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Everyones bitching :(

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Well guys why is everyone bitching about the hackers I've only ran into a few and it was never a major set back unless you get nuked. I'm not saying ignore the hackers but don't say the games unplayable or gay because you had a bad experiences just give it time it is in Alpha. But the forums are not a place to bitch about the hackers there is already 1000+ threads on it and obviously they are trying to work on it because I've seen less and less. The real problem you guys have is patience, Which you need because hackers will always roll along and hack but you don't throw a game in the trash because its so on so "gay". but yeah there is my little 2 cents hope this enlightened you as i tried to keep it short. Don't give up and keep trying it will get better guys. B) :beans:

Edited by Legacy
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The sentiment is appreciated, but this thread is no more useful than those complaining of the hackers.

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Bitches will bitch bro

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dont be fooled by multi accounting trolls

just keep enjoying the game. like most you have barely been affected and can "deal with it" when you are

some people are just sick

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Actually the forums are precisely the place for people to raise their concerns, while it's annoying to read the same threads over and over again it shows how prevalent the issue has become.

Edited by smasht_AU
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I can agree that there is alot of bitching about the hackers at the moment. But honestly, can you really blame people? And i think the amount of bitching tells us something about the scale of the problems facing the aplha in its current state.

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The sentiment is appreciated, but this thread is no more useful than those complaining of the hackers.

Those who complain read it, understand it and stop complaining so much. It works, believe me!

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You are lucky that you haven't been greatly affected by hackers, or perhaps you don't even know most of the times when you were affected by hackers! Hackers aren't just nukers. Who knows? Perhaps all those "unlucky" ambushes you ran into were set up by hackers, whom you thought were just regular bandits.

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well your lucky then :P hehe :D havent had that big of a issue myself, was worst when i was a noob back in the dayz XD now i just go to my camp and regroup and bring the battle 2 the hackers xD last night me and my friend got the hacker to trust us xD and we then shot him in his back with his AS50 TWS wich he had in his backpack XD he insta kill us after that tho xD but never the less we got him and that made it so worth it xD

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I'm not saying ignore the hackers but don't say the games unplayable or gay because you had a bad experiences just give it time it is in Alpha.

Arma II is alpha? I did not know that.

Battleye is alpha? I did not know that.

HINT: The DayZ mod isn't what the hackers are attacking. It doesn't matter what Greek letter DayZ is in.

If anything, the fact that it is facing this fierce of an attack while still just an alpha should be cause for alarm, not for complacency.

Edited by random51
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Never seen a single hacker yet ! :D

Post a server you're on and I'm sure they will accommodate you.

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Meh, the only reason I hate hackers is because they don't give a shit about other people's experiences with the game, just because their bored doesn't give them the right to mass kill a whole server. Listen, I've said it before and I'll tell it again, I used to have an FN FAL w/ NV, all the gear I'd ever need, Nv goggles, rangefinder, GPS, M4A1 Holo as a backup, camo armor, it was sweet. But then the entire server up and died right then and there... no offense to you, but I lost months worth of looting, fighting off bandits, holding up against all of Vybor in the school, countless broken limbs and bullet wounds. To die to some asshole who decided to would be fun for shits and giggles to kill everyone with a simple command. I would not give a shit about that lost gear by now if a bandit had killed me, know why? He would have deserved it. He bested me in DayZ and got the reward where dozens of others are now dead. But no, my gear was gone, the server was down, and all because of some prick with not enough women to fill his free time.

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I just change servers at the slightest hint of HAXZORZ.

-Problem Solved.....Unless they just Nuke the server. :P

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Arma II is alpha? I did not know that.

Battleye is alpha? I did not know that.

HINT: The DayZ mod isn't what the hackers are attacking.

true its us xD couse we get angry xD so stop being angry and complain :P thats what keeps them going :P its like drugs, if nobody wants drugs there is no profit in selling it :P

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You havent been playing at all then.

I've only encountered one script kiddie in a fortnight, you can deny it all you want. Some people are encountering them a lot more than others, part of the problem is probably server/region choice and some of it is undoubtedly people assuming some events are "hacking" which probably aren't.*

*Like one guy on these forums the other day who said two guys driving around in a UAZ with silenced weapons must be hackers. There's no doubt in my mind that "hacking", while an extant problem, is being over-reported.

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Meh, the only reason I hate hackers is because they don't give a shit about other people's experiences with the game, just because their bored doesn't give them the right to mass kill a whole server. Listen, I've said it before and I'll tell it again, I used to have an FN FAL w/ NV, all the gear I'd ever need, Nv goggles, rangefinder, GPS, M4A1 Holo as a backup, camo armor, it was sweet. But then the entire server up and died right then and there... no offense to you, but I lost months worth of looting, fighting off bandits, holding up against all of Vybor in the school, countless broken limbs and bullet wounds. To die to some asshole who decided to would be fun for shits and giggles to kill everyone with a simple command. I would not give a shit about that lost gear by now if a bandit had killed me, know why? He would have deserved it. He bested me in DayZ and got the reward where dozens of others are now dead. But no, my gear was gone, the server was down, and all because of some prick with not enough women to fill his free time.

so? why whinge over and over?

i think they heard you already (rocket, BIS and the hackers)

quit enabling

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I've only encountered one script kiddie in a fortnight, you can deny it all you want. Some people are encountering them a lot more than others, part of the problem is probably server/region choice and some of it is undoubtedly people assuming some events are "hacking" which probably aren't.*

*Like one guy on these forums the other day who said two guys driving around in a UAZ with silenced weapons must be hackers. There's no doubt in my mind that "hacking", while an extant problem, is being over-reported.

The biggest problem i run across is everyone being teleported to the same area.

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The biggest problem i run across is everyone being teleported to the same area.

That's the one thing that happened to me in the last fortnight. My friends and I were at Green Mountain when we were transformed in to cows and teleported to the NWAF, I aborted the server before I could be shot like my friends were.

Since then I've not experienced any sort of contact with a script kiddie. Maybe I'm lucky, maybe I just play on good/varied servers, I don't know, but one thing I am sure of is that people are over-reporting 'hackers'. If someone doesn't specify that they were transformed, teleported, or dropped from the sky I tend to assume someone outplayed them and they got mad.

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Yeah, it's not like the games creator got Thunderdomed twice during a livestream Machinima interview, the amount of cheaters in the last week has escalated to borderline corporate espionage levels, with public hive servers now dying as a result, and meanwhile the response from the developers has been nothing short of flaccid.

I mean if that happened every single thread on this form should be about cheaters.

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If outplayed means teleported to the other side of the map and then dropped from ~100m to instant death than yes, A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GETTING OUTPLAYED IN DAYZ LATELY.

Where do I loot the mass portal gun so I can start outplaying people this way? Hit the NWAF barracks lots of times, Stary lots of times, downed helicopters lots of times, still haven't found this weapon with which I can outplay entire servers full of people at a time.

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