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55 from Florida here. Anyone playing on US servers? UK180 is pinging at 120 for me. Might give it a shot in a bit and see if I get kicked.

TS and DayZ name same as here.... TaterHead

There were fellow Americans on there this evening, although we noticed one guy get kicked at 126.

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I was on UK 180 but couldn't contact you guys through the shoutbox.

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Join the Team speak server fella, server details in the shout box. You can download it here, it's free to use, you only pay to have a server.


Worked a treat last night, we all met up from literally the four corners of the map lol.

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Had a great time playing with a bunch of you folks today! I'd type more, but way too much happened, and I need to catch some shuteye. Looking forward to hanging out with you lot some more in the near future though.

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42 - NY Eager to have a go at this... cool idea!

Only started Dayz a few weeks back - still quite the noob. D/L'd - but still have to learn how to use TS.

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Will/Marlow and I had a lot of fun running with you guys. I haven't spent this much time in the game for ages! Looking forward to meeting up with you all again. :D

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I'm TSed up and I think, ready to go, if anyone is around this afternoon, I'm literally gagging to play, logged into TS, have no idea how to use it, I assume leave it on while I play the game and see what happens

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Im around shortly to team up, will get on TS and see who is around

Also.... www.fogeyz.co.uk

NICE! How did we get so organized so quickly! I can deffo help with this if you want ... I make websites ( graphics and code ) for a job, so its second nature by now. Let me know what I can do.

That was a good thing last night indeed ... liking this crew ;]

My hip!


Edited by poMONKey
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NICE! How did we get so organized so quickly! I can deffo help with this if you want ... I make websites ( graphics and code ) for a job, so its second nature by now. Let me know what I can do.

That was a good thing last night indeed ... liking this crew ;]

My hip!


How did we get organised so quickly..... maturity and experience... or maybe the santogen helps

yeah I do websites etc too so any help is always appreciated... we need to find out what everyone wants from it so we can get even more organised.....

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Had a great time last night. We got daring and headed to NWA to loot and got a bit careless thinking we were the only ones on the server. Snipers nailed 2 of us and after a 30 minute server restart delay, the bandit got the rest of us lol. Then we had to deal with an italian hacker who eventually killed us all from different locations via teleport and god mode hacks. May want to consider a different base server and keep the server ID off the forums. We lost a ton of good gear... but had an exciting night for sure. lol

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I was on UK 180 but couldn't contact you guys through the shoutbox.

We saw your cries for help. Tried to get your location via shoutbox. Teamspeak is the way to go though. We can all talk to each other regardless of our location on the map.

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Yeah I think uk 108 was a good starting point for us to all meet up and see how it worked. We should in future limit it to a couple of others but only announce on TS so we dont get hackers or whoever gunning for us.... The other problem with 108 is its always dark when I am on so either I am stumbling around or losing people easily.... so other daytime servers would change the gameplay and less running through open fields

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Had a great time last night. Thanks for all the fun and we need to do it again soon.

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maybe will need a list for 'each' side of the 'pond' (Sula ?)

Here in Colorado I could not even find UK 180 - So ping was 200+

Last one I was on was US 2134 - ping there was about 50

Being retired I 'can' play from about 6 am till 9 pm mountain time or so

I downloaded teamspeak now gota figure out how and where to use it - lol

Edited by kb5ixd

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Sorry I didn't meet up with you guy's last night, struggling with my voice so wouldn't have been able to communicate properly and my game play would have suffered due to this :(, so I decided to do some solo stuff and jumped on a private server as a fresh spawn, joined dayz9999.com's server, I had a ping of 177 but everything seemed to run smooth, enjoyed myself, seems well run and enjoyed reading the chat as I roamed the map lol, best of all no hackers! :)

Buildings like the fire station, apartments etc that have been put into towns that don't normally have them and there are purpose made camps in the wilderness too, haven't seen them myself as I stayed away from the towns and unfortunately didn't manage to find a camp either, though someone in chat did, but I did see them on these vids...

Towns - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVwjd10fSag&feature=plcp

Camps -

Anyone on later if my voice is up to it? (need to use that tent in my pack)

Edited by DeadShaun

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maybe will need a list for 'each' side of the 'pond' (Sula ?)

Here in Colorado I could not even find UK 180 - So ping was 200+

Last one I was on was US 2134 - ping there was about 50

Being retired I 'can' play from about 6 am till 9 pm mountain time or so

I downloaded teamspeak now gota figure out how and where to use it - lol

Agreed. we should have a US and UK server and possibly go back and forth as needed. We ultimately need to find 2 servers for each country 12 hours apart so we can always play in the daytime in game.

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Hello chaps, would love to join up with you!

Age: 33

Location: UK (Sussex)

TS3: peps1

In Game Name: PEPS1

Could someone PM me with the TS info?

Ps. what's the GMT +/- on the UK 180 sever you guys like to play on?

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It's night and nvg gogs are essential but I think we may move servers soon anyway fella

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If someone would be so kind as to PM me the TS info

I'll see 'if' I can get it set up - key word 'see' lol

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I'm TSed up and I think, ready to go, if anyone is around this afternoon, I'm literally gagging to play, logged into TS, have no idea how to use it, I assume leave it on while I play the game and see what happens

No you need to click connect, top left hand corner, then enter the server ip in the box that opens up. You can find the server ip in the temp shout box, link in my sig. You might have to trawl through the spam buts its a list of numbers.

We should all be in one of the rooms.

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Yeah uk180 is always night when we play, nice if we have nvgs but we have mentioned it alot and dont want to end up with hackers etc.... I would say 2 servers on each coast so UK and US.... so anyone can get a game with a nice ping and also day and night... we wont mention on this thread but in TS or on fogeyz.co.uk to allow us freedom from being stalked by hackers or the grim reaper ( at our age we have to expect him )

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I started looking at getting a server set up for another group of players a couple of weeks ago ... its not too bad as far as the technical side goes ( although, theres a lot of perussing dizzying log files looking for hackers, and such ), its mostly a money issue.

Servers are anywhere from $50 - $70 a month for 40-50 slots. Not bad if we have enough ppl to keep them up and running. Though, not everyone can afford even $5 a month extra ( sometimes, thats me D: ) ... so its something we could certainly do, but with the knowledge that it could get a bit outta hand time, and money wise ( but Im up for it :] ).

We could also set up a private hive server. That would solve a lot of hacker, ghosting, and server hopping problems, though they still obviously accure on occation, we could stiffle it quite a bit. And the public could still come on ... which I want. I played with some folks that locked their server down so nobody else could join ... *yawn*

Lets see how the group builds itself, and if it looks good as far as some of the logistics go, Id be happy as shit to get our own servers, and maintain 'em.

We should also stay aware that the stand alone version could be coming soon ... that could impact any decsion to jump into this mod with servers and stuff. Might be better to wait it out a bit ...


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