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My reasons for taking a break from DayZ, potentially leaving.

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nice post by the OP, has indeed raised not new but continuously prominent issues.

I really hate reading this forum so many post makes me want to hulk rage, quite frankly the only reason i keep this page open is to get the new patches when they come out, but reading the slagging off 'go back to wow' wtf kind of comment is that, like that has anything to do with the OP and their gaming preference, why does disliking and finding glaring issues with a game, require the need to be told to go play another game, i'm guessing if anyone wanted to they could go and play 'insert random game here preferably one that has a massive following and a tiny hater base because they got kicked from their guild for being an arrogant dickface and now feels the need to associate anything or anyone they dislike with their past life failures' ... sorry i got carried away there.

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The game is ment to have no goals, you create your own

Once you got all the gear, the only goal is to kill people. What the fuck else is gonna be a challenge and fun?

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Once you got all the gear, the only goal is to kill people. What the fuck else is gonna be a challenge and fun?

You guys don't know about the easter eggs?

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I love the fact that everyone is telling him his opinion is wrong.

What a conceited bunch we are.

OP you make some valid points and if the game doesn't deliver any more then quite rightly go and have some fun on something else. Hell I was utterly sick of Fallen Earth, but I jump on now and again recently and it's all fun again.

Best of luck.

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I just want to say one thing about hackers. They WILL get bored and move on. This game doesn't have THAT much to do. There aren't leaderboards for them to wiggle their e-peens at; there are significant physics and graphical limitations that won't keep them interested for months; New games will come out that will provide new challenges (that ARMA II blatantly does not). There will always be cheating in this mod, but it'll calm WAY down soon enough. We're in the pinnacle of player growth, and with that comes hacking.

In a few months either the game will be standalone, or many of the hackers will get bored of griefing with 2008 technology. Hang in there team.

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I find post's like this offensive to my intelligence, Games are only as dull as the players imagination.

Point 1. There are a load of playing styles, it isn't about collecting stuff, snipers, bandits, camp destroyers,hatchet killers. medics, pains in the arses. murderers. logistics, traders.

Co-operation is down to the players not Rocket.

Point 2. This is about losing kit again. Anything with the popularity of DayZ will attract the hackers, You remember it's alpha, this can be exploited and abused. I have never found a hacker in game (perhaps it is due to low player servers i am on?) I go around looting and depleting other players camps, I am no hacker. If you leave your camps and vehicles in out of place areas, I will look for it every time i play, the only way I wont loot it is if You guard it all around the clock. I do like the sound of private servers where me and my friends can play in a secure place free from Hackers, it is the apocalypse I'm here to play not I've got more than you.

Point 3. I do believe admin need more control over servers, but being an admin is also being abused by some. I have been kicked because I stole a vehicle of an admin member. That's not the reason for being an admin is it? Yes mistakes happen because info is hard to prove. I do not know much about hosting servers but come on this is Alpha these things happen, I believe its down to the community to do something about it and raising it is the first hurdle.

Point 4. I play solo, if i consider a situation as a threat I get out of there, if the players tell me they are friendly I watch them closely and play along with them, you can tell a sincere player after 10 mins. I'm a part time medic and judge players on my encounters with them. After patching up a player I have never been shot at by them or felt threatened by them. I have been shot by snipers and that is fine, it's their playing preference. I can stand over a town and offer support via sniping to new players with no kit. each to his own. There are clans out there they recruit all the time there is plenty of co-op going on, some players don't want to play that way.

Point 5. This is about kit again, I never owned a tent, but I have destroyed many even if I know it may or may not re-spawn later. Every player starts off with a few items and then they take it about themselves to find all the goodies they want. If you didn't build camp sites then you wouldn't be able to duplicate stuff on a faster scale. I have all my kit from you campers, cheers you made it possible. I believe Rocket and Co are working on this issue, so patience is a must. I have never owned N.V.G, rangefinder, as50, any S.D weapon, Mountain Dew, big Coyote backpack or satchel explosives But I search every tent I come across because it's easier than finding them the good old fasioned way.

It all boils down to how you play the Mod and I believe you understand it is in Alpha and this is where many players forget it isn't a finished product, there will be issues after each update until it is finally sorted. Just grin and bare it, you make the game what it is.

All those who are taking a break, come back and play the game you love, because you will miss it and if you don't, fine it is not for you, but the community is moving ahead Look at Lingor, more to play and explore. (Whether Rocket allows this or not it is making His baby more fun and enjoyable)

My 2p

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You guys don't know about the easter eggs?

Don't tell me that the endgame of dayz is posting made up stories about that mountain on the forum and telling people not to talk about it.

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Hacking has ruined this game. someone teleported the whole server into the air last night and quoted "fly me to the moon" and let us all drop to the ground dead and lose about 2 days of work. i lost an AS50 and guille including M9SD Bizon and other goodies. i had managed to Alt F4 cheaters who warped me and tryed to hack me but i found no defence against this latest hack. This game is a joke right now and nothing is being done to improve or fix it. Rocket is obviously off negotiating the biggest cheque he can to continue working on this mod after the media frenzy he has been given for what is essentially a copy of War Z. (since war z is finished almost i assume its Day z who is copying.

This game is broken to bad due to the hackers that its not worth playing. you may as well get a Enfield and just run around shooting because you wont feel bad when you get robbed

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I just want to say one thing about hackers. They WILL get bored and move on. This game doesn't have THAT much to do. There aren't leaderboards for them to wiggle their e-peens at; there are significant physics and graphical limitations that won't keep them interested for months; New games will come out that will provide new challenges (that ARMA II blatantly does not). There will always be cheating in this mod, but it'll calm WAY down soon enough. We're in the pinnacle of player growth, and with that comes hacking.

In a few months either the game will be standalone, or many of the hackers will get bored of griefing with 2008 technology. Hang in there team.

Hackers never get bored. What a stupid idea to think not fixing the game so people cant hack is not a better idea than waiting for them to get bored? did Hitler get bored after he invaded half of europe?

Edited by irzero

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Early test versions of game have gameplay 10x faster and 10x easier, to speed up finding bugs and other such stuff. So later in final release game can be 10x harder. Still this game need some alternative after dead, because if beginer die he mainly just lose stuff. If someone who know at least some of map or get spawn in same location, he just easy find a body and take from it what left. So what sense of "perm-dead" if its not perm-dead only "find your body".

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I find post's like this offensive to my intelligence, Games are only as dull as the players imagination.

Point 1. There are a load of playing styles, it isn't about collecting stuff, snipers, bandits, camp destroyers,hatchet killers. medics, pains in the arses. murderers. logistics, traders.

Co-operation is down to the players not Rocket.

There is no reason not to shoot people other than liking gambling and having a lot of spare time to start over almost every encounter. (unless you have some friendly servers, haven't seen one)

Point 2. This is about losing kit again. Anything with the popularity of DayZ will attract the hackers, You remember it's alpha, this can be exploited and abused. I have never found a hacker in game (perhaps it is due to low player servers i am on?) I go around looting and depleting other players camps, I am no hacker. If you leave your camps and vehicles in out of place areas, I will look for it every time i play, the only way I wont loot it is if You guard it all around the clock. I do like the sound of private servers where me and my friends can play in a secure place free from Hackers, it is the apocalypse I'm here to play not I've got more than you.

It's not about loosing kit. It's about massive number of hackers in the game and lack of protection against them. Why are you talking about looting people's camps? It doesn't have anything to do with it.

Point 3. I do believe admin need more control over servers, but being an admin is also being abused by some. I have been kicked because I stole a vehicle of an admin member. That's not the reason for being an admin is it? Yes mistakes happen because info is hard to prove. I do not know much about hosting servers but come on this is Alpha these things happen, I believe its down to the community to do something about it and raising it is the first hurdle.

It's down to community to do something about it without more tools? He's here to give feedback about current admin tools. He's doing a good job testing the alpha. What's your problem with him saying that admins need more powers?

Point 4. I play solo, if i consider a situation as a threat I get out of there, if the players tell me they are friendly I watch them closely and play along with them, you can tell a sincere player after 10 mins. I'm a part time medic and judge players on my encounters with them. After patching up a player I have never been shot at by them or felt threatened by them. I have been shot by snipers and that is fine, it's their playing preference. I can stand over a town and offer support via sniping to new players with no kit. each to his own. There are clans out there they recruit all the time there is plenty of co-op going on, some players don't want to play that way.

What does all that have to do with lack of reason to cooperate (ie not shoot on sight) with strangers?

Point 5. This is about kit again, I never owned a tent, but I have destroyed many even if I know it may or may not re-spawn later. Every player starts off with a few items and then they take it about themselves to find all the goodies they want. If you didn't build camp sites then you wouldn't be able to duplicate stuff on a faster scale. I have all my kit from you campers, cheers you made it possible. I believe Rocket and Co are working on this issue, so patience is a must. I have never owned N.V.G, rangefinder, as50, any S.D weapon, Mountain Dew, big Coyote backpack or satchel explosives But I search every tent I come across because it's easier than finding them the good old fasioned way.

This is about killing one of the mechanics of the game. Looking for loot is an important part of the game. But you can nullify it by duping. Once a member of a clan or whatever finds camo. 50 other people will have it within an hour. It's breaking the game. How is it bad to talk about it?

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Hackers never get bored. What a stupid idea to think not fixing the game so people cant hack is not a better idea than waiting for them to get bored? did Hitler get bored after he invaded half of europe?

yes compare hitler to hackers? cos that's relevant?.

Hitler wasn't just "using some cheats to ruin peoples fun", cos he was bored and lived with his mum.

think he had some bigger plans than that. and I can promise you hitler got bored. do you know how long organising an offensive on that kinda scale takes?. anyway I digress. you put forward a really stupid arguement.

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I don't really care about you leaving this game, and i don't think a post made with the objective to explain your reason to us is justifiable. I get your point though, but it's not like we have never seen that sort of post before.

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Glitches, bugs, server restarts etc, all these factors I can deal with. I consider them part of the dangerous enviornment.

The mod becomes boring fast due to tents and hackers. Both kill the worth of finding loot and your achievements. The first because you'll always have a high end gear stash to fall back on, do you guys feel as terrified of losing gear after your setup? The latter because all your skillfull playing, your hard earned gear you acquired after a daring raid on NWAF, your days spent being alive mean nothing if a hacker nukes a server.

I consider this mod a success, though. Can't wait to play the standalone where these problems are ironed out.

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Guys Rocket himself said, that he needs both RDF and ARA so even "bye I quit" topics might have some information value as it indicates what some players hate about this mod.

On the other hand if lot of such posts pop often, then it might get a bit tedious.

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Hackers never get bored. What a stupid idea to think not fixing the game so people cant hack is not a better idea than waiting for them to get bored? did Hitler get bored after he invaded half of europe?


Hitler diatribe notwithstanding, Hackers DO get bored. And I didn't say that fixes shouldn't be made, I said that hackers will get bored, or it'll go to standalone and hopefully things will be fixed.

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I blame this WoW generation of gamers.

If you can't play a game for 16 hours a day 7 days a week for a few months straight then the endgame content is bad.

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I've only seen Santa tower, what more is there?

There are trading cards with facts about rockets from the early soviet space program hidden around the world....seriously. I'm not even playing.


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I blame this WoW generation of gamers.

If you can't play a game for 16 hours a day 7 days a week for a few months straight then the endgame content is bad.

And I feel sick to read such texts. And you what do in DayZ? Like playing 24h just to lose your gear soon or later, and start from begining to lose it again. Whate waste of time. :P

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Here you go..

"Thank you for taking the time to participate in the on-going development of the DayZ project.

Please feel free to return if and when you have the time and motivation."

I'm thinking of starting a Wall of Fame Stickie , send me your ID and I'll add you to the list.


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