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Perhaps you could add a rare add-on for a character being Body armor.

Type 1: Kevlar vest: Only protects against 3-4 shots from a pistol to the body. Then dissapears. Or is rendered unsuable. (Could take damage too, and then need to be repaired)

Type 2: Enforced vest: Features ceramatic plates. Holds against pistol rounds, Nato ,and the larger 7.62 rounds. Takes 3-4 shots for the larger rounds and about 8-9 pistol rounds.

Jackets cannot hold against any .50

Would be found only in crash sites and rare as gillie suits or the other basic camo.

Edit: Dawbacks, slow movement, easily hungry and thirsty. (As seen in suggestions)

Edited by Shard
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Rocket talked about body armor at rezzed (I thought) he said it was planned, but probably not in the near future since there are a lot of things that needed to be sorted first.

Edited by decapitator

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Wouldn't work too well with all the duping/hacked items, once that is sorted though I wouldn't mind. I would like to see it add some sort of disadvantage aswell though, such as slower movement due to weight?

Edited by smasht_AU
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  On 8/6/2012 at 9:04 PM, smasht_AU said:

Wouldn't work too well with all the duping/hacked items, once that is sorted though I wouldn't mind. I would like to see it add some sort of disadvantage aswell though, such as slower movement due to weight?


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  On 8/6/2012 at 9:04 PM, smasht_AU said:

Wouldn't work too well with all the duping/hacked items, once that is sorted though I wouldn't mind. I would like to see it add some sort of disadvantage aswell though, such as slower movement due to weight?

I don't think hacking is a problem though. If they want, they can make themselves invincible anyway. Letting the give themselves body armor won't change very much.

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  On 8/6/2012 at 9:04 PM, smasht_AU said:

Wouldn't work too well with all the duping/hacked items, once that is sorted though I wouldn't mind. I would like to see it add some sort of disadvantage aswell though, such as slower movement due to weight?

How about replacing a backpack or taking a lot of space?

How about using it as a backpack with 4 slots or so

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  On 8/6/2012 at 9:15 PM, DancingBear said:

How about replacing a backpack or taking a lot of space?

How about using it as a backpack with 4 slots or so

Perhaps it will simply slow you down 20% I mean, ghilie suits don't make backpacks disappear, this shouldn't either. A great decrease in speed for the Heavy body armor. And maybe a 5-10% decrease for the Kevlar.

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Body armor should never get added.

Part of the beauty of dayz is that even when fully kitted out with all the gear and weapons you are still as vulnerable as a newbie on the shore.

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I like the idea of body armour being an outfit; it'd be a tough choice to go for concealment or more protection...

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  On 8/6/2012 at 10:37 PM, _Gunslinger_ said:

I like the idea of body armour being an outfit; it'd be a tough choice to go for concealment or more protection...

I haven't heard anyone suggest that before, honestly. I really like that idea too. If body armor were just another addon in addition to ghillie or camo, then a ghillie'd guy could also have body armor.. little over the top, IMO.

Maybe add some sort of riot police "outfit" that would have the body armor bonuses.

But yeah, as decapitator put it... there are so much more issues that need to be FIXED first, before adding new stuff.

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How about the body armor must be worn above all clothing, so when you put it on. It shows over the camo or ghili

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I laughed aloud at the idea of the 'red man' protective suit being an outfit that makes you all but immune to zombie attacks:


Edited by _Gunslinger_

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  On 8/6/2012 at 9:01 PM, Shard said:

Perhaps you could add a rare add-on for a character being Body armor.

Type 1: Kevlar vest: Only protects against 3-4 shots from a pistol to the body. Then dissapears. Or is rendered unsuable.

Type 2: Enforced vest: Features ceramatic plates. Holds against pistol rounds, Nato ,and the larger 7.62 rounds. Takes 3-4 shots for the larger rounds and an unlimited amount of pistol rounds.

Would be found only in crash sites and rare as gillie suits or the other basic camo.

Um one round of 7.62 pretty much would render it useless.

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  On 8/6/2012 at 10:25 PM, gibonez said:

Body armor should never get added.

Part of the beauty of dayz is that even when fully kitted out with all the gear and weapons you are still as vulnerable as a newbie on the shore.

It also makes it kinda lame. You spend all that time trying to find good loot, having a hard enough time finding ammo just to get shot in the back by a pistol or even a hatchett. I try not to get fixiated on loot but still spending hours finding stuff isn't always that fun, especially now with all the duping even rare loot has less value.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 10:59 AM, witalit said:

... get shot in the back by a pistol or even a hatchett...

Unless you're playing on a 3rd Person View Disabled server... You shouldn't be getting snuck up on by axe murderers... Even then... situational awareness, breh.

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This would only encourage Player versus Player interactions even more than what already goes on.

Not only that, but it will also give some players in Player versus Player scenarios the advantage of having armor protection while the other might not. On another note, how would it be fair for a new player to not be able to successfully kill a fully geared up veteran without being at an extreme disadvantage?

Yeah, you're already at a disadvantage, but is it really necessary to go the extra mile? At that point, it'd be pretty ridiculous and one sided.

Edited by charlietomato

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I only read some of the posts above but here's my opinion;

If they are going to ever incorproate body armor, they should factor in:

1. Breaking/Cracking of ribs when shot. (Can only jog, and maybe you cough loudly or moan)

2. Gear affecting the amount of noise you make.

3. Increase in exhaustion, thirst, and food meter.

4. Limiting movements, ie, you can not snap up from prone or to prone in 3 seconds, and crawling under or vaulting over a fence, etc.

5. Overall weight limitations.

6. Gear should take Damage/Attrition/Wear.

To me it would be useful to have a suit hiding in my tent, so if I needed to go raid the hospital in Cherno/Electo, hit up NWAF, etc. I would toss it on, due to bandits.

But in no way would I ever want to run around in it long term, and there should require a cost to it.

Everything about Day Z needs to have a cost.

Before body armor, I just want a damn helmet. That can soak a bullet or three from any small caliber gun. And then its breaks. And just like in war time, if you clean it, its your canteene. But you lose visibility.

Or a hat or shades that protects from sun glare. Maybe the hat prevents use of Range Finder, and NVGs, and the sunglasses Lower brightness for everything.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 4:46 PM, TheSwede said:

Unless you're playing on a 3rd Person View Disabled server... You shouldn't be getting snuck up on by axe murderers... Even then... situational awareness, breh.

Its not happened to me but I'm sure it has happened..

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  On 8/6/2012 at 10:25 PM, gibonez said:

Body armor should never get added.

Part of the beauty of dayz is that even when fully kitted out with all the gear and weapons you are still as vulnerable as a newbie on the shore.

well body armor dont protect the head....

BTW if this would be added i would be in the standalone since it would be to hard to do in the arma 2

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  On 8/7/2012 at 5:29 PM, charlietomato said:

This would only encourage Player versus Player interactions even more than what already goes on.

Not only that, but it will also give some players in Player versus Player scenarios the advantage of having armor protection while the other might not. On another note, how would it be fair for a new player to not be able to successfully kill a fully geared up veteran without being at an extreme disadvantage?

Yeah, you're already at a disadvantage, but is it really necessary to go the extra mile? At that point, it'd be pretty ridiculous and one sided.

think about this. how would a zombie hit/bite you if kevlar protect you. this should also add zombie protection

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If kevlar is being added it should depend on the distance the shot was fired from and what kind of caliber it was. A 9mm from 20 meters away you should be fine but you should be in shock and require painkillers though, because in real life there is a chance you break a rib or something. Now 9mm wouldn't necessarily cause that however .45 ACP can definately give you a few broken bones and from up close it is unsure whether the kevlar will stop it.

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Fun fact: most modern body armour is only really capable of stopping pistol and submachine gun rounds, and 5mm rifle rounds from medium to long range. 7mm and up rounds may be slowed/deflected enough to turn a killing shot into a wound. There is also a rarely-observed phenomenon associated with .50 ammunition; it makes a sound akin to giggling as it effortlessly rips through reinforced ceramic armor plates. Oh, and armour-piercing ammunition is available for rifles, submachine guns and most larger caliber pistols.

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I'm glad to see the thread continued after the first couple hours. And although I do get the points about not having body armor, such as the one about noobs being disadvantaged. Adding on the consequences of the armor would be probably a good enough drawback. (The list someone posted above)

And I do get the points about how the jackets wouldn't stop anything much more than a submachine gun round. But I still think it should be able to take (The heavier jacket) a few nato rounds before it is destroyed or damaged.

If it ever is implemented, nobody wants a jacket that has massive drawbacks and can only stop one or two bullets of small caliber.

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The idea is good in theory but unless it has heavy drawbacks it would be rendered unfair for most players.

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