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Quisari (DayZ)

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About Quisari (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Quisari (DayZ)

    The current dayz mod

    you wouldn't shoot a person in real life with having alot of emotions that follow the act.. and why the heck would you shoot someone in a town infested with zombies that outnumber you by maybe 20.000? no way you would actually think about shooting a gun in a city in that situation... when im stading ingame with an axe or no weapon at all it doesn't realy say i got plenty of loot... i can easly find weapons but still didnt have any ranged weapons, so how much do you gain by sitting on a hill sniping a player in the other end of the city? nothing because you wouldn't be stupid enough to actually go down to loot him... there are no benefit for doing so. The only thing your doing is just ruining others gameplay because you got the sniper on the hill. If you could see that i had a decent weapon and a big backpack, i would mind it, but the fact is that there is no reason to shoot someone that haven't seen you and that doesn't have any ranged weapon. I am no threat to a sniper, i'm doing my buisness and then leaving town.. Again.. if you could actually kill another human being in real life with no reason it's no benefit for you. I for one would either hold him at gun point and tell him to put his hands in the air and check if its a zombie or another human being. You would need people to survive in a city, to watch your back and help you in a bad situation.. not kill them on sight to no use
  2. Quisari (DayZ)

    The current dayz mod

    hey i'm gonna whine abit now so if you don't want to hear another player whine about the current dayz, then please just jump out and find something else to do.. okey so i started today with a hacker teleporting me up in the air.. fair enough i can easly find same gear... but the matter of fact is that i have spawned several places in the map and everytime i encounter a sniper or a another player who only know how to kill on sight.. yea if im a threat sure kill me but when im walking alone trying to kill zombies and then get sniped or ambushed from behind it ain't even fun... all i ask about is just.. let me spawn once in a while and actually be able to run around with out getting sniped the first 5-10 min... Dayz have just lost it's charm... in any zombie outbreak that "could" happend, you would never shoot everyone you see... and how can dayz be a zombie survival game when you ain't surviving the zombies but the players them self... There is allways gonna be some people who just wanna ruin it for others but i don't think everyone should just kill on sight... that said.. If the Dayz standalone comes out the same way Dayz the mod does right now, i for one is gonna throw it out of the window... not worth my time to get sniped every single time i spawn from some kiddo with an m107/as50... feel free to flame on me but remember... it ain't i who get the warnings/bans. Just my 2 cents about current Dayz
  3. rocket wants the game to be our story.. not the games story... so yea... he won't add stuff like that...
  4. Quisari (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone

    would be cool and would defintly pay 100 bucks for it
  5. Quisari (DayZ)

    Now that Dayz is a standalone

    yea i do know that it would be easy to find food in larger cities but remember that if the outbreak happend maybe a year ago there would be lower amount of supplies... i just think that its curretly to easy to find food and water and should be reduced in the game it self.. i want the game to be hard and having a realy high learning curve.. low enough so people can actually learn the game without dying 100 times before the start but high enough so even good players in the mod would have trouble...
  6. Quisari (DayZ)

    Now that Dayz is a standalone

    yea regen would work if you didnt get blood from meat or food then.. but only slow regen then... and then you would die realy fast since what im talking about is several days ingame before you get max blood from 20% fx ^^ i do blieve that food should be cut down on so its more hard to get food and survive but at the momemt i do think you get to much blood from the meat or beans so would be nice to make a hardcore fuction or atleast remove the ability to find 20 cans of food in 20m2 >.<
  7. Quisari (DayZ)

    New map for standalone possible?

    i believe that he will make another map.. maybe 3 times the size of the currect map since it is realy small if he wants the game to be going with 100-200 players on each server atleast :) so yea he's gonna make a new map is my guess and hopefully add new firearms and other mechanics to the stand alone so it will be more insane and hardcore then the mod :) as he said in an interview (not a quote) He wants to add all kinda sickness and weather events that would happend in the real world.. so you might get HIV or something else from being hit by a zombie or maybe just from bad hygene? anyway.. NEW MAP FOR DAYZ THE GAME!
  8. is the stream down or something atm?
  9. Quisari (DayZ)

    Please no classes,leveling,currency! Just Skins

    well.. i would kill on sight or atleast bang your head with a stick or something and rob you... wouldn't care much for teamwork since it allways breaks sooner or later and then you just don't want to play anymore.... atleast that's how i feel... so im happy about bringer skins back so we actually can see from the start of the game how the people are.. i mean if i see a bandit skin i will shoot before he shoots but if i saw a medic skin or just a normal surviver then i would wait and see if your doing loot runs or such.. rob you and then get easy loot.. its a harsh world
  10. Quisari (DayZ)

    Double zoom on sniper?

    most laptops got the numpad in the right end of the keyboard... so you might allready have numpad on your laptop..
  11. Quisari (DayZ)

    Can't play on the same server as my brother.

    try and check the server data... when in multiplayer there is data about the server at the bottom part of your screen.. might have wrong version or files
  12. Quisari (DayZ)

    Double zoom on sniper?

    works for me... as long as i can survieve another day ;)
  13. Quisari (DayZ)

    Double zoom on sniper?

    use the -/+ on numpad helps on that :) and for zeroing you use page up and down to change it :) gl and hf :)
  14. Quisari (DayZ)

    What's your ideal loadout?

    same here... atm i don't got a thing since i tried driving over a cliff.. was fun but lost ghilie, as50, L85 and lots of other stuff... off to hunt some newbies with an axe! :D hehe
  15. Quisari (DayZ)

    ATV's suck man.

    when i use them i normaly go full speed at all times.. never had a problem xD and that is offroad as well :)