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Koot (DayZ)

WTF is happening to the server community.

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How about the following suggestion:

- All players start infected. In XX hours in game time (real time while they are ingame, twice lower or less when offline) they will completely turn into zombie. To prevent this - vaccines are needed. Vaccines can be manufactured in 2-3 locations in the world, but the supply is limited. But you cant stockpile vaccines, since they are expired withing 24h from their production. Unused vaccines can be looted - and also, blood dead vaccinated players can be extracted and used as a vaccine via blood transfusion.

Depending on humanity - time for player to turn into zombie and time the vaccine works is reduced. This way - EVERY player will need to acquire vaccines regularly if they want to survive - either by producing them, trading them or killing other players that have them.

So either some group of people will organize and produce vaccine and defend the production, distributing or trading vaccine to other players. Or the evil guys will control the production themselves, making others organize against them to survive.

Since production is limited - even "good" players will have no other means of survival as turning rogue and killing the others if they cant acquire vaccine otherwise (however, each vaccinated player once per day can donate his blood to other player if he wishes. But other player can just kill him and extract his blood if he doesnt).

Humanity affects how much time since respawn takes until virus turns you into zombie and how long vaccine works. Thus players with low humanity have shorter spawn till aquirin vaccine than normal players, and need vaccines more often (however they can kill vaccinated players to survive).

The problem with this is - it could be abused by server switching, so the solution is - if player changes the server - he starts on it infected and infection timer resets.

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Make players wait 48 hours real time after a death before a new character can be created. I think that would solve a couple problems. Not sure if it is technically possible.

This would give a "game over" feel when you die. It would also cut down on server congestion.

This is one of the dumbest suggestions ever. Do you even think before you type? Do you have any idea how much new players die? I've stalked and watched them' date=' it takes the average idiot gamer a good 5-10 deaths at least before they get a clue, if you put a 48h period between dying sessions it'll never sink in. Also, the bandits will just grief harder because they'll have a bigger effect.


I'm guessing you're one of the run and gun, disposable life guys.

6-7 days surviving and 500 zed kills, only one bandit kill, I tend to stay out of people's way. Suck on that. If you require a pic, I'll have one as soon as the server responds.

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I just want to ask you all one question:

How exactly are you certain that any of the solutions you have proposed' date=' more zombies, random babies, turning bandits into butterflies or what have you is going to fix the game?

I see plenty of people complaining about how the game is running stale or whatever, but how is it that any of your solutions aren't going to end up in the same place?

Please, for the love of the great Zardoz in the sky, think about the effect your suggestions is going to have in a world currently populated by 100.000 players from all over the world before making them.

This is not about throwing random ideas around "just because nobody else is doing it", this is about finding balance that is all about being unbalanced and unfair.

Let that sink in for a moment.




Truth is, the problem lies in the player not the game.

People complain about others shooting on sight. Then, they decide they'll also shoot on sight. Therefore, they become part of the problem.

All you can do is oppose this behavior, players have to say that they WILL NOT shoot on sight. That they WON'T stand for this behavior, and that they WILL try to co-operate with others of similar character.

It's up to the players, will you contribute to the problem? Will you fight against it? Or will you just complain on the forums all-day long?

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30m, 60m, 24h or 48 h respawns... any of those would help make the game waaay beter, maybe gradually increase and see what works best, but i believe something between 1 and 24 hrs would do the trick.

The you would need skill and balls to survive, team up with people, take on the world together.

This mod has gone to shit lately.

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I've seen a lot of people put forward' date=' as some incontrovertible truism, this idea that in the absence of laws people revert to some natural instinct to murder each other on sight for the slightest of reasons.

I just don't accept that as true at all. I think facing a common threat as in DayZ, by far the overriding response would be to band together in the face of it.

I'm not trying to be insulting but perhaps it's a societal/cultural issue. Personally I just don't recognise that picture of humanity at all.

I live in a society where people rush into burning buildings to rescue complete strangers. Most people, upon seeing a burning building will call for help, assist as best they can without putting themselves at risk.

I don't understand how so many people here seem to think that on seeing a burning building the majority would naturally board up the doors and windows to trap the people inside and then go loot the garage of any valuables.

I think that's more of a bitter, lonely internet dweller's interpretation of what people are like. It tells me more about the person who feels like that than anything else.


You sir, have hit the proverbial nail on the head.

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2000 fucking zombies and at least 500 of them in the woods.

Where you are going to pitch a tent or how your group is going to take over some town or even deciding to shoot or not to shoot when you meet another player, all of that means shit when you have a real zombie apocalypse on your hands. Think about it.

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The most popular stream on Twitch right now is a guy running around the coast trying to get as many kills before he dies. Training Zombies on people. Gaming the system. That's what I think the OP is saying with this thread. He's not trying to survive.

Why should he? He obviously enjoys that style of play. If he wants to die every 5 minutes then that's his choice. He must know people are there, did they fire at him? Did they give their location away in chat? Did they light a flare or use a chemstick?

I watched a guy the other day during a game and he was being chased by about 15 zombies, I knew he had little chance to survive so I had a choice, open fire and help or run the risk of him running straight towards me and we both die, I did nothing, I don't know if he survived or not but that was my choice.

The game is based on survival, if I'm opening fire every 5 minutes or running everywhere like an idiot I'd expect to get shot (exclude the spawn campers as that happens in every game) but I fail to see any solution to people being shot in X location and they respawn and go straight back to that location. They want their loot and will probably be shot again.

I've been alive for almost 3 days, I have enough water/food/ammunition to keep me going, I've been into and out of areas where bandits are and other survivors, I've never pulled the trigger yet on a survivor and I've never even seen a bandit yet according to some they are running amok everywhere and every survivor will shoot on sight.

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So we want DayZ to be know not as a "zombie" survival mod' date=' but a "dickhead" survival mod?[/quote']

To be fair, all the best, classic zombie movies are "dickhead" survival stories at their core, which is why I don't mind the "dickheads" in DayZ. In fact I think it's amazing that Rocket's designless game has replicated the genre so well just by leaving it up to the players to do their many and varied thing.

On the subject of PKers, the only reason they get to do their thing is because nobody is trying to stop them.

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Why people are still trying to suggest complex random stuff? Rocket's not even here anymore' date=' guys.


He was here while I was typing :P

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I've seen a lot of people put forward' date=' as some incontrovertible truism, this idea that in the absence of laws people revert to some natural instinct to murder each other on sight for the slightest of reasons.

I just don't accept that as true at all. I think facing a common threat as in DayZ, by far the overriding response would be to band together in the face of it.

I'm not trying to be insulting but perhaps it's a societal/cultural issue. Personally I just don't recognise that picture of humanity at all.

I live in a society where people rush into burning buildings to rescue complete strangers. Most people, upon seeing a burning building will call for help, assist as best they can without putting themselves at risk.

I don't understand how so many people here seem to think that on seeing a burning building the majority would naturally board up the doors and windows to trap the people inside and then go loot the garage of any valuables.

I think that's more of a bitter, lonely internet dweller's interpretation of what people are like. It tells me more about the person who feels like that than anything else.


This in a nutshell, what we've been told is not what is here. This isn't a zombie survival mod that emphasizes survival via socializing, it's just a hypothetical of "what would people do if there were no repercussions in an apocalypse, even death."

Perhaps we THINK that DayZ is what society would be like because we assume that ourselves, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy where WE ARE what we believe society to be. We say we would act like this, then act differently in reality, but DayZ can only truly be enjoyed when we value the player like with more than pixels. This is, admittedly, in Role Playing territory, so I can imagine how bad it would be taken.

In other words, DayZ is what MANY want when it is in a heavy Role Play environment. Is that what rocket wants? I don't know, he hasn't told me. Regardless, it's a game, so RPing is scarce, and as a result, the socializing is bar none. The only real option is to simply stop and go somewhere else. Not because the game is too hard or too easy, but because it's not what one is interested in.

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A couple aspects of survival that I think haven't been touched on yet are mental and emotional distress. Unfortunately no game I have played has come close to conveying these through the screen. However' date=' the Sims does a great job of showing us how important it is for humans to socialize. Socializing keeps us sane. When people get scared - they want to talk (you see it in a movie theater all the time watching a scary movie). All the "bad guys" who are deathmatching on the coast have no reason to stop bean-camping. Socializing could be that reason.

Using a meter on the lower-right of the screen you could introduce this. Staying within a certain proximity (5m, 10m, 20m...?) of another player makes the meter go up. This is to simulate you socializing with another human. Talking, sharing stories, giving advice, and other things like that will happen naturally when folks stay in close proximity to one another to raise their social meter. The more people around - the faster it increases, promoting sticking together and sharing information.

Murders give a negative modifier to the speed at which this increases. Talking to someone who has murdered another human is strange. They don't see the world through the same eyes as a non-murdering person does. This affects their ability to socialize with regular folks. So a player with 0 murders regenerates their Social meter at 100%. A player with 50 murders regenerates their Social meter at 75% (-.25% per murder). It can never drop below 10% and here's why: when your Social is below 50% you will do what crazy/brilliant/un-socialized people do - you talk to yourself.

Talking to yourself is disturbing, annoying, and/or hilarious depending on your point of view. It could also affect gameplay by making noise. Matter of fact it will certainly affect gameplay by making noise. To get rid of this you need to Socialize.

So, bad guys, have fun socializing with your murderous pals. It will take a long time for any of you to trust one another (slow regeneration because they are all mass murderers) but you'll find some common ground eventually. Meanwhile, the bean-searchers are merrily chatting it up all the way North, to the forest.


People are complaining not about Survival-Hunters killing other players, they are complaining about Call of Duty kids. And "insanity" meter, while great mechanic that actually makes sense (by all means, add it! And make it affected not only by player interaction! Fear too!), will not affect them since they dont try to survive for long and care about death in first place. As long as they can kill in duration of their life, they are happy.

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Jesus H christ.

I feel your pain Rocket, i really do man, how long has this mod been out now? a month or more? and most people STILL dont understand what youre trying to do here.

I think this is a kick in the balls to the way developers treat their players, i mean, look at the state of this fucking thread, you present this idea of a brutal post apocalyptic world where its dog eat dog and what do you get? people want BALANCE? fucking BALANCE? are you shitting me? the mechanics are balanced, players just need to fucking ADAPT.

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Man what is wrong with you people?

Why does every "problem" have to mean something is WRONG with the game? There's nothing wrong with the game, the game is there for you to make what you want of it. Just because some players are enjoying a deathmatch, doesn’t mean you have to. If you want to head to the wilderness and survive, then do it, you don’t need any of the Dmers. If you want to join the great bean war, its happening all the time, head to Cherno or Elektro. If you want to sit on top of the ATC in the airfield with a sniper and not allow anyone within 700 metres of it, do it. You can. DayZ is what you make of it.

I have been killed in Cherno and Elektro by people who were not very friendly, a few times. I've also killed people who I got the jump on in Cherno & Elektro, because you don't have time to make friends in those cities. I've killed people on the beach and been killed on the beach.

I prefer to spend my time up north.

Social Interaction DOES happen on this game, your just apparently not a part of it.

4 days ago, late at night I was heading to Elektro when I came by a survivor standing in a flare, soon a second survivor joined him and they fought off some zombies, then a third and fourth joined. I approached this newly formed group, they were a hoping to head to Elektro as a group and get some loot, but didn't know the way. I offered to help them, so we set out towards Elektro.

A group of 5 on the way, I tried to lead them where they wanted. Several times they aggroed near by Zombies, threw down flares and engaged. I didn’t engage in the combat, I watched and bandaged, and tried to encourage them to take my lead and not run everywhere.

Soon enough we lost one survivor to the zombie horde, as he could not help but stumble into them. Survival of the fittest.

I warned the others not to run so much and follow my lead, if I proned, they prone, if I walk, they walk, and explained the mechanisms to them.

By the time we reached Elektro, it was me and one other chap, the others did not make it. One we lost to an ambush, the other to the zombies.

So yes, along the way we did get attacked by other players (probably your so called "DEATHMATCHERS") but you know what? That’s the point of the game, I want to be afraid I could be attacked by other players at any time, it was something I was prepared for the whole time and constantly alert for, at the time it happened there were 4 of us and we only lost 1 person from our group.

Now this other chap who made it to Elektro, he was pretty hopeless, poor shot, made lots of noise, upset the zombies a lot, but somehow we got him all the way to the convenience store in Elektro.

Nowadays he is still alive, he lives up in the north now, the other day we were crawling through some trees in the airfield trying to flank a position, a bandit snuck up behind me and this chap put him down with a silenced pistol to the back of the head, he saved me life.

We've had many adventures together up North, met other players, shared and most importantly SURVIVED.

There are people out there that want to survive and cooperate, its just hard to trust them.

Nothing is wrong with the game. It's fine the way it is. Stop demanding things being changed.

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People are already waiting hours to get into a server. Do you really think they'll give up their current video game fix just because they had to wait a day or two to log in?

Maybe, just maybe, with such a penalty, new players would actually try to find someone to team up with that knows the ropes. People would be less likely to go in guns blazing.

If they do leave, never to play again, so what. The game will be left with a more dedicated group of players. Also, the 48 hour period is just an arbitrary number.

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Given kids and renters.

What did you honestly expect?

Look at the shit going on in the server channel. (cheap servers for rent and everything is peachy!!... 100mb unlimited bandwidth. no congestion, old assed Xeons that can't do the job an they'll pour out more heat than processing power...grow the fuck up).

Its a feeding frenzy of fuck wits and liars..

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A couple aspects of survival that I think haven't been touched on yet are mental and emotional distress. Unfortunately no game I have played has come close to conveying these through the screen. However' date=' the Sims does a great job of showing us how important it is for humans to socialize. Socializing keeps us sane. When people get scared - they want to talk (you see it in a movie theater all the time watching a scary movie). All the "bad guys" who are deathmatching on the coast have no reason to stop bean-camping. Socializing could be that reason.

Using a meter on the lower-right of the screen you could introduce this. Staying within a certain proximity (5m, 10m, 20m...?) of another player makes the meter go up. This is to simulate you socializing with another human. Talking, sharing stories, giving advice, and other things like that will happen naturally when folks stay in close proximity to one another to raise their social meter. The more people around - the faster it increases, promoting sticking together and sharing information.

Murders give a negative modifier to the speed at which this increases. Talking to someone who has murdered another human is strange. They don't see the world through the same eyes as a non-murdering person does. This affects their ability to socialize with regular folks. So a player with 0 murders regenerates their Social meter at 100%. A player with 50 murders regenerates their Social meter at 75% (-.25% per murder). It can never drop below 10% and here's why: when your Social is below 50% you will do what crazy/brilliant/un-socialized people do - you talk to yourself.

Talking to yourself is disturbing, annoying, and/or hilarious depending on your point of view. It could also affect gameplay by making noise. Matter of fact it will certainly affect gameplay by making noise. To get rid of this you need to Socialize.

So, bad guys, have fun socializing with your murderous pals. It will take a long time for any of you to trust one another (slow regeneration because they are all mass murderers) but you'll find some common ground eventually. Meanwhile, the bean-searchers are merrily chatting it up all the way North, to the forest.


People are complaining not about Survival-Hunters killing other players, they are complaining about Call of Duty kids. And "insanity" meter, while great mechanic that actually makes sense (by all means, add it! And make it affected not only by player interaction! Fear too!), will not affect them since they dont try to survive for long and care about death in first place. As long as they can kill in duration of their life, they are happy.

Well then I guess it shouldn't go away when you respawn then. Eventually all of those batshit crazy bean-warriors will become batshit crazy and we will hear them laughing and talking to themselves before they have a chance to shoot us.

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Jesus H christ.

I feel your pain Rocket' date=' i really do man, how long has this mod been out now? a month or more? and most people STILL dont understand what youre trying to do here.

I think this is a kick in the balls to the way developers treat their players, i mean, look at the state of this fucking thread, you present this idea of a brutal post apocalyptic world where its dog eat dog and what do you get? people want BALANCE? fucking BALANCE? are you shitting me? the mechanics are balanced, players just need to fucking ADAPT.


I don't think even you understand. Considering how little he speaks of this, I think none of us do and none of us should act like we do. Rocket always showed concern about the devaluation of life that would cause killing a casual thing. He's just stating that people should try to do something in the game instead of expecting the game to solve it for them (even if it's not possible in this scenario). He doesn't agree with what's going on now, he showed concern in previous situations that life expectancy went to the gutter. He's just tired and backed in a corner where there's no real solution to fix this. I can only assume the thousand of things that he has in mind now, but certainly "Oh, this is the game I wanted!" it's not one of them.

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This in a nutshell' date=' what we've been told is not what is here. This isn't a zombie survival mod that emphasizes survival via socializing, it's just a hypothetical of "what would people do if there were no repercussions in an apocalypse, even death."

Perhaps we THINK that DayZ is what society would be like because we assume that ourselves, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy where WE ARE what we believe society to be. We say we would act like this, then act differently in reality, but DayZ can only truly be enjoyed when we value the player like with more than pixels. This is, admittedly, in Role Playing territory, so I can imagine how bad it would be taken.

In other words, DayZ is what MANY want when it is in a heavy Role Play environment. Is that what rocket wants? I don't know, he hasn't told me. Regardless, it's a game, so RPing is scarce, and as a result, the socializing is bar none. The only real option is to simply stop and go somewhere else. Not because the game is too hard or too easy, but because it's not what one is interested in.


Hi, I guess I'm not really talking about pk'ing. In fact I'm not really talking about DayZ. If people want to kill each other in a video game because there's an advantage or just for 'shits n giggles' etc then I'm fine with that. It's just a game, enjoy it as you will.

I'm just talking about the people who try to justify their behaviour by saying "this is what people would do under these circumstances." When asked why they sit on a roof for hours ignoring zombies and sniping noobs coming off the beach. It's ridiculous to me to try and explain that behaviour as somehow representing the way people would act in real life.

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The reality of this mod, is the reality of people's definition of reality, when the reality is, zombie apocalypse is not a reality. This is a video game. He is asking for mechanics...not suggestions on how the game development ideas. That is, when you turn your steering wheel left, why does the car go left. Not why you should turn the car left.

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If a literal zombie outbreak occurred don't you think there would be alot of untrusting people who would fight to survive? Oh' date=' wait i'm playin' carebears mmorpg. Sorry wrong game.


Way to be an idiot, mr. "Carebear".

You completely missed the point, almost NOONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT SURVIVING, it's turning into call of duty: skyrim edition.


people who want to try and survive near the coast and are mad that it isnt possible

im in a group of seven survivors now we're camping out around stary so that we can all get some decent weapons and ammo then we'll be heading east into the quieter regions of the map and establishing our own little enclave.

Ive had similar events happen on several servers, the game is hardly this COD skyrim edition people keep qqing about.

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Jesus H christ.

I feel your pain Rocket' date=' i really do man, how long has this mod been out now? a month or more? and most people STILL dont understand what youre trying to do here.

I think this is a kick in the balls to the way developers treat their players, i mean, look at the state of this fucking thread, you present this idea of a brutal post apocalyptic world where its dog eat dog and what do you get? people want BALANCE? fucking BALANCE? are you shitting me? the mechanics are balanced, players just need to fucking ADAPT.


I don't think even you understand. Considering how little he speaks of this, I think none of us do and none of us should act like we do. Rocket always showed concern about the devaluation of life that would cause killing a casual thing. He's just stating that people should try to do something in the game instead of expecting the game to solve it for them (even if it's not possible in this scenario). He doesn't agree with what's going on know, he showed concern in previous situations that life expectancy went to the gutter. He's just tired and backed in a corner where there's no real solution to fix this. I can opnly assume the thousand of things that he has in mind now, but certainly "Oh, this is the game I wanted!" it's not one of them.

Exactly. This game nor it's developer will fix itself.

It is up to the community to stop complaining and actually oppose this behavior in-game.

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I've seen a lot of people put forward' date=' as some incontrovertible truism, this idea that in the absence of laws people revert to some natural instinct to murder each other on sight for the slightest of reasons.

I just don't accept that as true at all. I think facing a common threat as in DayZ, by far the overriding response would be to band together in the face of it.

I'm not trying to be insulting but perhaps it's a societal/cultural issue. Personally I just don't recognise that picture of humanity at all.

I live in a society where people rush into burning buildings to rescue complete strangers. Most people, upon seeing a burning building will call for help, assist as best they can without putting themselves at risk.

I don't understand how so many people here seem to think that on seeing a burning building the majority would naturally board up the doors and windows to trap the people inside and then go loot the garage of any valuables.

I think that's more of a bitter, lonely internet dweller's interpretation of what people are like. It tells me more about the person who feels like that than anything else.


This in a nutshell, what we've been told is not what is here. This isn't a zombie survival mod that emphasizes survival via socializing, it's just a hypothetical of "what would people do if there were no repercussions in an apocalypse, even death."

Perhaps we THINK that DayZ is what society would be like because we assume that ourselves, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy where WE ARE what we believe society to be. We say we would act like this, then act differently in reality, but DayZ can only truly be enjoyed when we value the player like with more than pixels. This is, admittedly, in Role Playing territory, so I can imagine how bad it would be taken.

In other words, DayZ is what MANY want when it is in a heavy Role Play environment. Is that what rocket wants? I don't know, he hasn't told me. Regardless, it's a game, so RPing is scarce, and as a result, the socializing is bar none. The only real option is to simply stop and go somewhere else. Not because the game is too hard or too easy, but because it's not what one is interested in.

Nope, DayZ is not indicates the mentality of mankind at the apocalypse at all - since usually the man does not re spawn right after death, and as historical experience shows, in crisis situation except for people loosing sanity and nerves, sane people understand that only chance of survival is organization - be it stranded ship, enemy attacking your town or earthquake.

DayZ is more a simulator of Somalia with random bandit gangs high on drugs fighting each other for no real reason, with life expectation depending on weather drugs or random bullet would kill them first.

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The reality of this mod' date=' is the reality of people's definition of reality, when the reality is, zombie apocalypse is not a reality. This is a video game. He is asking for mechanics...not suggestions on how the game development ideas. That is, when you turn your steering wheel left, why does the car go left. Not why you should turn the car left.


To take your model: None of us are mechanics. We have no idea how the inner machinations of this car that is DayZ works, or we would probably be making it ourselves. All we can do is say "we should either turn left, or be forced to run off the road because of a curve in the road"

We can't say HOW the car should turn, simply because we are not mechanics.

As to "let the players do it" there falls this one issue: Multiple servers. Yes, players can create elite "bandit hunting" squads, or even secure areas for players to survive, but by the time we get enough to do that, the bandits can just disconnect and join a server that's NOT doing it, or even being a bandit server itself.

The game then, by definition, becomes a ton of little games. It would be like World of Warcraft with unlimited/free server transfers. Where do you think the horde will go? Where the horde is dominant in PvP.

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Jesus H christ.

I feel your pain Rocket' date=' i really do man, how long has this mod been out now? a month or more? and most people STILL dont understand what youre trying to do here.

I think this is a kick in the balls to the way developers treat their players, i mean, look at the state of this fucking thread, you present this idea of a brutal post apocalyptic world where its dog eat dog and what do you get? people want BALANCE? fucking BALANCE? are you shitting me? the mechanics are balanced, players just need to fucking ADAPT.


I don't think even you understand. Considering how little he speaks of this, I think none of us do and none of us should act like we do. Rocket always showed concern about the devaluation of life that would cause killing a casual thing. He's just stating that people should try to do something in the game instead of expecting the game to solve it for them (even if it's not possible in this scenario). He doesn't agree with what's going on know, he showed concern in previous situations that life expectancy went to the gutter. He's just tired and backed in a corner where there's no real solution to fix this. I can opnly assume the thousand of things that he has in mind now, but certainly "Oh, this is the game I wanted!" it's not one of them.

More than anything, this game is a social experiment, so any and all of the suggestions in this thread will more than likely flat out kill what the game is about.

The game is amazing BECAUSE there is no punishment/reward for certain actions, what people do, they do because they want/have to, as soon as you introduce some arbitrary scale of punishment and reward you kill that spontaneity, even now, with the humanity scale hidden, ive started seeing alot more interesting situations arising in the chat channel, because there isnt some ever present number judging your actions now. If anything, the game could use LESS restrictions.

What the 'solution' is (if any) is implementing more indirect reasons to do things, more loot areas, different kinds of loot etc, introduce aspects of the game that can be completed in groups, solo, whatever.

Just dont start introducing bullshit arcade style mechanics that funnel you into one camp or another, simply for the sake of someone's definition of 'balance'.

It really is interesting to see how gamers react when there is no 'us vs them' mentality to fall back on when it comes to conflict, we're so used to being pointed in the direction of what to shoot at and why we should shoot at them, that when presented with a completely free form, open world, it all goes to shit and people cant handle it.

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