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The tactical significance of sniper rifles, accumulated rebuttals and why they're here to stay

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Good post but you forgot the "50S KILL IN ONE SHOT TAKE THEM OUT AT LEAST WHEN I GET HIT WITH A DMR I CAN ALT+F4" argument.

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Sniper rifles aren't used against zombies, therefore they don't belong in DayZ.

This argument ignores the fact that rocket himself has declared and intends for players to be the greatest threat in the game. Tactical sniper rifles are not used for zombies generally, true. But, so what? I'm more concerned with the threat of players than zombies and that's not a flaw in the game design. That's precisely what rocket intended and precisely why sniper rifles remain an important tactical element of the game.

I would take this even further and say primary weapons are not used against zombies. I barely ever use anything other than my secondaries to dispatch zombies, because ammo for primaries is just too valuable.

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The overall sniper debate is as pointless as people calling for PvE servers. Not only would you go against the game's overall vision, but ultimately, you would make it boring. Sniper Rifles add to the already tense atmosphere the game creates. Aside from that, as stated enumerous times, the game is designed in the eyes of rocket, and he wants to keep the rifles, period.

If, however, you don't like that sniper rifles are for keeps, then you can either:

A - Accept the fact that they are here to stay, and get over it.


B - Create your own zombie survival mod.

Edited by Heaves
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I think people don't realise the unique selling point of DayZ is that PvP combat is not only included, it is the prime feature of DayZ. The main reason DayZ is getting the attention it is comes down to the fact that it is so unique you're scared of other players. Trust is one of the main factors. This isn't L4D2, this isn't CoD, this isn't WoW, if a guy wants to kill you and does so, you lose your shit. I can't fucking stand people who keep complaining that they're killed by a sniper in Cherno and then post and find it hilarious when they kill a guy with a L85 who said he was friendly with a hatchet.

tl;dr if you complain about PvPers who shoot on site buy a different game

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Sniper rifles are fine, any gun that is a 1-hit kill to a full health player *without* a headshot isn't.

It is a matter of gameplay balance, not realism, not people complaining about getting killed.

The most devastating gun in the game shouldn't also be one of the easiest to use, IMHO. Again, gameplay balancing, not realism is what forms this opinion.

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I don`t often find a thread in which I agree with every point the OP has made, this is one of them.

Beans for you.

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If you're on DayZ/ARMA II for the gunplay, you're on the wrong game.

Good points

Edited by Polkaman

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Well said. Should leave very little for debate...but unfornately they will bring up the same BS 72 hours from now. But well said sir.

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I'm still waiting to see how the game balances out after fixing dupes and database reset. However for those saying "going aganst the overall vision of the game". I don't think rocket envisioned the game as a sniper competition. Currently the game revolves heavily on sniper rifles.

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in the real world. wars are not "balanced" why should this game be?

he who dies with the most toys = still dies.

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IMO, Rocket should actually TRY things.

This is an alpha of a mod and there's no good reason that we shouldn't TRY removing or adding features or weapons and see what happens.

I've been playing for like a month and a half and the only things that have been added are bear traps and some algorithms for zombies' sight/hearing.

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Well said, OP.

It's hard to argue why we should keep snipers without people getting extremely defense, but it looks like you shot down every angle of it. And what's scary is, if we removed sniper rifles, we're removing a player dynamic in the game, reducing the amount of choices of play style we'd get. And who would want that?

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I'd have to agree with every point made. Good job, putting them all together in an easily understandable and well worded format too.

I've killed many players as a "sniper" (though I don't think I'm quite good enough to earn that title, I'm still just a crazy-ass moron with a long ranged gun) but have yet to die from one because I know how snipers work and operate. The only people I've ever shot is those who stop in the middle of a field to talk to their teammates, or who go into extremely exposed areas (ex: the construction site in Stary) and sit there trying to shoot zombies.

If you don't want to be sniped... Don't. Sit. In. The. Fucking. Open.

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I don't think rocket envisioned the game as a sniper competition.

That's just it though, it's not. I VERY rarely encounter folks with precision rifles when I'm not expecting it. Actually, now that I've been playing a while, I am NEVER surprised by a sniper. If someone takes a shot at me, I was in a spot where I knew it might happen. Just like the kid I shot this weekend running across an open field with his buddy outside Starry (that then stopped RIGHT at the treeline). He shoulda known better. Then he Alt+F4'd as he was spurting blood (but that's another argument). But not long afterward I was engaged by 3 guys (2 in ghillie's) with at least one semi-auto precision rifle and I dove behind a rock, then hauled ass through some bushes. It's not hard guys. Just be smart. That's what makes this game so much fun. You gotta think!!

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You sir, can have my beans.

I'm sure the people this thread is actually intended for while completely ignore this thread and continue to cry about the fact that someone shot them with a sniper rifle. Oh well, I guess you can't win them all.

I for one enjoy the challenge of having to properly recon an area before I move in. That I actually have to pay attention to the route I take, and where I can be seen from, just like in real life. And for those crying that the guns are too common? if we went real, the only guns which would be any sort of common would be shotguns and hunting rifles. Meaning yes, there would be -even more- people with "sniper" rifles in the game.

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scaring off an approaching bandit

and how do you know they were a bandit and not some possible friendly?

also While I won't agrue with you against the need of snipers but whats the need for the m107 and AS50 when we have the DMR,M24,SVDcamo,possibly the m14?

Edited by Orthus

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Shoot at their feet, of course.

I'm usually the assault guy going in and looting, but there are times in my group where I take recon. I've yet to kill a player with a sniper rifle. In fact, I've killed over 40+ zombies as a Sniper than anything else. We all play differently.

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The only difference I'd like to see is the 'zero' system. I know that is an Arma thing, and has nothing to do with DayZ, but I would prefer actual MRAD adjustments at least for the rifles with mil-dot reticles. The subtensions are correct to the point that you can accurately range targets, so being able to make a call off the splash and make an adjustment would be great!! Then folks would either have to make a wild ass guess at elevation or make up their own dope cards. Then people with "no training" would have a much harder time with the "sniper" rifles.

Again, that is asking WAY too much, I know. Just something I've thought about since getting into Arma.

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If duping wasn't near automatic, including magazine refill upon login would you really waste rounds shooting at somebody's feet? If you're going to use a bullet you should maximize the return on your investment. Aim for the head and then drink all their Dew.

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Every weapon with a more powerfull calibre than 5.56mm should have a decent chance to cripple or knock out.

Dont start making the one hit kill weapons end game eqipment to pwn the noobs i am fine with .50 cal rifles as long as i can also one hit the snipers with my lee enfield should the be to predictable (pls fix the dinner bell).

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I just believe the 1 shot kill (.50) snipers have no business here. I believe the dmr, cz (especially fitting), and others with scopes need to hit someone twice for a kill. (dependent on distance as they are now.)

It's just anti immersive to me, to be paranoid that someone with a .50 cal sniper is on every hill top watching me. And everyone with it seems capable enough with said man cannon to blow off my leg (in the least) and kill me.

Not many people can just pick up the .50 and fire this thing without hurting themselves. Lower caliber rifles are much more "user friendly."

While I don't snipe, I do believe it's absolutely imperative it stays nonetheless. I just ask for a tad more balance to go along with this mod. (we all know dayz is suppose to be unfair, but a tad more balance should be welcomed to balance out the fact that everyone's grandma wants to be some bad ass sniper they saw in a movie.)

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Not many people can just pick up the .50 and fire this thing without hurting themselves. Lower caliber rifles are much more "user friendly."

Actually... have you ever fired an M82? They don't kick much at all (like you might think). Tuck it in your shoulder and it's a pussy cat. That big ass clam shell brake will clear your sinuses (and knock the wind out of anyone not directly behind you). They are definitely too common, but that's a matter of duping. Plus I would have killed for a .50 calibre rifle the other night to stop a van. Plus they are effective against helicopters, if/when they come back. I haven't used one in the game yet though, perhaps they are too accurate. The .50 BMG cartridge is NOT meant for accuracy, and you aren't gonna be finding match grade ammo with 750 gr A-max or solid lathe turned bullets in Chernarus. Make it like 2MOA and there will be fewer people taking shots at 600 with that thing. Again, I don;t know if that's possible through the mod though. But if you had a 11" ring around your point of aim where it would hit randomly at 500m it'd be a much more realistic situation.

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