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What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

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no shit once your geared up one of the biggest past times is going to pvp but im talking about a player finds a gun and his next step is to go out of his way to slay anybody he sees

What situation? In cherno? Elektro? Yea probably going to kill someone else he sees if he has better gear I see no problem with that. Going out of his way is Getting a gun in Kamenka and going to cherno to get a gun but maybe he just wants to pvp because he has gear stored in a tent but finds it boring collecting with no action. Tons of scenario's

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yes but again im not talking about after gearing up going pvping im talking about players finding any weapon and their next step is going out of their way to kill anyone and alot of the time its jsut for the fun of killing they dont even loot the body

Which sounds like to me a person that knows where to get geared. I can do this. I am geared now eventually I will get bored if I die and lose it all I can go to a camp and regear or I can go have a little pvp with basic stuff and just run around cherno and elektro where I know there will be action. I die again respawn run back to cherno or elektro and do it over again till I get tired. Its not like all fresh spawns running around cherno or elektro are New Cod Kids. Could be people looking for a change of pace who want to run around and kill with a makarov.

That is what we are talking about here right? Cherno and Elektro cause anything else above that people usually have gear if they are headed north and I'm sure there isn't much friendly chatter going on up there. So in turn you must be hanging out around the coast alot cause thats really only place friendly talk happens. Soooooo if you don't like it so much stop hanging in cherno and elektro.

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like i said im not complaining im just saying the player mentality has changed since then. im a huge pvper i find it fun, but everyone being one kinda ruins a social aspect that this game had. also one makarov mag wont kill shit unless you run into a kid with down syndrome i want it for self defense in case i run into a asshole with a hatchet or etc

You say "social aspect" that's your opinion. A man made a sandbox mod and gave it to people to do with it what the please. There is no written regulation of how you are supposed to act. I'm amazed how people play a game and then get upset because not everyone has the same idea on how to play the game.

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You never...blamed CoD....

Oh lawdy, what's this....

See a connection there?

I mentioned my gaming origin so that people like you won't even bother trying to call me a "CoD-kid defending his holy grail of gaming"

you took everthing out of context i said do you guys think its cod fanboys coming over and killing everyone

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You say "social aspect" that's your opinion. A man made a sandbox mod and gave it to people to do with it what the please. There is no written regulation of how you are supposed to act. I'm amazed how people play a game and then get upset because not everyone has the same idea on how to play the game.

This guy gets my beans. Clear, concise and straight to the point.

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Which sounds like to me a person that knows where to get geared. I can do this. I am geared now eventually I will get bored if I die and lose it all I can go to a camp and regear or I can go have a little pvp with basic stuff and just run around cherno and elektro where I know there will be action. I die again respawn run back to cherno or elektro and do it over again till I get tired. Its not like all fresh spawns running around cherno or elektro are New Cod Kids. Could be people looking for a change of pace who want to run around and kill with a makarov.

That is what we are talking about here right? Cherno and Elektro cause anything else above that people usually have gear if they are headed north and I'm sure there isn't much friendly chatter going on up there. So in turn you must be hanging out around the coast alot cause thats really only place friendly talk happens. Soooooo if you don't like it so much stop hanging in cherno and elektro.

my usually plan is hit both major cities then head north i never overstay on the coast unless im looking for pvp action

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IMO It's more the Minecraft crowd coming on here and posting retarded suggestions that are pissing me off.

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i said "do you guys think its cod fanboys coming over and killing everyone"

Suggestive question, just like your thread title

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We are an incentive-driven society:

Reasons to shoot on sight:

1) if i kill them, they can't kill me

2) loot their gear

Reasons to NOT shoot on sight:

1) feel good

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you took everthing out of context i said do you guys think its cod fanboys coming over and killing everyone

You assume its Cod Fanboys and your looking for people to validate your assumption, oh ok I get the point of this thread.

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You say "social aspect" that's your opinion. A man made a sandbox mod and gave it to people to do with it what the please. There is no written regulation of how you are supposed to act. I'm amazed how people play a game and then get upset because not everyone has the same idea on how to play the game.

no i never said you had to be social but before there were people that like being social and meeting friends but that is gone now which this thread was about what do you think caused this and since the cod comunity usually come to blame i talked about it here

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We are an incentive-driven society:

Reasons to shoot on sight:

1) if i kill them, they can't kill me

2) loot their gear

Reasons to NOT shoot on sight:

1) feel good

im more talking about the players who turned it into a sole mission from the ghecko to kill all they see just for a body count not even for the gear which cause a lot of other players with diffrent play styles to do the same

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You assume its Cod Fanboys and your looking for people to validate your assumption, oh ok I get the point of this thread.

im saying do you think the huge cod player wave cming over is a cause i just used cod because it comes up more in this conversation i wanted to hear your guys thoughts on if it is or not and if not what is

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all they see just for a body count not even for the gear

So you know the actual motives of the person that just shot you?

How? You're dead

You can't see your corpse, you can't see your murderer

How do you know that you were killed "for the body count"?

do you think the huge cod player wave cming over is a cause

So you know that CoD players were coming over in "waves", how?

Any statistics to prove it? Any poll that shows X% of the 1 million DayZ players came from CoD?

I'm greatly entertained by this wreck of a logic

Full of assumptions and suggestive questions, but nothing to actually prove it

Nice ninja edit, I see what you did there

Edited by Hawk24

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So you know the actual motives of the person that just shot you?

How? You're dead

You can't see your corpse, you can't see your murderer

How do you know that you were killed "for the body count"?

So you know that CoD players were coming over in "waves", how?

Any statistics to prove it? Any poll that shows X% of the 1 million DayZ players came from CoD?

I'm greatly entertained by this wreck of a logic

Full of assumptions and suggestive questions, but nothing to actually prove it

its a known fact that a large group of cod players has come over every cod youtuber has at least posted one vid of it

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no i never said you had to be social but before there were people that like being social and meeting friends but that is gone now which this thread was about what do you think caused this and since the cod comunity usually come to blame i talked about it here

I have seen no such shift. I have run into both types of people in Day Z. No one group more than the other.

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its a known fact that a large group of cod players has come over

"Known fact"....seems legit

Your wreck is now on fire

Edited by Hawk24

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I have seen no such shift. I have run into both types of people in Day Z. No one group more than the other.

really i wish i was in your servers cause i havent run into more than 3 friendly people in a few weeks now

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i havent run into more than 3 friendly people in a few weeks now

Which is the same as saying that the M24 drop rate needs to be decreased and the DMR drop rate needs to be increased BECAUSE I FOUND 5 M24 AND NO DMR ON DEERSTANDS IN 2 WEEKS

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Which is the same as saying that the M24 drop rate needs to be decreased and the DMR drop rate needs to be increased BECAUSE I FOUND 5 M24 AND NO DMR ON DEERSTANDS IN 2 WEEKS

all im saying was im suprised by that because i never seem to find people like that but again you keep taking things out of context

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really i wish i was in your servers cause i havent run into more than 3 friendly people in a few weeks now

I ran into one last night....... and I shot him in the head. Unfortunately we were on my home server (the one where my base is) and he wouldn't stop following me saying he just wants a group to play with. Little did he know me and my bud just got out of a bad firefight and were booking back to our camp. We knew one of the OP4 were still alive and didn't want to risk another engagement. Warned him twice then shot him

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I ran into one last night....... and I shot him in the head. Unfortunately we were on my home server (the one where my base is) and he wouldn't stop following me saying he just wants a group to play with. Little did he know me and my bud just got out of a bad firefight and were booking back to our camp. We knew one of the OP4 were still alive and didn't want to risk another engagement. Warned him twice then shot him

lol last night we had a base in the debug zone and we would go into cherno and elektro and kidnap newly spawned players and execute them at our camp that has barb wire and sandbags surronding it

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The only thing more annoying than the supposed "COD kiddies" is people whining about COD kiddies.

you failed somewhere, how can anything be more annoying that cod kiddies? wth?

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What gets me are the people who say "I just KOS now because everyone else does"

I have played this game for months now and i have not had one single murder (except when i specifically play as a bandit)

If you want to play that way, it is possible to hold your fire. Sure you will die a few times, but hold to your principles.

The excuse that everyone else is doing it so why shouldnt i is mega fucking lame.

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What gets me are the people who say "I just KOS now because everyone else does"

I have played this game for months now and i have not had one single murder (except when i specifically play as a bandit)

If you want to play that way, it is possible to hold your fire. Sure you will die a few times, but hold to your principles.

The excuse that everyone else is doing it so why shouldnt i is mega fucking lame.

my point exacly i have no problem with pvpers but when everyone is one its stupid

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