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Koot (DayZ)

WTF is happening to the server community.

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Yeah that's the only thing I can think of "doing about it".

The zombies are no threat anymore. Used to be people thought twice about popping off a round lest the zombies come running and rape and pillage your hopes and dreams.

Not so anymore. I can walk within 5 meters of them and they give zero fucks.

The increase in amount of zombies won't help if they don't care about dieing in the first place. The people that the OP is talking about are people that don't care about surviving. They are running (while standing up) into places or people and pulling the trigger as many times as they can.

The only thing I can say to players that would like to survive is to just stay in the shadows, and let those players kill themselves off while you come in afterwards and pillage. If there's one thing that this game has taught me, it is patience. 9 times out of 10 the person with the most patience will win any scenario in this game.

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"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results".

1. Get a fucking plan.

2. Stop assuming everyone wants to survive.

3. Stop assuming everyone wants to cooperate.

4. Find the people (offline if needed) that want to do these things.

5. Trust those people and nobody else.

6. Don't be part of the fucking problem (avoid' date=' rather than kill).

This IS stupid. So do something about it. Posting "aw everyone kills everyone" on the forums is what people have been doing for ages. Has it worked? NO. So try something else. I see a few groups are doing different stuff, and they're keeping quiet about it. It's obvious from the database those people who are adjusting to the "anti-game" environment and those who aren't.

I don't have the resources or the inclination to balance the game, or develop some kind of punishment system. So that just ain't going to happen, even if it was within the scope of the project (and its not).

[b']So the DayZ world has gone to shit? Good. We're on track then. Because its a fucking Zombie Apocalypse.

I hear you.

I'm just waiting for you guys to get my servers set up....so all my guys can be together in one instance and we CAN play together.

Right now it's a pain in the dick trying to get into the same server because they're all full.

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It is madenning for me that you guys see something unbalanced and you instantly think something needs to be changed in the game.


You need to change to the new environment. EA and blizzard aren't here to balance the fuck out of the game. You're going to have to do that yourselves.

Jesus it's like weening someone off herion.

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So what are you guys going to do about it?

Bitch and moan here?

Or are you going to do something about it?

I shoot everymotherfuckerbody on sight. They say "friendly", I reply "friendly", RA RA RA RA RA , akmedicine to the chest.

Only reason I play this mod is because I can grief people and ruin their experiences.

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Dont quadruple the Zombies, it will make even more a COD of this game.

Just leave the server and seek another one - I do so when I see much immature texts in chat. Fortunately I'm still managing to find some interesting servers, where you can talk with mature persons. But I'm a loner hiding in the woods, so I don't see much of a fight.

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It seems like every thread I look at, there's always this 'People camping the coast! Someone do something about it!' thing going on. Personally, I have never, ever ran into this sort of situation. There was nobody camping where I spawned in, and most people I've met near the coast were friendly, including some of the bandits. The only two times I've died by a player's hand was when I startled someone I was working with when I rounded a corner, and when some asshole shot me in the back five times when I never asked him if he was friendly or not. I can see the 'Bean wars' being a problem, but like I've said, I've never had it happen to me.

There is a possible fix to this, how about we set up a zone of cease fire? In this area along the coast, whenever someone points a gun at a player, they can't shoot at the player or perhaps the bullets don't hurt the player. This makes the whole spawn PvP a non-issue and forcing players to get along until they go further inland. Go ahead and call me a 'carebear', but if it's this bad and hand-holding is necessary, do it.

As for zombies being no threat anymore, I disagree. Often, I'm by myself after I just spawned, in the fricking dark, and I just get raped every time I enter a town to stock up on supplies. Even when I had my Winchester, I knew all it would take was one zombie getting the jump on me and I would die. Maybe I'm just a loner, but christ, I'm having enough problems trying to get on to a server that's day. Shouldn't the days be longer now?

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I hear you.

The popularity of the game combined with its difficulty have resulted in an exacerbation of the Bean Wars to epic proportions. Just move from the bean wars... and go north.

Yeah, avoid coastal deathmatch so you can get killed by a bandit fully kitted and laying prone watching a town with their CZ. I get why they're having the deathmatches down there. At least they have a chance. This 'camping' of loot spawn is just ridiculous.

I no longer go into towns I just run wide of them looking for the bandits who prone and just watch the entrances to buildings. I never understood camping in competitive FPS titles, I realllllly don't get it in a zombie apocalypse sim.

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(Disclaimer: The poster believes fully that there are exceptions to every rule, but to avoid the point being watered down by disclaimers every 2 sentences, bear in mind that broad generalizations are made. There are still people that care about survival, or clearly this thread would have not been made)

Anti-carebear mentality drove the game to a total deathmatch. The elitists gang-downrepped me to hell and gone when I said we need to lighten up on the anti-carebear shit and look what happened. The elitists ran off the sociable side of the community with flaming and trolling, and we let them because we thought that's all part of the game. Sure, someone whining the game was too hard was annoying, but advice was what they needed, not to be drawn and quartered.

Now we're (mostly) left with players that love to player kill, not cooperate ala survival and working together. Nowadays, anyone that wants to team up and work together is labelled a carebear and pretty much griefed by the community. The harassment drove the social people away, and now DayZ pays the price by being less about survival, and more about killing each other.

Now they left, and all that's left are bean targets or Bandits that deathmatch for fun. Sorry if you're the minority that's still holding out, I feel for you, and as for what rocket said? Unless we can start banning RDMers, it won't change. Unfortunately, to rid the game of killing each other kills the entire point of the game (It's part of survival, I agree) and the fear for your life carries very little weight when you can respawn and head to Zelen or Krasno to stock up.

You can downvote me for saying this all you want, you can claim I'm a carebear when in reality, I want the game to be harder, but you can't deny that social interaction occurs either here on the forums or pre-made clans, but never actually in-game.

This is your pure zombie survival apocalypse game with full open PvP and no whiners trying to make the game easier, or spread any kind of goodwill in order to bring the community together. This is the hardcore only, balls out game that everyone wanted. It's total anarchy with no consequences, even to personal life, and a total lack of "carebear" balance. This is what you asked for, but it's not what you really wanted. I said before on another game forum that PvP was a dominant trait, and this is exactly what I was talking about. Yes, rocket has an awesome idea, but we unfortunately lack the community to keep it the vision he wanted. Whether we return to that vision or not is simply a matter of time.

You really do have nobody to blame but the vocal minority this time. My solution would be to make the mere thought of firing a gun a heavy factor. Greatly increase the gun-aggro radius, heavily increase the damage infected do, and SERIOUSLY pump up the number of infected within 200m of large towns. That's an idea, it's been said before, but it kinda does need to be said again.

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I don't have the resources or the inclination to balance the game' date=' or develop some kind of punishment system. So that just ain't going to happen, even if it was within the scope of the project (and its not).


For a mod I would say this is probably the best one I've tried (even worth picking up arma2). But if you want to resell me the game (and I'm guessing you do b/c of your recent thread) you're definitely going to need to offer more content, that's just a fact. You'll get the diehard fanboys sucking you off saying it's perfect as is but I can guarantee you no one would pay $30 again in addition to the $30 they've thrown down here already for the same content.

I'm not looking for punishment for bandits, I'm looking for 100% accessible buildings (annoying looking for the 2 buildings that are actually buildings in a city), operational structures (power plants, gas stations, factories, etc), and what not. You want players to actually do stuff besides kill other groups, there has to be a REASON. Why would I *not* kill another group?

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I just want more zombies than we have now, lots more.

I don't spend any time on the coast unless I've come to collect a friend that has died or some such, and while down there I will kill everything that isn't my friend. Why? Because they are a threat not only to me but my friends. Once done getting together we move back up north, I've actually played very little on the coast and intend to keep it that way.

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Jesus it's like weening someone off herion.

Haha, pure gold! I completely agree. Do not compromise, it's the brutality of this game that has made it so popular.

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There is a possible fix to this' date=' how about we set up a zone of cease fire?[/quote']

But it's also a social experiment - you wish to make a zone of cease fire - try doing it yourself in the game, you wish to make some "safe heaven" - try doing it with your group in some place, try doing all those things as in real life - without forced coding. If it doesn't work, it just says something about poor efforts, or people playing the game.

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But seriously now, rockie. If you're putting your hopes on people and think they'll eventually think "this is wrong, let's play this game in the right way and take the most out of this experience", I'm sorry but it won't happen.

Even if all of us here stopos killing to send the message, to not be a part of the problem, we are deeply outnumbered. It's just not possible.

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buncha pansies whining in here. go team up, work as a team and organise a fight back on the murdering fools, gather gear and guns and just mow em down en masse as they come crawling up off the shoreline. jeeeeeze.

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See, you guys still have it all wrong.

You realize how hard it is to get in game? These guys WANT to play. They have a fucking plan. They have a strategy. They have strategy. And they aren't here posting about it.

You call them "COD kiddies" and "deathmatch" but the fact is, they operate under the same rules and restrictions as you guys and if anything, they have MORE to loose than you. When you spawn you have everything you need to survive, but you can't PK too easy.

What I see, when I look at the data, is that some of the PK guys are fucking organized. They know exactly what they are doing.

Have you guys ever read the book "the Stand" by Stephen King? If not, then go fucking read it right now. And then I can tell you that that shit, in that book, is happening right now. The bad guys are doing way fucking better at this game than the good guys. Because the good guys keep coming on the forums to post how the bad guys win.

Why do we regard heroes so highly? Why do we praise people for doing the right thing? Because it is fucking hard, because it easier to be a dickhead.

I think maybe you guys are too used to "balance" and the game simply supporting your choice to play in a certain way.

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If you guys are whining about no one to cooperate with THEN JOIN A FUCKING GROUP

The game is so much better when you have a group to communicate and work with

There's plenty of them to join

Do that instead of whining about how the game needs to be changed

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I think the majority of these battles are around the coast, I don't know, I don't stay there, I've been alive for almost 3 days now and seen only 1 survivor so far.

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Most of the servers are filled with idiots who think it's Call of Duty apparently.

Data or this is just an assumption. I've seen both sides of the spectrum, so I'm taking this thread with a grain of salt.

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The sad thing is, killing isn't even necessary. There's more than enough food to go around.

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See' date=' you guys still have it all wrong.

You realize how hard it is to get in game? These guys WANT to play. They have a fucking plan. They have a strategy. They have strategy. And they aren't here posting about it.

You call them "COD kiddies" and "deathmatch" but the fact is, they operate under the same rules and restrictions as you guys and if anything, they have MORE to loose than you. When you spawn you have everything you need to survive, but you can't PK too easy.

What I see, when I look at the data, is that some of the PK guys are fucking organized. They know exactly what they are doing.

Have you guys ever read the book "the Stand" by Stephen King? If not, then go fucking read it right now. And then I can tell you that that shit, in that book, is happening right now. [b']The bad guys are doing way fucking better at this game than the good guys. Because the good guys keep coming on the forums to post how the bad guys win.

Why do we regard heroes so highly? Why do we praise people for doing the right thing? Because it is fucking hard, because it easier to be a dickhead.

I think maybe you guys are too used to "balance" and the game simply supporting your choice to play in a certain way.

I get the point.

....but if I remember the stand correctly most of the good guys die in a nuclear fire fuck ball killing Randall Flagg in Las Vegas along with all of the bad guys.

So, just give me a nuke and drop me in Chernogorsk and I'll fix the problem.

Oh, and I'll need you to loan me the hand of God as well. Cheers.

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There is a possible fix to this' date=' how about we set up a zone of cease fire?[/quote']

But it's also a social experiment - you wish to make a zone of cease fire - try doing it yourself in the game, you wish to make some "safe heaven" - try doing it with your group in some place, try doing all those things as in real life - without forced coding. If it doesn't work, it just says something about poor efforts, or people playing the game.

Quote the whole paragraph rather than just that bit.

All I'm saying is that you can't have your cake and eat it too. I like that constant feeling that you can be killed for any reason at any time, but I decided to go to one extreme so that people can see how ridiculous it was. Apparently, this is 'such' an issue that we need some sort of hand holding in place or something that silly. /sarcasm

In all seriousness, if this is so bad, join at night and crawl out of spawn. I guarantee you that you won't die that way. ;)

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See' date=' you guys still have it all wrong.

You realize how hard it is to get in game? These guys WANT to play. They have a fucking plan. They have a strategy. They have strategy. And they aren't here posting about it.

You call them "COD kiddies" and "deathmatch" but the fact is, they operate under the same rules and restrictions as you guys and if anything, they have MORE to loose than you. When you spawn you have everything you need to survive, but you can't PK too easy.

What I see, when I look at the data, is that some of the PK guys are fucking organized. They know exactly what they are doing.

Have you guys ever read the book "the Stand" by Stephen King? If not, then go fucking read it right now. And then I can tell you that that shit, in that book, is happening right now. [b']The bad guys are doing way fucking better at this game than the good guys. Because the good guys keep coming on the forums to post how the bad guys win.

Why do we regard heroes so highly? Why do we praise people for doing the right thing? Because it is fucking hard, because it easier to be a dickhead.

I think maybe you guys are too used to "balance" and the game simply supporting your choice to play in a certain way.

Who are the good guys? What is good in this mod? I used to help out people, go out to them give them blood transfusions, painkillers, food, water, ammo, whatever they needed. But 99% of the time they would either kill me right away or after I've helped them, no reason to help other people, seriously, they can go to hell and I'll be happy to help them along, especially if they come out of the coast and up north into my territory, they brought it upon themselves by being dicks.

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I have only been PK'd twice. Each time I was doing something stupid. I shouldn't have been making a fire in the middle of the field near the NE airstrip, that was stupid and so I died. I learned from that. I shouldn't have been running in the open when there were woods near by so I died and I learned from that as well. My friend and I just avoid other players like they have the plague and move on. If you can't or don't want to organize to take them on just be smarter than they are, avoid them. Think like they do. Where would you set up an ambush? Now avoid that place or if you do have a group attack it ambush the ambush.

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I've never seen a game with so many fucking crybabies.

Once again, if you want to play cooperatively then JOIN A GROUP, get on TS/Ventrilo and communicate, and make a plan

Don't expect every player on the game to be friendly, even if they appear to be at first

Stop bitching about how the entire gameplay dynamic needs to change just because "BOOOHOOO I TRIED TO HELP SOMEONE AND THEY SHOT ME"

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