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Now that Dayz is a standalone

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To replace the old, "If Dayz were a standalone" thread, now that we know that Dayz is a standalone, and the engine it will run on (same engine as arma 3) we can list our new hopes and desires...

To kick off, here are some obvious ones:

1) Close the engine to illicit client run scripts. Essentially cut down on the easy hacking attack vectors.

2) A more advanced fatigue, encumberance (have a reason to have more than one backpack) and inventory system. Add items to backpack based on weight and size, not slots.

3) Better modelled weapons and ammo. Many of the games weapons currently feel like clones of each other. Would be great to have different damage, damage changing from range etc, every weapon should have a purpose and an advantage.

4) Add wind to bullet physics, hopefully to make sniping more difficult. Anyone who played ACE will know that at longer distances you need to account for crosswinds.

5) Revamp blood mechanic. Blood should regen by your body over time, given enough food, water and warmth. While you're at it, cut down on food and soda. The biggest challenge should be survival. When I kill it should be for beans.

6) My biggest hope... Make zeds always in the world. Spawning zeds are just a player spotter, allowing me to kill other players at distance easily. Zeds should always be there. I don't mind if they start actively scanning for players when they are within zed detection range (cuts down on CPU utilisation) but they should always be there. There should also be many more zeds in cities (not villages they are already very tough to raid) and in unexpected places (wandering hordes for example, or odd ones in the forests). If zeds don't despawn then some may be dragged out the wilderness anyway.

Post your new engine built for dayz wish list!

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:32 AM, Shag said:

5) Revamp blood mechanic. Blood should regen by your body over time, given enough food, water and warmth. While you're at it, cut down on food and soda. The biggest challenge should be survival. When I kill it should be for beans.

You know nothing about the game if you suggest this.

regen over time? no. so you can carebear in a tree to full health? Risk vs Reward. Should I shoot that cow and make noise? Run down into that clearing and gut it? should I run to the supermarket? is someone there already? I could go on and on about the basic fundamentals of this game, and regen over time is by far one of the biggest things that would ruin this game.

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yea regen would work if you didnt get blood from meat or food then.. but only slow regen then... and then you would die realy fast since what im talking about is several days ingame before you get max blood from 20% fx ^^ i do blieve that food should be cut down on so its more hard to get food and survive but at the momemt i do think you get to much blood from the meat or beans so would be nice to make a hardcore fuction or atleast remove the ability to find 20 cans of food in 20m2 >.<

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:37 AM, Charb said:

You know nothing about the game if you suggest this.

regen over time? no. so you can carebear in a tree to full health? Risk vs Reward. Should I shoot that cow and make noise? Run down into that clearing and gut it? should I run to the supermarket? is someone there already? I could go on and on about the basic fundamentals of this game, and regen over time is by far one of the biggest things that would ruin this game.

But blood does regen over time..doesnt everyone rave on about this being a mod for a realistic mil sim?.. Each to there own i spose.. no malice intended..

Edited by Wazza
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Having this game go standalone brings one MAJOR question to my mind, Where will the standalone version be located??, if it is standalone and on the A3 engine will it still be in the same old chernarus, will it take on A3's map or is it going to have a custom map, in my opinion a custom map would be best as that would allow the dev team to (Truly) say that is is a standalone game and not rely on a map made for another game, with that said i think that the Dev's making this a standalone game Even though they say the mod will continue to develop in sync with the game will cause problems for this mod, they would be foolish to continue to dev this mod at the same time, that would make the game take longer to make and with the upcoming WARZ already miles ahead in the standalone path it would be in their best interest to place all of their attention to the Game rather than the mod.

If they continue to dev the mod also they may run into problems with trying to dev the game based on the A3 engine vs the mod on A2's engine, I can see some problems coming up with getting the more advanced features that A3 promises to translate to this mod, I will be interested to see what happens in the future of this mod and of the standalone game.

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:37 AM, Charb said:

You know nothing about the game if you suggest this.

regen over time? no. so you can carebear in a tree to full health? Risk vs Reward. Should I shoot that cow and make noise? Run down into that clearing and gut it? should I run to the supermarket? is someone there already? I could go on and on about the basic fundamentals of this game, and regen over time is by far one of the biggest things that would ruin this game.

Well if in fact the game is aiming to be realistic this would be realistic. Given you had food and water to sustain the new blood cell growth. P.S. Why do you think people donate blood, I'll give you a hint it's because it comes back... but slowly

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:37 AM, Charb said:

You know nothing about the game if you suggest this.

regen over time? no. so you can carebear in a tree to full health? Risk vs Reward.

I thought it was going in the way of realism? Blood does regen overtime in real life. From what they say you can regen a quart of blood in 15 - 20 mins. If you drink and whatnot. This is not carebear you will still to get food and drink to live. How is that carebearing? Not having someone to bloodbag you is deadly and it shouldnt be like that since you can give yourself a needle I dont see why you need another to do it.

Its the quick boost and still makes it real for someone that has bled out to 4k. But, it should regen as long as there is rest and water to drink overtime.

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:49 AM, revenoff said:

in a real zombie apoc theres gonna be tons of canned food everwhere...

yea i do know that it would be easy to find food in larger cities but remember that if the outbreak happend maybe a year ago there would be lower amount of supplies... i just think that its curretly to easy to find food and water and should be reduced in the game it self.. i want the game to be hard and having a realy high learning curve.. low enough so people can actually learn the game without dying 100 times before the start but high enough so even good players in the mod would have trouble...

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So, some ideas I've seen so far.

I'd like to see blood regen over time. A full hunger meter makes it refill faster, less sated means slower health regen. An empty meter means you lose blood. For water, maybe it has no effect except causing you to lose blood if it's empty but it drains faster than food.

Only blood packs should restore blood immediately. But to use them you have to trade blood. So using a blood pack on your teammate restores 1000 blood but costs you 800 blood for the privilege. Or something similar.

This is from necro's thread, but instead of your typical weapons = damage system, maybe weapons = bleeding effects + status effect based on location. So a wound does less damage than it does now but leaves a bleeding damage level equivalent to the damage it does. Each wound adds to the amount of the tick on the bleeding effect until you find yourself bleeding out in seconds. Also, different locations have a multiplier for the bleeding effect so a shot to the head is a lot of blood loss + a chance of unconsciousness + a tiny chance of instant kill. A shot to the torso is less blood loss + shock + a small chance of infection. And so on.

Flatter damage tables, shuffled to reflect soft tissue damage instead of damage to ballistic vests.

Encumbrance-based inventory.

The ability to lower your pistol just like your rifle. Also, different animations for sprinting with your rifle and pistol raised/lowered so people can tell if you're in a shooting mood.

The ability to hold your rifle sideways while crawling so you don't look like you're ready to kill people just because you're prone.

Ability to respawn as a zombie (also from another thread).

More status effects. For instance, if you catch an infection then there's a chance of getting a fever (a red outline around the thermometer). It gradually raises your temperature until you get hyperthermic, the result of which is rapid thirst.

Non-lethal weapons like beanbag rounds for the shotgun or tasers with a high level of paralysis/shock/unconsciousness.

Crossbows with sights and stackable ammo. Also, bows and arrows.

Animal AI.

Feral dogs. Military/police dogs you can befriend.

Greater randomization on spawns. Lower the amount of military loot but allow it to spawn everywhere.

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This has probably been said before, but all I wish for is a completely urban area, one big ass modern city. With many 10+ story buildings and skyscrapers and shit.

While we're at it... maybe a snowy tundra way up north too.

I like the landscape of chernarus, but some variation would be extremely nice (maybe even necessary?) in a standalone.

Edited by FallenOne

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:37 AM, Charb said:

You know nothing about the game if you suggest this.

regen over time? no. so you can carebear in a tree to full health? Risk vs Reward. Should I shoot that cow and make noise? Run down into that clearing and gut it? should I run to the supermarket? is someone there already? I could go on and on about the basic fundamentals of this game, and regen over time is by far one of the biggest things that would ruin this game.

lol wut? way to totally not comprehend the ramifactions of a suggestion. if you do not get blood from a source other than your own body creating it, or a blood transfusion, then you are going to be vulnerable for longer. depending on the regen rate, you might be trying to find food in urban areas while surrounded by zeds while losing consciousness. You could make it so your food and water rate reduces faster when recovering. getting seriously injured might actually fuck you up for a day or two (of actual gametime) and make you think twice for getting into a pointless deathmatch firefight.

At the moment i get injured, kill a cow (and there seem to be loads now) and i'm majically back in the game. is this what you want?

who is the carebear now?

  On 8/8/2012 at 6:44 AM, Quisari said:

yea regen would work if you didnt get blood from meat or food then.. but only slow regen then... and then you would die realy fast since what im talking about is several days ingame before you get max blood from 20% fx ^^ i do blieve that food should be cut down on so its more hard to get food and survive but at the momemt i do think you get to much blood from the meat or beans so would be nice to make a hardcore fuction or atleast remove the ability to find 20 cans of food in 20m2 >.<


  On 8/8/2012 at 8:12 AM, BazBake said:

This is from necro's thread, but instead of your typical weapons = damage system, maybe weapons = bleeding effects + status effect based on location. So a wound does less damage than it does now but leaves a bleeding damage level equivalent to the damage it does. Each wound adds to the amount of the tick on the bleeding effect until you find yourself bleeding out in seconds. Also, different locations have a multiplier for the bleeding effect so a shot to the head is a lot of blood loss + a chance of unconsciousness + a tiny chance of instant kill. A shot to the torso is less blood loss + shock + a small chance of infection. And so on.

Flatter damage tables, shuffled to reflect soft tissue damage instead of damage to ballistic vests.

More status effects. For instance, if you catch an infection then there's a chance of getting a fever (a red outline around the thermometer). It gradually raises your temperature until you get hyperthermic, the result of which is rapid thirst.

Crossbows with sights and stackable ammo. Also, bows and arrows.

Animal AI.

Feral dogs. Military/police dogs you can befriend.

Greater randomization on spawns. Lower the amount of military loot but allow it to spawn everywhere.

Like them, especially more randomized spawn points. I don't like the easy high grade loot in deer stands, it is all too easy with a map of where the stands are. Also, chopper crash sites should be in far flung locations of the map to encourage/reward exploration, not outside the major towns near the airfield where all the players are.

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:48 AM, Wazza said:

But blood does regen over time..doesnt everyone rave on about this being a mod for a realistic mil sim?.. Each to there own i spose.. no malice intended..

i think blood should regenerate too! realistically, over days/weeks...if you live that long lol

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