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Favorite weapon  

221 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Side arm

  2. 2. Favorite Primary

  3. 3. Favorite Sniper Rifle

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I personally consider the M4A1 Holo to be the most versatile weapon in the game. Full auto, nice sight, M203. Can't beat that. M9 SD is best for zombie killing but the PDW comes at a very close second due to it's bigger clip size and easier to obtain ammo. M24 is my favorite sniper just because I like the way it looks and feels. It's just really fun to use.

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Revolver: Accurate and Powerful.

AKS-74u Kobra: Sound and feel, drops zeds in two shots. Quite accurate.

SVD: Best sights, not one-shot skilless.

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you should re post this topic since the weapons where nerfed the revolver and the 1911 are useless so i voted pdw as its the best against other players and your more likely to die from another player than a zombie

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M1911 - Plentiful ammo, convertible from revolver ammo, strong.

Lee Enfield - Once again, plentiful ammo, super accurate (practically a sniper rifle w/o a scope), drops targets 80% of the time with one shot.

M24 - One of the only non-.50 cal sniper rifles capable of killing in 1 body shot. Also able to combine/disassemble ammo from DMR mags allowing for easier ammo management.

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Favorite side-arm - PDW, because it can use any 9mm mag and doesn't attract zombies if you use silenced ammo

Favorite primary - M16A4 ACOG, really good assault rifle with an excellent scope.

Favorite sniper rifle - M24, super super accurate, very common ammo (and it can be combined into DMR to save space), and so much more rewarding than the AS50 (killing someone at 800m in 1 shot actually feels like an accomplishment).

Edited by xFortune

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Sidearm: G17. Ridiculously accurate and no recoil, not to mention the mag capacity. Flashlight is a nice option to have available.

Primary: M4A3 CCO. Not the most powerful rifle but you can all keep your noisy AKM. This gun is hideously accurate, with no recoil at all, and frankly it floors most guns purely by merit of having an aimpoint sight. STANAG ammo is everywhere. It also has the option of a flashlight.

Sniper rifle: AS50 is for girls who can't use mildots, it's all about the DMR.

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PDW: big clip, rapid fire.

M4a1 CCO SD: great for taking out zeds without alerting your presence to anyone else.

SVD Camo: is quieter than as50 and m107... and looks awweeeesoooome :D

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PDW: the trash sidearm as im used to say, shoots everything.

M4a1 CCO SD or the holo with grenade launcher, currently i possess both and switch all the time:

Sniper: i dont snipe, if i need to i like the m24

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you should re post this topic since the weapons where nerfed the revolver and the 1911 are useless so i voted pdw as its the best against other players and your more likely to die from another player than a zombie

Why? Because some weapons got nerfed it shouldn't be removed

I can't vote for my favorite primary, the M14. For some reason it's listed as a sniper rifle..

Well the wiki considers it as a sniper rifle, I changed it.

Edited by PC.

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PDW: Unless you put 30+ bullets into every zed you find, it's incredibly hard to run out of ammo for this thing. Not the best iron sights or damage output, but I don't think either really matter if I can just pump things full of lead before they criticize my choice in secondaries.

L85A2 AWS: Nightvision, thermal scope, a second level of scope zoom, zeroable up to 800 meters, and it uses one of the most common magazines in the game. Not really much left to say.

M107: Not really a sniper, but the M107 seems like a good balance of power, availability of ammo, and chance of actually being found.

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Sidearm: G17, plenty of ammo, good dmg along with huge magazine, flash as an extra goodie

Assault: i rarly use one but if i can find one ill take the bizon, or any other rifle if not

Sniper: DMR over all, the only ones that comes close is the SVD Camo (Because of the camo huh) and the m24

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Favourite sidearm: M9 (or SD). Why?: Because it is an all round good weapon, not as powerful as the Revolver or the M1911 but I just like it. Also, easy to get mags.

Favourite Non-Sniper Primary: M249 SAW. Why?: Because its pretty easy to get, and to get mags for and you only need to carry 1 mag (or maximum of 2) the bas thing I suppose is it does less damage than other LMGs and the mags use 2 inv slots.

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Favourite sidearm is definitely M9 SD, as for primaries, I really like the AKM due to it being relatively powerful and ammo for it is easy to come by. My second favourite primary is the Winchester, best gun to kill zombies with imo. Never liked sniping.

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Sidearm: PDW. Incredible versatility, with the firing modes. Full AUTO for laying waste, or semi auto for pewpewing headshots. All the different magazines available for use...incredible.

Primary: M14AIM, hands down. Powerful enough to knock people unconscious on the first shot, definitely breaking bones as well. Two hit body shot kill? Winning.

Sniper Rifle: M24. So sleek, elegant. I love it.

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I'm not picky, I'll take whatever's in your tent.

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I like the AKS Kobra. It's quiet, reasonably powerful and there's tonnes of ammo for it and the sight on it isn't bad ether. Sure the M4s are more powerful, but ammo is harder to find and they are usually a lot louder.

For sniper; the DMR. Again, not the best gun, but the most practical. It has zoom, it's semi-automatic and DRM mags can be found all over the place. Once you learn how to use mil dots this thing is lethal. (Play ARMA 2 and practice with it people)

Pistol wise the M9 SD is a no brainer, but other then that the PDW is a nice thing to have. Not that powerful, but it's nice to have a spray and pray side-arm.

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G17: For it sounds so sexy

Double-Barrel: For it sounds like God ejaculating

M24: For it's the best sniper rifle I have used

I don't use the double-barrel shotgun for PvP obviously. I mainly use it or trolling new players. Nothing like spotting a survivor in Elektro getting as close as you can and then firing in their general direction (which is all you could hope for with that thing anyway), for best effect use while wearing a Ghillie suit. I had two guys with AKM's freaking out in the fire station yesterday thinking I was laying down some kind of insane sniper fire on them, listened to the whole thing over direct coms. Pure comedy gold.

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