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What do you guys think about the L85A2 AWS?

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I just picked one up, I want to know some reviews about it though.

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Great for spotting targets from long distance for a sniper.

Shit for everything else.

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I think it needs to be removed from the game. it renders the stealthy, patient approach pretty much useless since they can see you coming regardless.

Until that happens, though, it is pretty much mandatory gear for the spotter/security member of a sniper team.

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find things, with the heat scope- everything else about it sucks. so think of it as an alternate binoculars, with heatthingy.

Edited by Tatakt

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Thermal scope is good, if a bit OP. The weapon in general isn't great, it fires STANAGs though so ammo is common enough.

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If i have a choice between an AWS an mk-mod-0 or an m16/m16/w grenade launcher which should i be using (for pvp)

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The thermal scope is op on it, specially when on servers without name plates. You can guarantee that whoever has it will spot players faster than anyone else.

I think it needs to be removed from the game. it renders the stealthy, patient approach pretty much useless since they can see you coming regardless.

Until that happens, though, it is pretty much mandatory gear for the spotter/security member of a sniper team.

I do think in the current state of the game it is OP... but this is because almost EVERY server has some camp where its being duped to hell and ANYONE can get 1.

This gun is supposed to be rare, but due to dupes its pretty common. Rare overpowered items are ok as long as they stay rare.

This gun doesn't make you invincible. It's actually very hard to shoot people with it and kill them just because most people combat log and it isn't a 1 shot kill. So, unless you're good at hitting moving targets that are 600m away, it's very hard to kill people when it actually matters. Forget about this gun in close range combat.

What I normally do is spot people with it, then switch to my as50 for the kill.

In short, if the gun becomes rare it wont be an issue.

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Well after reading "forget about close quarters with it" i think it's lost its place in my gear menu.

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I was probably one of the first people to acquire this weapon. At the time, it wasn't listed on the wiki, or as a heli drop, and only a couple of threads even mentioned it. It was incredible because, given that no-one knew about it, no-one planned for it. It was ridiculous. The game worked but I had this god-like advantage of being able to see anyone. It was, realistically, an unfair advantage.

Now everyone has it, it's even worse. The stealthy approach in this game is suffering so much right now, because virtually everyone I kill now, is carrying an L85. I myself carried an L85 as my primary, with an AS50 and Mk48 in my backpack, and an M9 SD as a sidearm. But it was pointless, because no matter what lengths I went to, trying to be stealthy, I still get shot. If one of my squad mates later got the guy, they always said he had an L85. Same went for at least 50% of the kills I got myself. The L85 made them. It's an average weapon in terms of damage an accuracy, though I have managed 500m kills with it, on fair players who didn't just Alt-F4. But it's all about that scope.

And it should be removed. Even if the gun is rare, it's just not a fair way to acquire people. Stealth and patience should be rewarded in all circumstances, not penalised.It doesn't fit in with the way DayZ is, and I'd be glad to see it gone. And this is coming from someone who has used this weapon for 2 months, given I got it on my 3rd ever day of DayZ.

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Can see through fog, but that doesnt help because you won't be able to hit the target with anything else.

Good for counter sniping though.

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Great for spotting targets from long distance for a sniper.

Shit for everything else.


so much tunnel vision i hate it

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It has a green laser that can only be seen with Night Vision. So at night time you can equip some NVG's, turn on the laser (push L), and then you can fire from the hip with deadly accuracy. Make sure your range it down to 100 when using the laser for killing zombies. Its range for killing players is about 500 tops. Anything past that is a crap shoot. It does range up to 800 but no way you're killing anyone that far away.

Also the scope has a double zoom. Press num + to zoom in super far (same as rangefinder zoom).

Edited by Cal627

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Haven't used it in combat yet, just made some tests yesterday.

I've shot at a small rock in 300 m distance (60 shots) and it was absolutely accurate (both prone and standing).

Personally I think this "AWS inacurrate" is a myth. Probably people are mislead by the sniper scope...

it is an assault rifle with a sniper scope; so if you can shoot accurate at 300m there is no reason to call this gun inaccurate.

Am I right or not?

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I think it needs to be removed from the game. it renders the stealthy, patient approach pretty much useless since they can see you coming regardless.

Until that happens, though, it is pretty much mandatory gear for the spotter/security member of a sniper team.

No, not removed, but make it so that you can "hide" your heat signature for the L85 players.

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If you're solo, only use it if you have a sniper/another military grade weapon for the actual firefight.

Myself and another group member carries it around. The thermal scope is fucking brilliant.

L85A2 AWS + AS50= epic combination.

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This gun is zeroed up to 300m. I'm surprised it's labeled as so inaccurate. Thermal vision can not see through glass, and that is really the only negative besides the scope not having a normal vision for day time. It is by no means OP, and while it's dupable it will never be "rare", regardless of how tweeked the spawn point becomes. I think it's a pretty cool gun. It has it's ups and downs like any other rifle. The thermal does not cut through solid objects, so if you can be seen through their scope, you could find them through yours. Rifle is not broken, should not changed, in my opinion atleast.

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No, not removed, but make it so that you can "hide" your heat signature for the L85 players.

You already can, put something between yourself and them, or just walk behind a panel of glass.

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Useless during the day. I just lost mine right now. Switched backpacks and the other disappeared. (It was in it)

Lost my ATV full or rare loot too. :(

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