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And now guess why I don't like the idea of a DayZ game based on the Arma engine?

I totally get your argument, but BI should be honest with them self and get WHY Arma 2 is top in steam store. It's not because of their brilliant coding, or their flawless network-architecture.

Look how Valve handled Counterstrike. They recognized WHY ppl. bought Halflife, and they found a good solution.

they even said thats why they got the jump in sales thats why it going stand alone

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I would like some more info released, before I blindly buy myself into the commercial alpha. I played NMRIH - an actually great and bugfree mod for HL2 - when people kept telling me about Dayz and how great it is. They chose not to talk about any of the bugs and major problems this alpha suffers. That's how a lot of people here react to criticism - blind on that eye.

So I bought Combined Operations and had bought OA before, because I loved Arma, since its early days. I wouldn't say that was a mistake, but had I known the bugginess that is Dayz, I might have waited longer and for a more stable version; or even for the commercial alpha.

So, if Bohemia expects people to jump that train, I'd require a little more info, this time. The engine works well enough for Arma and I've never complained about OA. It does what it needs. The same goes for the CLR mod and Project Reality - all are working mods. But Dayz isn't.It has more problems than any other mod I've seen. The thing about Dayz is, it let's us speculate a lot and fantasize about future features, because all that is in now are zombie spawns and item spawns.

So there are technical issues with the engine, which I'd like to hear more about the solutions. As well as problems with tools, story and goals, which are absent from the current build. Dayz gathers statistics, but the final experience should be more than days survived and players killed. Could be more, at least. More information never hurt anyone, and I hope we'll find out, soon.

Edited by S3V3N
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Rocket has made a fantastic mod which you have yet to pay a dime for.

He gets no money from ArmA 2 sales, and no money from DayZ.

If you're unwilling to support his work, then you should NOT reap the benefits of it.

Support the content that you enjoy, or risk losing living in a world with no enjoyable content.

Edited by Falcrist

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...and then they charged for Counterstrike Source.

I really don't know how this doesn't make sense in your brain.

No, you buy Halflife u get counterstirke.

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And now guess why I don't like the idea of a DayZ game based on the Arma engine?

I totally get your argument, but BI should be honest with them self and get WHY Arma 2 is top in steam store. It's not because of their brilliant coding, or their flawless network-architecture.

Everybody knows that ArmA 2 is selling because of Day Z... So now they're making Day Z a game...

I'm starting to think you're a troll or are suffering a minor case of severe mental retardation.

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No, you buy Halflife u get counterstirke.

Edit: No you don't. I assumed you were right, then I checked.

I'll repost this in case you missed it:

...and then they charged for Counterstrike Source, which was the standalone remake of the incredibly popular free mod Counter Strike. See the similarities?

Edited by Wrath
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Jep, if u buy Hallife u get CS, if buyed HL2 u get CSS 4 free ;-)

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Please see my edited post.

You buy ARMA 3, maybe they'll throw in Day Z standalone.


that would make me jizz on myself lol

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I totally get your argument, but BI should be honest with them self and get WHY Arma 2 is top in steam store. It's not because of their brilliant coding, or their flawless network-architecture.

I don't think anybody, much less they are denying it.

But it's a simple fact that Bohemia Interactive did not charge you anything for DayZ. Even though Rocket is an employee of BI, he did it all on his own, for no money.

DayZ as a mod was always going to hit a brick wall. There is only so much you can push out of a game like this when it's a mod of an engine he wasn't in a position to mess with. He only has a small portion of the CPU's processing power to play with because the rest of it is dictated by ARMA2.

For him to make DayZ the best it can be, it needs to be stand alone, and it needs to be something that makes money so that there is motivation for BI to help him. They want to create great things. They want to feed their families as well, and yes, DayZ is moving copies of ARMA2, but it's doing that without any input or involvement from BI aside from small bug fixes which were scheduled to happen with or without DayZ since there's more to ARMA2 than DayZ/

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Jep, if u buy Hallife u get CS, if buyed HL2 u get CSS 4 free ;-)

Yeah, NOW you do, because Valve sells most of those copies via Steam where they are bundled at discount prices. Not the case when the standalone was released.

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And now guess why I don't like the idea of a DayZ game based on the Arma engine?

Because you don't like simulations and you want a pseudo-facebook in your game that kicks you from your own server randomly, doesn't show you stats correctly half the time, has more downtimes than the Steam network and forces you to install two of the worst trojans out there (Origin & Punkbuster)? I run three servers on BF3 and I still have more to complain about that game than I had with OFP, ARMA and ARMA2 combined, hell even MW3 was less of a pain in the ass, and that game is peer-to-peer on PC.

No, you buy Halflife u get counterstirke.

Because Valve wants you to have a Steam account more than they want the money for HL. Who buys HL anyway? You can play TF2 for free for the sole purpose of having a Steam account.

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Jep, if u buy Hallife u get CS, if buyed HL2 u get CSS 4 free ;-)

Uh, no you didn't/don't.

Edited by spykr

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I totally get your argument, but BI should be honest with them self and get WHY Arma 2 is top in steam store. It's not because of their brilliant coding, or their flawless network-architecture.
No, they put a lot of time in to providing a powerful modding tool packaged with the engine, that makes mods like these possible.

BF3 didnt. Such is life.

Edited by Griff
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Jep, if u buy Hallife u get CS, if buyed HL2 u get CSS 4 free ;-)

But this is wrong.

CS is a free mod.

CSS is a standalone game that you have to pay $20 for regardless of HL2.

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Yeah, NOW you do, because Valve sells most of those copies via Steam where they are bundled at discount prices. Not the case when the standalone was released.

Because you don't like simulations and you want a pseudo-facebook in your game that kicks you from your own server randomly, doesn't show you stats correctly half the time, has more downtimes than the Steam network and forces you to install two of the worst trojans out there (Origin & Punkbuster)? I run three servers on BF3 and I still have more to complain about that game than I had with OFP, ARMA and ARMA2 combined, hell even MW3 was less of a pain in the ass, and that game is peer-to-peer on PC.

Because Valve wants you to have a Steam account more than they want the money for HL. Who buys HL anyway? You can play TF2 for free for the sole purpose of having a Steam account.

I had a Steam account since first min, so i dont care if i buyed HL2 i get CSS 4 free, totaly sure about it, i never buyed CSS standalone.

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Jep, if u buy Hallife u get CS, if buyed HL2 u get CSS 4 free ;-)

CSS costs about

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Uh, no you didn't/don't.

Of course, I bought Halflife, entered the key in steam, and a CS 1.6 Icon appeared in my steam library. No I didn't had to install HL.

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ARMA 2 is a great game, not only did you purchase it but some of you failed to notice the plethora of other MODS out there for it. Don't be put off by it because of DayZ. they are 2 different games all together.

For the amount of time and fun I have had with this Mod (DayZ) I would gladly pay the same price again, Howerver, this time I would have to insist the standalone game is finalised and comlete, even If i understand "NO" game comes out this day and age without issues (P.C. wise)

I am not a rich man, but i will definately pay again for this and my purchase of Arma 2 was a well thought out, DayZ MOD plus a huge range of stuff for ARMA 2!!!

Win Win.

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Of course, I bought Halflife, entered the key in steam, and a CS 1.6 Icon appeared in my steam library. No I didn't had to install HL.

That is THE FREE MOD. Just like Day Z free mod. You buy ARMA 2 CO and you can play Day Z for free just like CS.

CS was then made into CSS which costs money as it is a stand alone game.

How do you not understand this?

Edited by Wrath

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Operation Flashpoint (the old, not Dragon Rising) and the ARMA Series are some of the best games in the world. SP is really good and all the mods (dayz is just one of thousands) are so great. cant stop playing this game since 2001.

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I had a Steam account since first min, so i dont care if i buyed HL2 i get CSS 4 free, totaly sure about it, i never buyed CSS standalone.

That's not the issue, the reason why you get so many Valve games cheap or free of charge these days is because Valve makes money by selling games, not only their own, via Steam. So the more people have a Steam account, the more money will Valve get. The fact that they have three of the most popular multiplayer shooters in their roster only helps them. Don't get me wrong, I like Steam, but Valve doesn't give you free stuff because Gabe Newell is a nice guy, they practically own the digital distribution market on PC and they want it to stay that way.

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No, they put a lot of time in to providing a powerful modding tool packaged with the engine, that makes mods like these possible.

BF3 didnt. Such is life.

BF3 maybe not, cause its a new engine of Dice and they dont want to take the risk thats mods can be, but BF1/BF2 also have a awesome mod tool that allow something like FH1/2 ;-)

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Relax... I think he game will be MAX! 20$ then were speaking about MAX They wont let you pay alot for a Alpha.. You help them a bit they help you a bit . what you want to pay 60$ like most of the games for dayz?

Great that i't's a reduced price

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