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Players 30+ years old

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Great post man! I too are amongst the elders lol. Just got thru playin for a bit and got tired of bein shot at so takin a break. My name is MrBaconbit in game and I'll see if I can't figure out how to change my name and put a fogey in the front just in case I run into any of yahs but I'm a west coast USer so would be hard time matchin up. Type in "Dayz - I got suckered by a kid" into youtube (my channel is same name). Only have a couple vids but both are me gettin ganked by some turds. Nice to see some not so blood thursty peeps out there!

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Hi all, 39 year old gamer, new-ish to DayZ, playing lone wolf at the mo as none of my friends play this mod, have a few zombie kills with my current character and no murders, try to avoid players and zombies if at all possible, want to survive more than pvp, would be interested in meeting up and maybe starting a camp, i'm currently carrying a tent.....if no one kills me and takes it before then lol. Message me if interested.

Skype - DeadShaun

Edited by DeadShaun

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I'm another survivor (based in the UK) and looking for other to team up with. So far in the past couple of weeks since getting this game all I've come across are bandits and DayZ is quickly getting closer to being relegated to the dustbin if I can't find real gamers. I'm proud of my 2500 humanity and having 0 murders and I plan to keep it that way as I try to survive and help others where I can (if I can find any that will accept help rather than kill me on sight). Message me if you're looking for a fellow survivor to team up with.

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To my shame, I added a few people and then because I didn't recognise their names on skype, was too embarrassed to get in touch with anyone - I've no idea who most of the people are on my skype contact list!

I must do something about this over the coming week. So I may well contact all of you and see if anyone is still interested in just having a list of oldies, or maybe wants to get together for a run about, or even just do a match up of names from the forum and their skype name, where they're not printed in this forum. :thumbsup: :beans: :beans: :beans:

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I'm lundi_noir on Skype but I don't use it much. I'm usually on Messenger and FB chat mostly. Going to make a coffee, catch up on Doctor Who then I'll jump into DayZ - if anyone is up for meeting in game let me know. :)

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Hi there im UK based and looking for the same type of survivers, not bandit or hackers would be call to join up if you want me? I am 34 years old and played most Arma2 mods. Pm me if your looking to join up

Updated Skype account now working. Gareth.Morris9999 feel free to add me

Updated Steam gareth_morris99

GMT zone

Edited by Solitare

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I'm 31 from Brighton England, my game style is semi bandit meaning if i don't have much gear i will be more friendly and willing to take a chance when somebody calls friendly, but if i'm geared up to the max i will try to avoid a player but always try to kill a player if i get the chance, unless the player has no gun.

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I'm 26 on the south coast of England.

I've never had the opportunity to kill anyone as the only contact I've had with other players is when they snipe me from the bushes lol, but i would much rather find friendlies anyway. Would like to team up some time so add me.

My steam and Skype are both Leezeebub.

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Hey Sula/Guys, Scotland here.

There are 4 of us who have a basic forum we use for outside of game chat related to DayZ and generally being social, we have a server running, play quite regularly when our kids allow

and would like to have a few others join us. We use teamspeak and have had some great laughs playing together for the last 4 weeks. We enjoy raiding towns and cities and vehicle scavenging.

We prefer to avoid conflict but have had some fire fights. We also like to avenge thefts and general hoodlumery!

I am the youngest at 32 and the others are 40 41 and 42.

Add me on steam : mindblank (Same avatar as forums)

Or PM me here and we can exchange credentials! ;)

*Edit* We have one guy with 40k+ Humanity for your information :)

Edited by MinDBlanK
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I'm absolutely interested! I'm 40 and my husband's 44. We live on the US East coast. West Virginia to be precise. I'm going to try out a UK server later tonight to see how laggy we might be. I'd love to play with other like-minded grownups, but wouldn't want to be a liability to anyone because of lag issues. I'm a friendly player with one bandit kill (in self-defense, mind you) since mid May.

I love the 'Fogey' tag idea as well :D. Just saying it gives me a giggle. I have Skype, Steam, and Teamspeak3 installed but I've never actually used them. I'm certainly willing to learn.

Maybe if the UK servers don't work well for US based players we could set up a Fogey group here. Whatcha think?

Edit: We are GMT-5. Can't get a pm thru to Sula yet with my skype/steam names. Can I add them to your list later, Sula, when your inbox is a little less overwhelmed?

Edited by Azrael72

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I'm 31 year old and located in NZ but I would love to meet someone who didn't want to shoot me in the face and take my beans. Honestly though I have never even seen another player aside from the times I've been teleported to a roof top and shot. Heck, I have yet to find a gun or any means of defending myself. Haven't died yet in any legitimate fashion although I'm just about out of blood. Been 5 days of crawling around looking for food and water. I LOVE THIS GAME! My steam ID is rivitingone. I play at odd hours so hit me up!

Edited by rivitingone

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Hello Gents,

Great to read so many like-minded posts, this is exactly how I'd like to play too - build don't destroy (unless its a shotgun blast to a zombie's face).

Im 33 located in Japan would be great to meet up with some of you lads. I'm still very new (2 hours in game, died twice due to sloppy sneaking). Can usually only get on game in evenings (GMT/BST +8 hours for Japan) after kids are in bed!

My in game ID = [Fogey] GiantCorn

I havent managed to find any solidly reliable servers yet, some of the ones i choose turn red and say 10000 ping after a while in dayzcommander. not sure whats going on as im no techie. Look forward to meeting up with some of you lads in future. AS the OP suggested, perhaps we can prefix our game IDs with [Fogey] to help us avoid blue on blue contacts. I have already done this.



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I'm putting together a list of players who are a minimum of 30, as quite a few of us are in our forties and fifities or older. So my plan is to put together a list of players in that age group - no matter how inexperienced they are - and give those on the list a copy of it.

So you will be able to contact each other and play together - as I know that for many, mindless PvP style killing is not what interests you.

Initially, I started working on a list of UK players but it doesn't matter where you are from in the world.

If you're interested and you are in your 30s or older send me a private message in the forums AND include your skype and/or other communications system username/s. If you have already done this, even if it was some time ago - you don't need to do it again. I haven't got around to it yet but I still have your details and won't forget to inlude you.



Is it possible for a moderator to move this thread to the Survivor forum please? I meant for it to go there as I already have a thread here for newer players. :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula
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Hi again everyone. A quick update for you. In the next 48 hours I will combine your usernames, your skype/teamspeak/etc names (if different) and produce a list. I will then send each of you a copy of that list.

The idea is that you will then be able to contact anyone on that list and know that they don't want to just mindlessly PvP kill, and will have an older outlook.

As the list is now international, it would help if you give your time zone too, and if you have certain days or times you prefer to play. I can add that to the list too.

I don't play on a particular server. I'm lucky if I can get into to one when I try. So that's the one I play on at that time. Some of you might play on certain servers but keep in mind, this was originally about a group of UK people playing on UK servers (better chance of low ping as our country's broadband is crappy) so some won't be able to play on far away servers. However, it's always worth a chance if it means you'll play with a friendly person from across the pond! :thumbsup:

I've post a thread in the New Player Discussion Forum too, inviting people in their 30s, 40s, 50s and more to add their names to the list. Feel free to take a look - but there's no need for YOU to re-add your names there. If you're ovrer 30 you'll go on the list (along with those of you in your 20s who expressed an interest too).



(Not on much today as going out but will check in again this evening)

Edited by Sula
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This sounds like something i would love but i am only 26 :(

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Good idea, although i guess most players prefer to play with people using the same language...maybe add the country?

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Good idea, although i guess most players prefer to play with people using the same language...maybe add the country?

Maybe an idea to tag if you can speak english or not?

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Sula; tried to PM you, but got the message "This member cannot receive any messages at the moment" or something like that :/

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I'm absolutely interested! I'm 40 and my husband's 44. We live on the US East coast. West Virginia to be precise. I'm going to try out a UK server later tonight to see how laggy we might be. I'd love to play with other like-minded grownups, but wouldn't want to be a liability to anyone because of lag issues. I'm a friendly player with one bandit kill (in self-defense, mind you) since mid May.

I love the 'Fogey' tag idea as well :D. Just saying it gives me a giggle. I have Skype, Steam, and Teamspeak3 installed but I've never actually used them. I'm certainly willing to learn.

Maybe if the UK servers don't work well for US based players we could set up a Fogey group here. Whatcha think?

I'm quite happy to play with US players, I mainly stick to UK servers unless i'm playing late at night and then i'll jump on a US server, not found lag to be too much of a problem.

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