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Ozelot (DayZ)

People who run around helping strangers are naive...

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To those of you that run about giving away free medical supplies, food, etc... I do not understand your logic. What good do you think you are doing?

Have you ever heard of the phrase "The best way to help someone is to teach them to help themselves." ??

In DayZ world this is extremely true. By giving away these freebies you are essentially robbing people of the experience of DayZ, the chance to learn something! To do this is actually callous and cruel. What do you think that person will do when you have no beans left to give them? They will starve, because they have not learned how to collect their own. What will happen when it's time to shoot and you're not around to fire for them? They will miss and be eaten by zombies.

By also helping one person, but not all, you essentially decide to save one while killing another... This is insane. And for every one person you save, there will be one hundred put down in the scope of a rifle. Your efforts are futile.

All you do is put yourself at risk. The man you arm will put a bullet in your teeth. The one you heal will steal your medicine when you need it most. The one you feed will expect more, and when you do not give it to him he will feed you to the zeds.

So why?

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Usually I give people supplies and tell them good and safe places to loot and find their own survival gear O_o and then I go along my own way. I'm pretty sure most people are giving advice along with help, and the advice is invaluable to a new player. Especially since nobody wants the same freaking newbie bugging them for free stuff all the time.

also I like helping because there isn't much to do at end-game, and this makes the game fun and gives me stories to tell!

(I love the stories)

Why does people helping other people have your panties all tied in a knot?

Edited by "Lost" Alice
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That, is generally not the case with the medics of the wasteland and those on the whitelist. Why do they do it? Because there is some shreds of humanity left in DayZ, and it's beginning to pile up.

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Pointless post. You won't understand.

To each his own and all that. Let people play the way they want to, just as you expect to be able to do.

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I ran across half the map to get morphine for my friend on like my 3rd day playing. It was: Fun as shit, intense as shit, and I ended up saving him. Most of these medics and good Samaritans help solo players because those people don't have a friend to trek 45 minutes for that morphine stick. Also it's fun for them. Troll harder.

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Who cares how somebody else plays this game.

If they're playing within the rules then seriously who cares.

I 100% support people playing the game however they want as long as its within the rules.

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Helping people is another fun thing you can do in this game just like being a bandit, exploring, or just being a plain survivor. How about you stop telling people how to play the game and let them enjoy playing the way that they do. I see nothing wrong with helping, I honestly needed quite a few YouTube videos to help me especially in the beginning, and I actually think it would've been cool if someobdy in game were to actually tell me these thing rather than a video on YouTube. So to those people that help noobs by giving them a couple supplies and some advice to help them, I think you are a doing a damn good job!

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just because you dont want to help people and i do dosent mean im naive it adds a different dimension to the game besides deathmatch just because there isnt a saved peole tracker like there is a muder tracker dosent mean its the wrong way to play

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In a game that gives you immersion, when I, as a player and human being, look at the pixelated avatar of another player, I don't see just some construct NPC with no actual life behind its eyes, I see another player, who has just as many thoughts, emotions, and just an equal of a life as I do. And I think "Would I kill him if I were actually put up this?" and my answer would be no. Because the one thing I will always have, being a human, is hope. Hope that this person senses the same immersion as I do and realizes that shooting me would be killing someone behind that screen metaphorically.

Then, when they shoot at me, I kill them and take their beanz.

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Well, your wrong on almost every level and I'll explain why.

When I first used a Medic (the only time I have) my character was 5 days old and I had spent a lot of time setting up a base camp. I didn't want to give that up because of being injured a the NWAF, so I called a Med. He came and patched me up and my character lived to the ripe old age of 9 days. Also I made a good friend and we have now formed a team. So that's two good reasons so far.

Also, once you get to the point of being able to survive fairly easily and find the loot you want, you basically have to find something else to do. For some people that involves sitting on Dobry hill shooting people which requires no skill whatsoever. Some of the best DayZ moments I have had have been while trying to get to a patient or trying to protect them. It's basically good fun AND TAKES SKILL TO DO IT PROPERLY.

Also, at the start of the Wasteland thread it clearly says not to ask for the help of a medic unless you have a character worth saving. I'm sure many ignore this but that's life.

So when you have all the gear you want and your finding basic survival pretty easy, what are you going to do with your time?

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So when you have all the gear you want and your finding basic survival pretty easy, what are you going to do with your time?

I think I'm going to RP a character who needs regular morphine injections, and as such constantly hunts anyone with medical supplies.

A shame that kind of disease or addiction or something isn't in the game right now. All we have currently is infection, which is rare and the cure is so hard to find you might as well just respawn. Maybe in the future.

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To those of you that run about giving away free medical supplies, food, etc... I do not understand your logic. What good do you think you are doing?

Have you ever heard of the phrase "The best way to help someone is to teach them to help themselves." ??

In DayZ world this is extremely true. By giving away these freebies you are essentially robbing people of the experience of DayZ, the chance to learn something! To do this is actually callous and cruel. What do you think that person will do when you have no beans left to give them? They will starve, because they have not learned how to collect their own. What will happen when it's time to shoot and you're not around to fire for them? They will miss and be eaten by zombies.

By also helping one person, but not all, you essentially decide to save one while killing another... This is insane. And for every one person you save, there will be one hundred put down in the scope of a rifle. Your efforts are futile.

All you do is put yourself at risk. The man you arm will put a bullet in your teeth. The one you heal will steal your medicine when you need it most. The one you feed will expect more, and when you do not give it to him he will feed you to the zeds.

So why?

How is this robbing them of the DayZ experience? DayZ shouldn't be all about death and respawns. Medics and friendly clans who are willing to share their knowledge, morphine, blood bags and whatever else are also part of the DayZ experience as a whole.

Despite popular belief DayZ is NOT just a Death Match where you kill or be killed - thats just how the majority of people have decided to play it.

On a side note, the last Elektro hospital I went into had roughly 7 boxes, all filled with med supplies - 5 blood bags, 10 bandages, 5 epi, 5 morph. As I had yet to find a larger bag I grabbed what I could but man did it make me want to become a medic.

I did kick myself - MAJORLY - for not looking for antibiotics. They're just so rare and seldom used. I just can't help but think that there may have been some in one of those boxes. haha

Edited by Maroite
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Why? Because helping is the right thing to do. It is what I would do in real life. All you lame "bandits" who feel it necessary to KOS for no reason is idiotic. I don't mind helping.... don't mind traveling across the map to help. Yes, I have been turned on by the very same people I have helped..... you know what? doesn't matter... I still did the "right" thing. It makes me feel better than getting a "murder" off someone I don't know... haven't talked too... or see in my scope hundreds of meters away as they go about their business without even knowing I am there.

I also don't just give them supplies... i give them advice and even escort them to the nearest place to stock up. I tell them how to look for a knife and mactches and then hunt for the good stuff. Tell them to save the meat for health and use cans for when hungry. ETC, ETC. Again... what should be done in the real world.

Go ahead and knock me... but bandits are cowards and prove it each day by the way they snipe.

Edited by Fdmedic03
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Yeah it was already touched upon here: the endgame with "just surviving" or starting to duke it out with other players just seems too random and pointless. Setting up a helping organization generates emergent game play situations that cannot be matched with stalking people through the telescope (for me, at least).

And, I think doing a good deed to somebody creates a bigger impact on that player than blowing them away.


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I think I'm going to RP a character who needs regular morphine injections, and as such constantly hunts anyone with medical supplies.

A shame that kind of disease or addiction or something isn't in the game right now. All we have currently is infection, which is rare and the cure is so hard to find you might as well just respawn. Maybe in the future.

Well you could try hunting medics if your up for a challenge. Just because we help people with medical needs doesn't mean we've hung up our gun's. Quite the opposite. You'll quickly find out that keeping a constant supply of meds and frequently entering dangerous situations voluntarily means that Medics are some of the most skillful and tactically aware people you'll meet in DayZ.

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I think I'm going to RP a character who needs regular morphine injections, and as such constantly hunts anyone with medical supplies.

A shame that kind of disease or addiction or something isn't in the game right now. All we have currently is infection, which is rare and the cure is so hard to find you might as well just respawn. Maybe in the future.

That's actually quite a fun and interesting playstyle! I might actually pick that up as a digruntled IT worker who finds himself painfully addicted to pain pills while working with a grisly, bitchy biker. A wannabe hipster gamer girl and some old war vet who's probably demented and thinks we're all commies.

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Sounds like you're vastly underestimating... Well, humans. You've explained it as if I gave someone food, once they have eaten it they will become confused and won't know what a town is or how to loot. :S, people aren't that stupid, if anything, helping others encourages them to go and do well, so they can be in the position of the person that helped them one day.

You seem to be talking about people who have the mentality of a dog. I have never met anyone so one dimentional as you have described how you see other survivors. Nobody is going to become bewildered after someone else helps them slightly.

Hell, if more people were friendly and helped new people, a lot more would stick around and play more, the average experience of human contact in DayZ is getting shot in the face instantly. Helping others is good, it helps the game, and it helps others become better.

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Nobody is going to become bewildered after someone else helps them slightly.

That put the funniest image in my head xD

It's times like these I wish I could draw,

because that would be a hilarious day Z comic strip.


Edited by "Lost" Alice
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Give a man a can of sardines and you feed him for a day. Give a man a can of sardines every day and feed him for a lifetime.

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Feels good man

They will starve, because they have not learned how to collect their own.

I doubt it.

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I give blood transfusions to those who ask for it, how the hell can you learn to give yourself a blood transfusion when you need another player to do it?

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That's actually quite a fun and interesting playstyle! I might actually pick that up as a digruntled IT worker who finds himself painfully addicted to pain pills while working with a grisly, bitchy biker. A wannabe hipster gamer girl and some old war vet who's probably demented and thinks we're all commies.

Will you be named "Gray Ben Pells?"

Well you could try hunting medics if your up for a challenge. Just because we help people with medical needs doesn't mean we've hung up our gun's. Quite the opposite. You'll quickly find out that keeping a constant supply of meds and frequently entering dangerous situations voluntarily means that Medics are some of the most skillful and tactically aware people you'll meet in DayZ.

This is precisely the kind of dynamic this mod needs. For every person out there trying to 'fix' the world, there needs to be someone who is trying to ruin it. Personally, I find basic banditry boring. There needs to be more folks out there who think bigger-- Who can find ways to create much deeper, lasting wounds.

Don't just kill people. Prevent them from being saved!

Edited by Ozelot
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