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Still think this is a good game?

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All the feelings you have, this is was Rocket was going for. So imo DayZ reached its goal.

You want some beans with your cheese? Wait, that doesn't sound right! Hm.

Beans on toast with cheese on top? Havn't you tried it? Go on it's a Yorkshire delicacy. (I bet you'll love it)

I dont like the Idea of Dog's. Can someone please explain why they are being implemented? what use besides fetch can they offer?

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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@Brachra: Don't yell at me but I have already invested 119 Euros in this mod. 25 for Arma II CO, 75 for a graphics card and 19 for 2 GB Ram. Once the standalone version is released I will spend around 1k for a new PC. Crazy, right? Well, I haven't regretted it yet. ;D

@MichaelVoodoo25: Seriously? Ok, I wll give it a try but I'll curse you if you made me waste a can of beans! ;P

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@Brachra: Don't yell at me but I have already invested 119 Euros in this mod. 25 for Arma II CO, 75 for a graphics card and 19 for 2 GB Ram. Once the standalone version is released I will spend around 1k for a new PC. Crazy, right? Well, I haven't regretted it yet. ;D

@MichaelVoodoo25: Seriously? Ok, I wll give it a try but I'll curse you if you made me waste a can of beans! ;P

Im not gonna yell at you, but Unless this tis the ONLY game you play? and you needed a new graphics card to play it? You made a good investment. because If u couldnt play Arma on ur videocard? I doubt you could play anything else lol

As for the Arma 2 thing? Sorry man..You bought arma, you got a mod free. its really the only way it can be spun, And thats why people have no right to destroy rocket like they do. Hes given us a game most gamers have wanted for a long time.

Sure its full of hacks,cheats,bugs,glitches,dubmass zombies who can only run straight-line pathing... BUT

Its the only/best one out right now..and us as a community should realise that rocket cannot fix all this overnight, and that money is required.

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I predict the stand-alone will be very cheap. Around $14.95 USD

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Im not gonna yell at you, but Unless this tis the ONLY game you play? and you needed a new graphics card to play it? You made a good investment. because If u couldnt play Arma on ur videocard? I doubt you could play anything else lol

As for the Arma 2 thing? Sorry man..You bought arma, you got a mod free. its really the only way it can be spun, And thats why people have no right to destroy rocket like they do. Hes given us a game most gamers have wanted for a long time.

Sure its full of hacks,cheats,bugs,glitches,dubmass zombies who can only run straight-line pathing... BUT

Its the only/best one out right now..and us as a community should realise that rocket cannot fix all this overnight, and that money is required.

I am with ya man. I was worried regarding the future of DayZ and feared it would end up like WoW. But after reading about what Rocket intends to do with DayZ I think I can relax. I don't care that much about those bugs, hackers and KOS players. Eventually this will be under control with the final version of the stand alone game. Besides, the mantra "don't get attached to your gear" has sinked in.

This mod is an amazing experience. I was watching an ongoing series of vids on youtube, some guys playing DayZ and it was more fun and exciting than some so called blockbuster movies.

As for my PC, yeah you couldn't even play minesweeper on it, so I had to buy that stuff. I switched from PC gaming to xbox360 few years back but DayZ brought me back. So cheers, rocket.

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Hey, OP, not to burst your bubble, but want to know another popular mod turned game? Team Fortress 2. With three iterations. A Quake mod with its own alpha. Then Team Fortress Classic with its own Alpha. And then Team Fortress 2. With its own alpha. Don't believe me? Check it out, bro. While you're on it, you'll probably find that Quake spawned a shite ton of mod turned games, so, your argument is absolutely and 100% invalid. And dumb, let's not forget dumb.

Edit: Actually, I got that for you, can't trust you'll do it. You're probably writing some flame addled response to this right now. http://wiki.teamfort...i/Team_Fortress

Your 100% Right. Question not answered though. So let me cube it up;

Will the STAND ALONE be run on this eng? I

If I start to build my house out of straw.. and switch to BRICKS half way thought; Won't my straw part make my brick part fall down? Are we going to be playing on the Arma2 Eng for years? Will we get a stand alone that uses ArmA2 eng and then wait for someone to make an ArmA3 mod? There is just no sign of a path.. just random interview after interview of no direction.

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Most fun I've had in a game for 8 years at least.

Nothing these days even compares to this game, even with all it's problems.

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Yet another retard who doesn't understand what an alpha is.

Yet another rat who doesn't understand what a sinking ship is.

It's the community dealing the death strokes, at the end of the day. They're so easy to rile up that even "I find this broken feature broken" leads to tears and butthurt that someone would dare speak sacrilege against the perfect brokenness of DayZ.

Hacks, Griefing, bugs, yeah it's Alpha, but this stuff doesn't get fixed without some major overhauls that we have yet to see. All I see is more griefer helping in the name of anti-balance.

Edited by Virfortis

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Ffs your so impatient. Announced stand alone today and then demand answers.


But there will be some changes to playability brought on by the move from mod to game. Rebuilding from the ground up with the latest version of Bohemia's Real Virtuality engine (which was shown to great effect powering ArmA III at this year's E3) will also allow the standalone DayZ to have more diffuse nighttime lighting, rather than the practically unplayable near-pitch-blackness of the current

Can this dumb thread by dumb OP be closed. He obviously has no idea how marketing works.

If rocket does the official statement for a standalone via twitter. You don't think every major gaming and non gaming site is going to want a interview. Wait for the fucking interviews to release retard.

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Glitches and bugs that kill you and take your gear

Many of the bugs came with arma so not a dayz problem. Yes there are also loads of bugs within dayz but if you didn't expect that when you downloaded the game you must be either fucking retarded or 12 years old. It is a mod in ALPHA stage if that doesn't scream "this game is full of bugs" I don't know what will.

Hackers owning most servers

Counter strike was also full of cheaters that didn't make it a bad game, also any popular game will have tons of cheaters there is literally not a single popular online game that doesn't.

Veh's and bases being stored off map

Eh? This have been fix, they are removed if placed outside the map as far as I know.

Logging during PvP

Yepp very sad that people want to cheat/exploit there was an attempt to fix this in the last patch and we will prolly see a solution in the next.

Tents not saving

Same as the first one...

Community eating itself alive

To be fair which community doesn't?

and we get dogs.. He is working on dogs still

I bet we will see a REAL GOOD youtube vid about dogs, telling everyone how amazing DayZ is because it has bandits, excuse me.. dogs.. I'm sure by the time a dog loving zombie fan has a chance to see the youtube vid, rocket will take them out to better fit his vision. His or BiS now?

Also, since we in ALPHA, does that mean your STAND ALONE game won't have an alpha or beta? Wizard, please tell me how you turn this mod into a standalone ? Can someone please tell me that we WONT be downloading DAYZ THE STAND ALONE *ALPHA* in 6 months and be doing this all over again?

It is rather obvious that you have no idea what an alpha is and why you have one, go educate yourself before posting some retarded shit on the forums.

I don't care about gear, re-spawning, pvp or zombies.. I just want a good game with or with out dogs.

Okay? So WHY THE FUCK are you here in the first place? Alpha testing is apparently not something for you so don't bother with it and go buy some other game, preferable on console so I never have to deal with you again...

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It just hit a million players...

WoW has...how many?

Doesn't mean the community is nice. There's a difference between a game being a financial sinking ship and a black hole in the argument that gamers have decency.

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Despite all of the sh*t that I have to deal with every time I play this game,

It STILL sucks me in. I still get very immersed in the survival aspect of the game and it's always thrilling when you escape with your life against a horde of zombies or bandits.

I'm still enjoying it

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HEY HEY HEY everyone shut the fuck up...

...I got this.

Everyone wants to tell this kid to fuck off and play BF3. To tell him that he's QQ'ing and it's his prob and he can go eat a dick right? Rocket has done sold him a half done copy of DayZ and he's rightfully upset, I SAY, he's OBLIGATED to be mad. It's too damn hard. The bugs kills him. We're getting dogs. Op I know bro, I know OP, it hurts...

One time, way back when I was playing t-ball at four years old I got hit in the throat with a baseball thrown by an adult who was trying to teach me hard-ball over-hand pitch rules. It hurt like a mother fucker. My dad literally told me to rub some dirt on it, dry it up (my tears), and get the fuck back to the game. I did it. Today I am all the better person for doing it.

It you want to QQ because of the things you've listed, then be our guest. We aren't going to coddle you, apparently very very very few of us will even remotely side with you, and no one will beg you to stay or change the game to fit your ideals.

We are the sharks, you are the goldfish. Your tears are the salt water we swim in. If you can't hack it, then we don't want you here. Flounder for a half a second, and you will be fucking devoured. This isn't a game meant for merriment and family times. It's meant to be a bitch. And not a bitch that you still fap to after you break up. A bitch that cuts your little pee pee off and throws it in a bush.

You have two choices. Man the fuck up, get over your preconceived ideals about how easy a game should be, realize it's ALPHA and play on. Or get the fuck out and not be missed by a single solitary fucking soul. The choice is yours. Rub some dirt on it and play on. Or hit the bench prissy pants.

Edit: the community isn't eating itself, we are eating you

Edited by NovaDose

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WoW has...how many?

Doesn't mean the community is nice. There's a difference between a game being a financial sinking ship and a black hole in the argument that gamers have decency.

I find it hard to believe that you put decency and gamer in the same sentence..much less words away from each other. A black hole in the argument. That is, bar none, the best sinonym for it ever. There is no decency in the vast majority of cases. I think this game reflects it quiet nicely. It is a social experiment after all.

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I think this is an awesome game (Arma) and DayZ is one of the best mods available and will be even better as a standalone

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Came back to DayZ after a few months to see all the progression. Took me only a few mins to see all the new and exciting stuff for the standalone.

Umm? Looting beans in cars. Clothes.. That's going to be fun and game breaking... umm what else.. Oh a new jump that looks silly and is in some some mods already. Building will be lootable but he didn't say we could go inside all buildings on the map. New graphics. OH they ARNT going to use the Arma 3 eng. I didn't see that coming...

Also most of the things I seemed upset were fixed by private servers. Tents not saving being a Hive issue, Non BE anti hack system.

But the devblog vid looks amazing. More of the same stuff we can do in game already please. And also, Do us a favor and think about your devblog before you post shit of people not paying attention or lack of format. Your showing your true colors Mr. Everest. Where is the content that real players understand is missing. Distract 10 with lame ganking pvp. You distract people with long walks, loud zombies and beans. When will we see this "base building" and "crafting" sections? Shit even a general drawing for the math behind it. But what does Mr. Everest give us? Looking beans under tables and in cars. Now that's impressive. Let me run out to my taurus and grab the 3 cans of beans i have stashed away... wtf bad direction. No PR lead. all vblogs and interviews you come off as confused and have to ask your team whats in the game. You never say anything other then what you plan. Nothing of what you have done. Kinda like the "dog" hype.. lmao

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Still think this is a good game?

Why yes, yes I do.

Ninja'd by FunkyFrogJuice, damn.

Edited by Bloodtrozorx
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Came back to DayZ after a few months to see all the progression. Took me only a few mins to see all the new and exciting stuff for the standalone.

Umm? Looting beans in cars. Clothes.. That's going to be fun and game breaking... umm what else.. Oh a new jump that looks silly and is in some some mods already. Building will be lootable but he didn't say we could go inside all buildings on the map. New graphics. OH they ARNT going to use the Arma 3 eng. I didn't see that coming...

Also most of the things I seemed upset were fixed by private servers. Tents not saving being a Hive issue, Non BE anti hack system.

But the devblog vid looks amazing. More of the same stuff we can do in game already please. And also, Do us a favor and think about your devblog before you post shit of people not paying attention or lack of format. Your showing your true colors Mr. Everest. Where is the content that real players understand is missing. Distract 10 with lame ganking pvp. You distract people with long walks, loud zombies and beans. When will we see this "base building" and "crafting" sections? Shit even a general drawing for the math behind it. But what does Mr. Everest give us? Looking beans under tables and in cars. Now that's impressive. Let me run out to my taurus and grab the 3 cans of beans i have stashed away... wtf bad direction. No PR lead. all vblogs and interviews you come off as confused and have to ask your team whats in the game. You never say anything other then what you plan. Nothing of what you have done. Kinda like the "dog" hype.. lmao

My guess is they are nailing down the core concepts before they move on to stuff like base building. I'm not quite sure you understand game development and pre alpha builds. There has to be a foundation first to build off of.

Edited by zazzaro703

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It must be the time of the year where a bunch of people decide it's great and constructive to post stuff that hasn't even been researched prior to posting.

I think you may need to do some research before making such posts.

I'm not quite sure you understand game development and pre alpha builds.


I needn't say anything more at this point in time.

Edited by Inception.

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What good game made from scratch is ready for an alpha in 6 months? Please tell me.

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dayz is still a very good mod (not a game, that would be Arma2) and it has lots of potential for improvements: there are tons ot maps and variations, there are servers with a mix of NPC and players, there are Z variations, single-player options (daizy) and so on.

Sure it has glitches, bugs and various shortcomings (e.g. the need to drop the main weapon to equip the hatchet) but it offers a lot for free: you do not pay a dime for it.

Not all choices are good, sometimes people make mistakes, but it is 100% open and if you do not like a certain feature you can lobby for a change or do it yourself.


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well dayz is not a game it is a mod so your thread is invalid.

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