eventually forcing players to move to a new area will really help put people out of thier comfort zones.

some of these players in cities must have nice little camping spots set up and places where they just lurk.

burn em :P

Thats what I would do for a game mechanic. periodically shake things up in some way.

keep people guessing.

say dynamically ramp up zombie spawns in an area or spawn a small group of AI soldiers to camp a particular area with heavy firepower.

something like that. in a true survival atmosphere, things change and thats what makes it hardest. if you want people to really fight for survival. you need to keep them from getting into a comfort zone.

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i just play day z like i would any roguelike' date=' i expect to die, but expect to learn from that death and get further and last longer the next time i play.


You are awesome. This is how you are suppose to play. Not cry till you get your way. Your mommy isn't here to help you. People don't get rocket is shit on for his idea of HIS game. All because they cannot learn from THEIR mistakes. Once you learn from your mistakes it not bandits that make you upset, it is the bugs. I only get up set with bugs because I become fully immersed in my character.

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As for the rest' date=' I applaud you. You are exactly what I described in my last post. You're having a harder time and according to semantic you are being punished for being like this, and yet you stick with it, because it's who you chose to be in this world. It's perfect, it's admirable.[/quote']

How exactly am I being punished? Because that's pretty much the opposite of the point I was trying to make in describing my experience. I don't feel like the game has punished me at all, in fact it's rewarded me with an exciting and satisfying gaming experience.

Getting killed is never a punishment, it's an inevitability. No matter how well you hide alone in the woods, or surround yourself with friends to protect you, or roll those proverbial dice in infinite different ways, all you can -ever- hope to do is delay death for as long as possible; by making the right choices at the right times, to the best of your ability.

And making a wrong choice, even if it means losing everything, still isn't a punishment; it's just a consequence.

I'm also not being punished simply by existing in a world where bad people can do bad things and get away with it. That's life. I've demonstrated that I can be a good person doing good things, and get away with that too.


And I don't mean "right choice" in an ethical sense. The right choice for a bandit may or may not be to kill another player at a given moment in time. It's only the consequences which determine whether that choice was right or wrong... So by "right choice" in this context I simply mean those choices which ultimately lead to the best chance for continued survival.

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i just play day z like i would any roguelike' date=' i expect to die, but expect to learn from that death and get further and last longer the next time i play.


You are awesome. This is how you are suppose to play. Not cry till you get your way. Your mommy isn't here to help you. People don't get rocket is shit on for his idea of HIS game. All because they cannot learn from THEIR mistakes. Once you learn from your mistakes it not bandits that make you upset, it is the bugs. I only get up set with bugs because I become fully immersed in my character.

And yet, the only thing you learn at the end of the day is that the only way to truly survive is to join a clan

to join a clan, you have to be a bandit

to be a bandit, you have to be good at killing other players

to be good at killing other players, you have to be good at random deathmatches.

So the lesson of DayZ as is: When everything goes to shit, join a gang of bandits.

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The shoot man with gun crowd will likely leave well before people seeking a more broad gaming experience. There are a shit ton better games out there that provide that kind of experience.

Let the new car smell wear out before you judge the "state of the community"

Just to clarify, I actually have no problem with the shoot-man-with-gun crowd, per se. As long as they are acting within the rules, anybody should be allowed to play the game any damn way they please. And, this isn't even a traditional "balance" problem, either. Yes, a few more mechanics along the lines of the blood transfusions which incentivize some level of co-operation would be very helpful. But, no, I think the crux of the problem lies in the player-to-player interactivity. Although technically not possible, my ideal solution would be:

A) Direct VOIP Communication Only

B) No 3rd Party VOIP or Comms Allowed

Why? What would the effect on gameplay be? Well, considering everybody spawns all over the place, you couldn't just hop into servers and team up with your friends or clan members from the start. Now, consider that even without any additional game mechanics to encourage teamwork, it still is a major advantage for people to group together and run in packs. But, since now people are going to have a much harder time meeting up with their buddies from outside the game, they'd be forced to - wait for it - make new friends. *GASP* I know, a scary and dangerous concept. And a fun and realistic one which would lead to all kinds of crazy situations. Now, that's my idea of a social experiment.

Of course, the immediate problem this creates is that guys can still agree beforehand: "OK, everyone, we'll all meet at the church in Cherno. Avoid all contact until then." But, I think you'll find in practice such a system wouldn't play out in the clean, precise manner one might expect. In any case, it's just a daydream, since rule B is completely unenforceable

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As for the rest' date=' I applaud you. You are exactly what I described in my last post. You're having a harder time and according to semantic you are being punished for being like this, and yet you stick with it, because it's who you chose to be in this world. It's perfect, it's admirable.[/quote']

How exactly am I being punished? Because that's pretty much the opposite of the point I was trying to make in describing my experience. I don't feel like the game has punished me at all, in fact it's rewarded me with an exciting and satisfying gaming experience.

Getting killed is never a punishment, it's an inevitability. No matter how well you hide alone in the woods, or surround yourself with friends to protect you, or roll those proverbial dice in infinite different ways, all you can -ever- hope to do is delay death for as long as possible; by making the right choices at the right times, to the best of your ability.

And making a wrong choice, even if it means losing everything, still isn't a punishment; it's just a consequence.

I'm also not being punished simply by existing in a world where bad people can do bad things and get away with it. That's life. I've demonstrated that I can be a good person doing good things, and get away with that too.

You said the exact same thing that I had said before. You don't want to be good people all over the place because you wouldn't get as much satisfaction from your acts because it would be too common. You get your "fix" by being an excession and having a harder time because of that.

I can't feel satisfaction in being a killer because now everyone does it and it's commonplace, casual, mundane.

You think your motives are different? They are just as selfish as mine.

You'll defend that because you're getting your fix when there's no good guys. I'll defend my point because I'm not getting my fix of being a killer.

We are exactly the same, just be aware of that.

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There's always going to be chaos in an Apocalypse, until people settle somewhere, but since you can't really "secure" a place in DayZ given zombies continuously respawn there's no way of truly settling down, meaning that players will run around and scavenge until a certain point, then they'll be looking for challenges...

If PVP isn't going to be a main drive of this game, but instead a more realistic aspect to it, there needs to be features which allows players to "build a society" in some regard, to structure the world. Player owned property as have been mentioned plentiful.

The whole thing is a huge mind-boggle in terms of game design though, next generation thinking in order to make it come together.

Overall, everyone should just take a breather, sit back and provide some constructive feedback while awaiting what changes are in for the future. This is still alpha, and an alpha of a mod that did not expect to garner this amount of attention, so cut them some slack, chill, and let's all air out some ideas on how this mod can continue to be a great opportunity.

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i just play day z like i would any roguelike' date=' i expect to die, but expect to learn from that death and get further and last longer the next time i play.


You are awesome. This is how you are suppose to play. Not cry till you get your way. Your mommy isn't here to help you. People don't get rocket is shit on for his idea of HIS game. All because they cannot learn from THEIR mistakes. Once you learn from your mistakes it not bandits that make you upset, it is the bugs. I only get up set with bugs because I become fully immersed in my character.

yea the bugs honestly are more irritating than people having gankfests on the coasts, if you haven't learned that the coast has just all out untrustworthy activity. even then i know it's an alpha and bugs are to be expected, like today for example logging on and being stuck in the spawn area with loot i had accrued and being forced to respawn/kill myself or spend a few hours running across the nothingness in hopes of getting back actually on the main map and then making my way back to my party.

or say switching from a bandit skin back to survivor and losing my main weapon, ammo/grenades/loot, but am i screaming bloody murder about it? no, i check the bug forum, make a post with any relevant info there is, and am thankful i can help out and partake in this awesome alpha test.

this mod will evolve over it's development and testing and so will the player base. it's best to just wait for the final product to judge both the game and the community.

i just play day z like i would any roguelike' date=' i expect to die, but expect to learn from that death and get further and last longer the next time i play.


You are awesome. This is how you are suppose to play. Not cry till you get your way. Your mommy isn't here to help you. People don't get rocket is shit on for his idea of HIS game. All because they cannot learn from THEIR mistakes. Once you learn from your mistakes it not bandits that make you upset, it is the bugs. I only get up set with bugs because I become fully immersed in my character.

And yet, the only thing you learn at the end of the day is that the only way to truly survive is to join a clan

to join a clan, you have to be a bandit

to be a bandit, you have to be good at killing other players

to be good at killing other players, you have to be good at random deathmatches.

So the lesson of DayZ as is: When everything goes to shit, join a gang of bandits.

not really i just play with friends, occasionally help random survivors, but i don't need to have gankfests with noobs on the coast to learn how to play, that's what playing singleplayer and arma before this mod taught me. on the other hand i love shooting any bandits i chance across that aren't friends since there is no honor amongst thieves.

although sticking to just a couple of the same servers and getting to know the regulars goes a lot further in having an enjoyable experience rather than server hopping and say disconnecting if say a group of people have you pinned down like so many people seem to love to do.

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i just play day z like i would any roguelike' date=' i expect to die, but expect to learn from that death and get further and last longer the next time i play.


You are awesome. This is how you are suppose to play. Not cry till you get your way. Your mommy isn't here to help you. People don't get rocket is shit on for his idea of HIS game. All because they cannot learn from THEIR mistakes. Once you learn from your mistakes it not bandits that make you upset, it is the bugs. I only get up set with bugs because I become fully immersed in my character.

If you think I'm crying, then you better think again. I'm sneakier, more patient and a better shot than the vast majority of you mofos. I'm an ARMA player, so trust me when I say that I am more than capable of playing in your "cru3l, brut4l and l33t world". People like me are just pointing out that a vital part - hell, if I recall it was theoretically the initial concept of the game - is getting drowned out by all the KoS ROEs everybody has instituted of late.

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My entire response to this thread is stop fucking bitching, People killing people out of distrust is NORMAL in any survival situation. Get in and out of coastal towns as fast as u can. Get ur gear the peace the fuck out and head inland to other towns. Get people to come into a teamspeak or ventrilo and team-up and take over the world. Rocket is right, You guys complain on how well good players are doing. We know how to play and we have MUCH more too lose.

My current team is made up of 12 people now. 2 people originally, then we had 3-4 friends buy the game n play with us, then the rest have been people we put trust into, made them prove their trust, had them come into our Ventrilo and now we play daily together raiding towns, holding forts, conquering towns. Our next goal is to control the server and we will do it :D

And most of u people dont even understand, DayZ is in FUCKING ALPHA! ALPHA STANDS FOR NOT CLOSE TO BEING DONE! Mean LOTS of bugs and issues that need to be tweaked out. Means more components/content will be most likely added to the game. SO Chill the fuck out, stop bitching and create positive and creative ways to make this mod/game more enjoyable, NOT easier (because thats what most of the posts I see are saying)

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i just play day z like i would any roguelike' date=' i expect to die, but expect to learn from that death and get further and last longer the next time i play.


You are awesome. This is how you are suppose to play. Not cry till you get your way. Your mommy isn't here to help you. People don't get rocket is shit on for his idea of HIS game. All because they cannot learn from THEIR mistakes. Once you learn from your mistakes it not bandits that make you upset, it is the bugs. I only get up set with bugs because I become fully immersed in my character.

If you think I'm crying, then you better think again. I'm sneakier, more patient and a better shot than the vast majority of you mofos. I'm an ARMA player, so trust me when I say that I am more than capable of playing in your "cru3l, brut4l and l33t world". People like me are just pointing out that a vital part - hell, if I recall it was theoretically the initial concept of the game - is getting drowned out by all the KoS ROEs everybody has instituted of late.

That's funny too. The guys talking about carebears and how hardcore they are funnily enough are the guys that just showed up too.

The ones they call whinners are ARMA veteran players that'd probably take them and their l33t m4d gang before they even noticed to alert on their VOID channel.

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I remember a time when a server might have 1200 zombies or more and there was no bandit skin to argue about.

If it's a zombie apocalypse then put the zombies back in it. 2-3000 of them and a bunch of those in the woods. All these other "problems" will be solved.

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