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People who complain about DayZ. STOP.

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Forums. They should be a good source of information about a subject(s) and a good way to discuss something with people right? You can find guides, you can read on whats new and chillout in offtopic sometimes if thats what youre into. Oh boy this place must be fun to hang out on! No, it mostly isnt because of some types of posts.

Very many people use the dayz forums for something else, thats right, complaining. Noone likes it, it wont make a difference most of the times. Complaining/whining/qq'ing will just make other people annoyed, because there are those that realize that this is alpha.

When you downloaded Dayz, you pressed a button that said "Download DayZ" but i think that the people that are posting the posts where they just complain, didnt read the second line (Alpha test). It even says so in capital letters!

People. i think that Rocket has a plan for his game, i think he knows what to do. The game wont be faultless in this stage. When a game is in alpha its in the experiment stage, according to Rocket. Its in beta stage where all the annoying bugs and such will be removed.

So people, dont post the unnecessary QQ-posts. Either play something else, or try to think of this game as "unfinished" because it isnt. Most of the problems in alpha are going to be fixed when the game is standalone. You are just testing the alpha of a mod of a military shooter.

tl;dr - Dont post QQ-posts, play the alpha and look forward to standalone.

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You say 'Dont post QQ-Posts' in your signature but yet...is this not one?

Stop trying to make a huge difference we both know that people are going to come here crying day in day out and especially when the Hive gets taken down for a bit. There's nothing we can do ... it's just what happens to popular games. I'm sure Minecraft must have had its issues during the beta with whiners coming to complain on the forums.

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People who write posts complaining about people who write posts complaining are now people who write posts complaining.... :huh:

Um...? WTF did i just type?

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Rocket says both complainers and fanboys are needed.

Without complainers there would be no reason to fix the bugs and without fanboys there is no one that loves the mod/sim/game.

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I don't understand the point in yet another topic on asking people to stop moaning about the mod.

Firstly, some people moan and some people state their case about bugs in the game or the way the game plays - it doesn't make either version more or less valid. People are people and will communicate things in different ways.

Secondly it is a buggy mod. Sometimes it is the first time people have encountered a specific problem and they come here to discuss it - it's good that they do that so bugs and be picked up on. The majority of the time it will be the nth time that the bug has been mentioned - once in a blue moon it'll be a new one. They're all valid and all worthy of discussion. People may be tired of hearing about them, but for the person who encounters it, it could be the first time or they lost a particularly good bit of kit/died etc...

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So you just put a QQ post in a Dont post QQ-posts post while you complain about people who complains...

I am soooo lost.

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I like posts that tell me what i can and cant post about in an open forum :D

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Seriously are you that dense? I'll use this quote

You are just testing the alpha

Part of the testing is giving feedback. About what's broken, what's underdeveloped and what's lacking completely. All these people are contributing to the development (because if there is no feedback how are devs supposed to know what needs to be done??) and you tell them to stop? Wow what a great alpha tester you are.

And to all white-knights. Testers that don't give feedback are bad, don't you think? Testers that try to convince everyone that everything is perfect and tell people to stop posting about issues with the game are terrible, are hindering the development and should be banned.

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But... but... if people stop QQing where am I supposed to get my salt from?

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Says don't make QQ posts... makes QQ post.

mfw when

Do you know what mfw means?

You just wrote "my face when when"

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If giving feedback = Talk about the same bugs 100 times.then yeah.. go ahead. I did not for this to happen.

After many posts about the same subject im sure rocket knows what is wrong about the game currently.

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If giving feedback = Talk about the same bugs 100 times.then yeah.. go ahead. I did not for this to happen.

After many posts about the same subject im sure rocket knows what is wrong about the game currently.

People will talk about problems with the game until they are fixed. Period.

And it's not the same guy talking about same issue 100 times. It's 100 different people. Nobody's gonna read every topic about the issue before posting new thread.

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People will talk about problems with the game until they are fixed. Period.

And it's not the same guy talking about same issue 100 times. It's 100 different people. Nobody's gonna read every topic about the issue before posting new thread.

I was just about to write the same thing - beans for you.

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The next logical step will be a thread, where someone complains, about people complaining, about people complaing, about the game...

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op just remember this forum is the equivilent of a digital brick wall. you dont have to read any of the threads never mind the complaints. rest assured that almost a million people arent looking at this forum, they just play the game and ignore the bitching by ppl who suck at dayz, have a crappy rig or just like to pretend they are important online

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The bloody mod is in the ALPHA stage. Get your dicks out of a knot and chill out. It's not even a full time GAME, it's a mod - in alpha. To everyone complaining, is this the first game you've played in Alpha, or at least early stages of the game? It WILL have problems and hackers, it's all about time and development. Take a look at Combat Arms, it has a horrendous problems with glitches/bugs and hackers, and it's a full blown damn game. Give Rocket time, hold onto your dick and relax.

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