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Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

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I can see myself getting emotionally attached to my dog, then some douchebag will shoot him, and then I go on a quest....for vengence!

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Crying at the death of our dogs as you shoot out the scumbag's kneecaps to leave him to fend for the onrushing horde of Zeds..


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The military and police forces have trained dogs who experience combat. I'm sure several of these would be both easily trained/already trained and eager to find some human companionship.

Those wandering poodle hordes, however. Screw those guys, it's open season.

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I guess dogs could be quite useful. You could use them to distract a target so you can easily take him down. Or you could use them to take someone down while staying out of sight depending on how strong they are.

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Crying at the death of our dogs as you shoot out the scumbag's kneecaps to leave him to fend for the onrushing horde of Zeds..


No, first he will shoot your kneecaps then kill your dog.

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How about you fix all the bugs and the hackers before adding other useless features that will probably just fuck the game up more, who is this rocket noob?

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The guy who created this mod and allows you to play it now, show some respect. Also....

Aren't you dead?

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The guy who created this mod and allows you to play it now, show some respect. Also....

Aren't you dead?

Me buying the game allows me to play it tit, fact is, he shouldn't be adding other useless features into the game, when he cannot control the ones he already has in it, keep the brown nosing to yourself.

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i like the idea of dogs, however i think there needs to be a video of how they function before we get to use them. might not be what people think.

personally i would like to see harmful animals in the woods

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I guess dogs could be quite useful. You could use them to distract a target so you can easily take him down. Or you could use them to take someone down while staying out of sight depending on how strong they are.

dogs are also something you have to take care of, something that can go off and do something really stupid and get you spotted or even killed.

EDIT: see Mad Max when they shoot Max'z dog

Edited by Dimes123

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Me buying the game allows me to play it tit, fact is, he shouldn't be adding other useless features into the game, when he cannot control the ones he already has in it, keep the brown nosing to yourself.

Or you just don't understand how this works. The mod was created to be a fun side-experience to Arma II. Rocket and his devs worked hard to make it the best they could... he and his team did a GREAT job considering they were working on a 4+ year old engine that isn't designed for anything but strict military simulation. The world noticed, liked his idea, and bought Arma to play DayZ. But now the mod isn't the focus of the DEV team... Because of people like YOU, they get the opportunity to make the "perfect" dayZ, in their eyes.

We're here to test ideas so the DEV team can see how we react to them, not to enjoy the most fluid perfect gaming experience Rocket can manage. That's what the standalone is for. Also, there isn't a chance that anyone could fix all of the issues with DayZ without access to the root arma 2 engine. This is a MOD... it works within the limits of that Arma II lays out.

You want less erratic zombies? Likely not going to happen. It's built into the Arma II engine for them to run full speed and track directly at their target.

You want them to fully stop hackers? That likely won't happen either. Arma II was built so that modders could have carte blanche to run scripts. The downside is that hackers can too. All they can do is react and ban. Eventually the hackers will get bored and will move onto another game.

Want them to stop the graphical glitches? That WILL happen.

Please try to understand that when you bought this game, you did so as a rat in a maze. It was always going to be like that... every mod is. Often they're unrecognizable from first release after only a few months. So take the bugs and glitches and exploits with a grain of salt. Either deal with them, or go play what you paid for, Arma II.

p.s. sorry for wall-of-text. I got carried away :)

Edited by sudZ!

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Or you just don't understand how this works. The mod was created to be a fun side-experience to Arma II. Rocket and his devs worked hard to make it the best they could... he and his team did a GREAT job considering they were working on a 4+ year old engine that isn't designed for anything but strict military simulation. The world noticed, liked his idea, and bought Arma to play DayZ. But now the mod isn't the focus of the DEV team... Because of people like YOU, they get the opportunity to make the "perfect" dayZ, in their eyes.

We're here to test ideas so the DEV team can see how we react to them, not to enjoy the most fluid perfect gaming experience Rocket can manage. That's what the standalone is for. Also, there isn't a chance that anyone could fix all of the issues with DayZ without access to the root arma 2 engine. This is a MOD... it works within the limits of that Arma II lays out.

You want less erratic zombies? Likely not going to happen. It's built into the Arma II engine for them to run full speed and track directly at their target.

You want them to fully stop hackers? That likely won't happen either. Arma II was built so that modders could have carte blanche to run scripts. The downside is that hackers can too. All they can do is react and ban. Eventually the hackers will get bored and will move onto another game.

Want them to stop the graphical glitches? That WILL happen.

Please try to understand that when you bought this game, you did so as a rat in a maze. It was always going to be like that... every mod is. Often they're unrecognizable from first release after only a few months. So take the bugs and glitches and exploits with a grain of salt. Either deal with them, or go play what you paid for, Arma II.

p.s. sorry for wall-of-text. I got carried away :)

Everything you've just said still doesn't explain why they're adding other features into the game, before fixing the problems of the current ones, there not going to get the perfect game causing more problems for themselves are they?

Why not work on the current version they have out, rather than just ramming shit into it, i mean dogs, jeeeze, wish this game could go back to when it first started and it was actually difficult, but like most things, shit kids complain and the game gets easier.

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Yes it does explain why they haven't fixed many bugs. Some things are unfixable on the current engine. Other things will be easily fixed in the standalone.

It makes no sense for the devs to go crazy trying to convince BE and BI to fix hacking when it'll be in their hands in the standalone.

They'll also be able to fix broken zombie mechanics in the standalone far easier than tinkering with the current engine.

This mod is here to test out ideas, not to sink thousands of hours into bug fixes when those bugs might not even pop up in the standalone.

You've given no examples as to the "problems" other than hacking and general bugs. Maybe that's why we're not on the same page.

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How about you fix all the bugs and the hackers before adding other useless features that will probably just fuck the game up more, who is this rocket noob?

Let's see the mod that you developed.

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Everything you've just said still doesn't explain why they're adding other features into the game, before fixing the problems of the current ones, there not going to get the perfect game causing more problems for themselves are they?

ok, let me try to help here...

Alpha stage - add ideas

Beta stage - fix ideas

make sense now?

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what i'd like from dogs...

Growling when the scent of a stranger is nearby (is there wind direction in Arma?)

Dogs can sniff a corpse and then locate whoever touched the corpse last

If dog is attacked by zombie then a % chance dog gets infected. Leading to rare situations when you have to put your dog out of its misery (I am Legend) or leaving it to become zombie dog! (who will attack anyone even it's owner)

repetition of actions makes your dog better at those actions. i.e. The more you use the dog to hunt the quicker it gets at finding the scent of prey.

Dog packs for stashing extra items on your dog (like four slots or something)

You have to feed your dog or it will die, same with water

a Whistle command to bring your dog back to you.

a stealth command to keep dog close and to stop it running around.

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Stabilise the current build before adding ridiculous additional features which complicate things. But then I guess bug fixes don't a front-page material make. -_-

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Dogs? Who cares? I can't find a single server today that doesn't have at least one hacker.

then learn to pick a server... I have played this game for over a month now and i ahvent seen 1 hacker... the MOST of hacking i have seen was a AS50 with a thermal scope and that was it...

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Yes it does explain why they haven't fixed many bugs. Some things are unfixable on the current engine. Other things will be easily fixed in the standalone.

It makes no sense for the devs to go crazy trying to convince BE and BI to fix hacking when it'll be in their hands in the standalone.

They'll also be able to fix broken zombie mechanics in the standalone far easier than tinkering with the current engine.

This mod is here to test out ideas, not to sink thousands of hours into bug fixes when those bugs might not even pop up in the standalone.

You've given no examples as to the "problems" other than hacking and general bugs. Maybe that's why we're not on the same page.


How are they ever going to improve a game which they cannot control, are you a complete moron, the whole point is that, if they cannot control features they already have or have added, how do they plan to make the game standalone without it taking 10 years?

The "its an alpha" excuse can only be used so many times before its dry, it might be an alpha, but that still doesn't excuse piss poor work, when there are near on 1 million people playing it, stop with your ass sniffing.

Lets just keep creating shit for a game that makes the game even more unplayable, until it becomes so unplayable that people don't actually play it, so it doesn't get tested, think about what you said.

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How are they ever going to improve a game which they cannot control

Exactly, not to mention it's pretty difficult to get valid results by testing a broken system. Probably 95% of players currently exploit bugs in some way, zombies walk indoors, poor path finding, unlimited ammo etc. Do you really think people will play the same way once those bugs are closed? Dogs might be useless for anything but target practice now, but if ammo started getting rare and scavenging in towns was more dangerous they might be more valuable.

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