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Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

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Lol, this kids complaining about my zeroing when making a troll video destroying their shit, someones butthurt. And we didnt take the grenades you derps they are still in your tents.

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u mean the vehicles i found at the north east side of them map at Guba? BTW they still had everything in them and worked very well Thanks for the vid giving the rough location.

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u mean the vehicles i found at the north east side of them map at Guba? BTW they still had everything in them and worked very well Thanks for the vid giving the rough location.

another great example of admins abusing server restart powers.

thanks for the confirmation that you guys do abuse your power :) \

ps. @scrototems, that 300 m at 150m target zeroing? was also a from-the-hip headshot. in the dark :) your welcome for destroying that tractor also :)

pss. haven't been seen on the server since? you badmins (see what i did there) have had the server down throughout most of the morning (for which im assuming to get those vehicles back)

Edited by feathand

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Moral of this story. Don't mess with Admins hacked and duped loot, they pay for the server so they can do as they please on their server.


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Moral of this story. Don't mess with Admins hacked and duped loot, they pay for the server so they can do as they please on their server.


wrong, wrong, and wrong?

1. none of their shit was duped,

2. we're free to mess with whom we like, it's literally the meta-game for this mod.

3. they actually can't do whatever they want. read up next time you try and disprove someone :P

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Well when u invite all the hackers to come in a blow up building and put fire over half the map what ya gonna do? Server is down atm since no1 can play on it since u posted that camp and called in all the hackers great job kiddos.

Yet more logs to just send over to devs to look over and fix. Server will remain down until i get a reply from the ticket.

Edited by Bedyr

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wrong, wrong, and wrong?

1. none of their shit was duped,

Ya, so a few guys manage to aquire a rediculous amounts of loot and vehicles much of which is probably super rare yet the the manage to aquire multiples of each

Lemme guess, they just have l33t skillz, no job, no school, no outside commitments, do not require sleep or eating other then a bag of chips and some cold pizza

AAAAAANNND they just happen to be admins on the server who caught someone combat logging at the EXACT spot where their loot was getting taken?

Funny how it's always the same scenario...... Why is it most server bans occur with somebody finds the admins stash?... Combat logged my a%#$%

they found your stash and were taking it and that ban button was too hard to resist.

2. we're free to mess with whom we like, it's literally the meta-game for this mod.

3. they actually can't do whatever they want. read up next time you try and disprove someone :P

As admins on servers connected to the hive... NO.....YOU.....ARE......NOT.

Much like RANKED servers in Battlefield, there are RULES that admins must abide by or get removed from the hive......simple as..

Edited by jblackrupert

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I aprreciate you for telling the locations.

I think my Clan should pass by :) Hope you can handle 18 people raiding your shitty camp sir!

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I aprreciate you for telling the locations.

I think my Clan should pass by :) Hope you can handle 18 people raiding your shitty camp sir!

lol feel free to stop by when ever u want.

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you must have read something wrong friend. trust me, i'm not on the side of the admins. if you read the other 7 pages you would know that.

and, the majority of their stuff up there was not by any means 'l33t' and would not take much time to acquire. ( sorry guys, but it's true :P ) the only thing that would take time to amass in that camp was the vehicles, for which i give props to that clan for getting. only thing missing was the chopper and the bus i think (feel free to rpove me wrong)

the tell-tale sign that they weren't dupers was the fact that they didnt have multiples of almost anything, and had a bunch of low quality guns. if i was a duper, i'd dupe all the best weapons, not single crappy weapons.

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Well when u invite all the hackers to come in a blow up building and put fire over half the map what ya gonna do? Server is down atm since no1 can play on it since u posted that camp and called in all the hackers great job kiddos.

Yet more logs to just send over to devs to look over and fix. Server will remain down until i get a reply from the ticket.

we got the enjoyment of stealing your stuff, i hope someone gets the enjoyment again. i'll be watching your server closely and next time your stuff get's stolen and you roll back the server to get it back, we'll definately report you again.

cheers :)

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we got the enjoyment of stealing your stuff, i hope someone gets the enjoyment again. i'll be watching your server closely and next time your stuff get's stolen and you roll back the server to get it back, we'll definately report you again.

cheers :)

rolled back the server? pretty sure admins cant do that and iirc when i checked the logs whenever any of ur clan members joined the server time would change, dont worry though all the data has been sent to the dev team so any foul play on either side will be dealt with accordingly. We dont hack, we dont dupe and we dont cheat we dont camp off map. Can u and ur clan really look at urselves and say the same thing?

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rolled back the server? pretty sure admins cant do that and iirc when i checked the logs whenever any of ur clan members joined the server time would change, dont worry though all the data has been sent to the dev team so any foul play on either side will be dealt with accordingly. We dont hack, we dont dupe and we dont cheat we dont camp off map. Can u and ur clan really look at urselves and say the same thing?

Mcalliser dont worr ill pass by :0

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rolled back the server? pretty sure admins cant do that and iirc when i checked the logs whenever any of ur clan members joined the server time would change, dont worry though all the data has been sent to the dev team so any foul play on either side will be dealt with accordingly. We dont hack, we dont dupe and we dont cheat we dont camp off map. Can u and ur clan really look at urselves and say the same thing?

yes, yes we can, and your logs can prove it. the fact that you guys have changed your story so many times makes me question the credibility of anything you say. i don't think you dupe, and i dont think you cheat in the conventional way. you had a hacker on your server, and you're using that as an excuse to get all of your gear back. that's what i believe. and guess what? my story hasn't changed :)

also, clan? i'd prefer to be called a small group of friends on skype :P

Edited by feathand

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twisting a story ? as i recall moonchild said 7ppl from ur clan raided the camp and give us all ur name .... the entire list of names in your motley crew (as moon put it):

Moonchild http://www.gametrack...1.190.210:2312/ around 20servers since days come out

mr12inches http://www.gametrack...1.190.210:2312/ only been on 2 servers in

baudin http://www.gametrack...1.190.210:2312/ only ever been on 1 server.

crystal Never been on our server.

MIKE http://www.gametrack...1.190.210:2312/ 2700+ servers hes been on LOL been on around 75 servers just until now how many more b4 the end of the day? LOL again

nighthawk Never been on our server

Highwind http://www.gametrack...1.190.210:2312/ 2servers

What i find strange is how most of you have only been playing / made a new character since about 1 week ago. 1 of you has been on almost ever server and seems to play on around 100+ a day server hop much? 2 of them have never even been on our server. So how many of u are new to the game? or is it that you have a 2nd account since ur 1st was banned for hacking?

Funny how u hide behind so many other names what ever can the reason behind that be i wonder...

Anyway im done with this post and topic now its getting boring so GL & HF trolling the next server u roll up onto.


Edited by Bedyr
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my in game name is cristelle, not crystal, and as for MIKE, it's not case sensitive, you basically just looked up every 'mike' that ever played day z.

zzz stop trolling and using fail resources to make us look bad, anything else you'd like me to prove you wrong on?

Edited by feathand

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my in game name is cristelle, not crystal, and as for MIKE, it's not case sensitive, you basically just looked up every 'mike' that ever played day z.

zzz stop trolling and using fail resources to make us look bad, anything else you'd like me to prove you wrong on?

So all that and ur only comeback is about the mike....and not the fact all of u have either just started playing the game (which btw is clearly not the case) but ur hidding behind other character names.

id love to stay and chat for awhile longer but as i already said im done with this post / topic now since ur clearly hidding behind other names for whatever reason is any1 guess but i have a pretty good idea so again GL & HF trolling on the next server u roll up on.


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+1 for giving people info of camp but that also gives hackers an easy way to find places people will be flocking to for easy goods, but then again risk vs reward as usual in DayZ. :P

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+1 for giving people info of camp but that also gives hackers an easy way to find places people will be flocking to for easy goods, but then again risk vs reward as usual in DayZ. :P

Only thing u will find there now is empty tents other than maybe a few hackers all waiting to see if they can kill you 1st, that is ofc if u can make it through the wall of fire they have placed there

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so, you think because we stole from your poorly hidden camp, that we've been playing for a long time? and that we've put in the extra 30$ each just to make us look new? what kind of drugs are you on?

the bottom line is, their's so many holes in your story, and ours has been the same the entire time. your rebuttles are sub-par, uninformative, and just plain wrong. you're a terrible admin, and i'm keeping this thread bumped to make sure people avoid this terrible server like the plague.


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lol u know so much about the game that u claim to have only been playing for what 1 week max? im pretty sure moonchilds GameTracker name go's back to the start of DayZ and further again and Highwinds gos back just the same. But yea ok kiddo ur all new to the game and have only been playing for 1 week. So where are these holes u be talking about but keep digging urself into?

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Revealing a clans camp to the gen-pop is classless. Also gives hackers an excellent way to avoid the thunderdome and prey on looters and the camp members. The public forums are most certainly not for this kind of discussion imo.. Should have kept the dispute in a PM instead of butt-puckering and sharing tears with the community.

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Greedy idiots following a dick move camp position post, getting killed by obviously appearing hacker and then start complaining about posted coordinates/server info? Priceless! :D

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This shit still goin on...lol

Play the game.

and stfu.

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