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Is this a fair kill?

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I was in elektro (like always) and I was scavenging around when I saw what looked like a survivor far in the distance, I hid in the bushes with my ghillie suit and I was invisible when he came past I shouted through direct communication "Put your hands up and don't move!" he did that and then I asked "Can I have your gun so we have no 'accidents'" He replyed saying "No!" (still unaware of where I was) I said "I will kill you then" and I one-shot him in the head but i'm still sure the M14 Aim is instant kill already

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Thats what your supposed to do, you ask for his weapons then let him go! And hey dude you need a player friend? You sound experienced on this game just from this ost! You got skype?

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If you think it is, it is.

If you are truly worried about being "fair" next time you should let him pass.

Also, it depends if you killed him because you wanted his gun, or you felt threatened?

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Quite fair, in fact, it's far more bandit-y than most bandits will ever be. And no, the M14 is not an instant kill unless it's a headshot, does 8000 damage though, so 2 will do it.

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Well, if you took his gear it was a fair kill, if you didn't it was still a fair kill... *cough* bandit *cough*

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Sucks for him, but that's as fair a kill as any. You even gave him the chance to swap his weapon for his life.

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Definitely fair, you had the upper hand, but you offered him peace. He chose to refuse that peace, the fact that he didn't know your location only proves it, because if you are caught so short-handed that you can't even locate your enemy, then resisting in such a futile way is surely the sign of a fool.

In fact, I'm kind of glad to see this story, it's nice to see some people with honour in the world.

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Don't blame the victim... You're an evil murdering bastard - be comfortable with your choices :-)

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You can have my gun when you pull it out of my cold dead... oh you just did. Damn!

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if someone told me to stop moving and drop my gun (wtf???) i would run like hell to find cover.

if i survive, i would know where the shots came from and then we'd see who's dropping guns.

if someone is stupid enough to listen, fair kill.

Edited by Azrail

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I was going to let him go but he was looking around so I thought he heard my footsteps which I was wrong as I found out 5 minutes after the kill I was shot but the shooter was a very bad shot and only managed to wound me and I had to kill him.

(Might of been his friend)

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I was going to let him go but he was looking around so I thought he heard my footsteps which I was wrong as I found out 5 minutes after the kill I was shot but the shooter was a very bad shot and only managed to wound me and I had to kill him.

(Might of been his friend)

Basically if I tell someone to do something and they don't comply I shoot them, simple as that really.

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If you don't use hacks or ghosting then it's always a fair kill. The only other question is morals and that's entirely up to the individual.

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