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Why nobody will be buying Day Z standalone

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Why everyone will be buying the standalone: actual promise on preventing and dealing with hackers. Not the new maps/content nor easier friend grouping or even performance improvements - just preventing hackers from taking over a server completely for hours on end with 0 repercussions for them and all lost progress on the legit player.

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Like my fiancées fun harness in our play room.

Trolling is a art.

If Trolling is an art, let us paint together

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Standalone will be much better, we ARE playing an Alpha at this point. Some of the items in the picture you pointed out make me think you are just craving for some of that internet attention. It is ONE picture, ONE small scene, obviously designed (whether good or bad) to depict what the game is about in a quick wrap up. Yes the game is going to be heavily based on the work he has done so far with the Arma 2 platform. Why would it not be? Spend all this time developing the game on this only to then rip it out from under everything and replace it with something that then has to be reworked and take longer? As for the log... its his logo he made for the DayZ mod... if the game is going to stay DayZ, why change the logo? That's brand recognition right there. As for 90% of you folks saying "Yeah this game is gunna suck! Im not buying it..." A couple days, maybe weeks after the standalone is released... you all will follow guaranteed.

OK I guess you can forget about subbing for Conan. NEXT!

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I love how people are not getting that this is a meme, and a pretty funny one too. Nicely done OP.

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You're judging the whole game by one random picture?

You must be taking the piss.

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Why everyone will be buying the standalone: actual promise on preventing and dealing with hackers. Not the new maps/content nor easier friend grouping or even performance improvements - just preventing hackers from taking over a server completely for hours on end with 0 repercussions for them and all lost progress on the legit player.

Nobody buys something for a promise that it will take care of a problem. People can play on private servers to avoid the hackers.

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were you born retarded or is this something that developed in you

whatever but this post was funny and so is this topic and the OP.

Also gimme a preorder and i will do it right now.

Edited by Vipala

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Well after some post i can say ; f?'@>K i going to buy the DayZ game, why ? bcos i can :P ,even if i not going to play it it will support Rocket for the original dayz idea thats why .

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Yeah, I was all excitied too until I saw that picture .... What's the bet that the dancing zombie is part of some buy-to-win BS? eh? EH?

Edited by Bottlerocket

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The ''re-used gun models'' one made me laugh... are you fucking stupid? of course they have the same model you idiot. Is he supposed to go and change the AK to give it a laser sight, and 6 power scope, and maybe a suppressor or some shit?

btw, it's not the same gun model because this one has a shoulder strap.

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The ''re-used gun models'' one made me laugh... are you fucking stupid? of course they have the same model you idiot. Is he supposed to go and change the AK to give it a laser sight, and 6 power scope, and maybe a suppressor or some shit?

btw, it's not the same gun model because this one has a shoulder strap.

For the love of god...

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Right when I read "Straight road, obviously linear gameplay" I knew it was a cleverly placed troll. GG

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OP- I got the joke and liked it.

I do like DayZ to a degree, but considering the competition is free, wondering what Bohemia is planning on doing to make it worth a $60 game.

( im assuming it will be $60 as thats the going price for commercial games, yes i know Minecraft is diffrent, but there is a diffrence between indie studio pricing their stuff and a major studio such as BI, BI has a higher overhead, where a small indie doesnt have as much )

( edit - and why would somebody stop playing the free version of the current DayZ and pay, and before everybody flames, remember when everybody complains about DayZ, everybody jumps on the " its Alpha you didnt pay for DayZ " crap )

Around 17 seconds into this

Rocket spitballs a figure of 15 Euros (about $19 right now) for the stand-alone, stating that he doesn't really feel that the game should have a full retail price. Take that for what you will. Edited by Siorus

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honestly i thought this was going to include a genuine logical reason, like, why would you buy the stand alone when the mod is still being developed. i think it would be nice to do it out of generosity ofc, but i guess if enough ppl switch it could cleave the community in half. meh.

i did lol at pic though have kudos or beans... not both ! :)

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