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Hacking, Hacking, Hacking, Hacking, Hacking...

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sorry, i just dont get these problems

is this an american thing? maybe EA games is sabotaging to get you boys back on the elite milk

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please go away , i swear its the same persn making all these complaint threads.

Rocket cannot fix it , go to the battleeye website and send them a big whiney email. You are what's going to ruin the mod , turning away potential players by blowing things miles out of proportion.in the general discussion forum.

There are probably well over 200 of these complaint threads , why can't you all just go somewhere else?

of course someone with "Carebear Killer" In their sig would say something like this.

He's not blowing it out of proportion.

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please go away , i swear its the same persn making all these complaint threads.

Rocket cannot fix it , go to the battleeye website and send them a big whiney email. You are what's going to ruin the mod , turning away potential players by blowing things miles out of proportion.in the general discussion forum.

There are probably well over 200 of these complaint threads , why can't you all just go somewhere else?

This guy sounds like a script kiddie.

Nothing is out of proportion.

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Well, all my hacking problems have been on US servers so maybe Clatterbridge is right.

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If you know what you are doing while hackers screw you over, you can profit by them so easily. Like me. I've jacked a ural and gotten several guns. My friend found a camp, told me about it, I snuck up to the guys tent, thermal as50. What else... I think that was it. But it still sucks. I don't worry about it much anymore.

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Meh. They make a game interesting for those of us in the ('lack of') end game. Had a group come on today spawn two helos. We fired and made one crash and they all died. Then they spawned on the helo and died again. Then again and died. Then finally started picking off the group one at a time.

Oh well?

I've learned to stow loot on multiple servers and en masse. Really they did a lot of nothing but give us some fun.

I definately feel that the stand alone will solve many of these issues.

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I think we should all kick them in the hackey sack and shoot em in the foot so they are alive but die a slow agonizing death.

We should also do that to the people who barb wire doors :facepalm: IN DA JUNK!

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Well then post 100,000 more. Cause 1000's obviously isn't enough to even get a response from someone on the issue

Lol, do you think Rocket is sat there with his thumb up his arse? Well actually, he probably is on this issue, as he can't do shit. Hacking is easy in the engine as it is based on client trust and scripts. Do this, do that. In this level, spawn a helicopter that's flying. Make goats run around in the hills somewhere. Put a weapon cache in a forest. Go into the editor and see for yourself. The game is built upon the trust that people won't dick about with hacks.

So there is NOTHING that won't be done as there is NOTHING that can be done. Complaining 100,000 times believe it or not, will not resolve the issue.

As for no response on hackers, that is just total bull. There's a little thread called 'what Rocket said' It's a stickie. Look it up.

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yep I don't give a shit about any bug fixes or updates anymore

fix the hacker problem or just delete the entire game

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It's 5 days after the projected time of releasing a patch. Thumb up an arss? Well it sure isn't on a keyboard letting people know what is going on....

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I think DayZ and WarZ have their success intertwined now:

The further along, stable, and hacker free DayZ is, WarZ will not get as many players. The opposite is also true. The more that DAyZ fails to solve the stability and hacking problems, the more WarZ will just steal those players away.

I want to see DayZ and rocket beat WarZ to the punch, but it looks like they will not. Many of us with alpha/beta experience may understand that 'it takes time', but several of my friends have zero tolerance for hacking. Its a deal breaker and will sink this game, even if it innovative and fun. This isn't me blaming anyone or complaining about the pace of development. This is simply how it goes.

Seriously guys, what is this obvious WarZ advertising thats going on lately? Lots and lots of new posters with close to zero posts comming up talking about WarZ. Its ridiculous and everyone who has a bit of experience can see right through this bullshit, you guys need to disguise yourselves better if you want to run some hidden ads. Creating new accounts, making 4 posts and talking about WarZ in most of them isn't exactly smart. Proposing a game as an alternative where there is no information about its quality except some rendered "screenshots" is ludicrous. Especially comparing DayZ in its current state to what WarZ COULD eventually become in half a year if every promise of its marketing department would come true. Thats dishonest.

If I'm getting this wrong and you aren't one of these guys, excuse me. Its obvious there were several accounts with the same IP promoting this shit though, so I may have become a bit overeager regarding this.

Now on topic: I have never been hacked or saw a hacker. Maybe in german servers its not as common, I don't know. There was an incident some days ago where I was unsure if it were hackers. People roaming through the woods with a car trying to kill us, looking like they knew where we are. But its pretty uncertain if these were hackers. Other then that, I had no problems. I also hope Battle Eye will fix the issues and huge amounts of bans will be coming soon. So I'm all for talking about this issue. I guess with a lot of things we might need to wait till there is a standalone version where Rocket has access to the Arma 3 engine but who knows. Maybe Battle Eye still collects data before the new ban waves.

Edited by DieBrotmafia

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Seriously guys, what is this obvious WarZ advertising thats going on lately? Lots and lots of new posters with close to zero posts comming up talking about WarZ. Its ridiculous and everyone who has a bit of experience can see right through this bullshit, you guys need to disguise yourselves better if you want to run some hidden ads. Creating new accounts, making 4 posts and talking about WarZ in most of them isn't exactly smart. Proposing a game as an alternative where there is no information about its quality except some rendered "screenshots" is ludicrous. Especially comparing DayZ in its current state to what WarZ COULD eventually become in half a year if every promise of its marketing department would come true. Thats dishonest.

If I'm getting this wrong and you aren't one of these guys, excuse me. Its obvious there were several accounts with the same IP promoting this shit though, so I may have become a bit overeager regarding this.

Now on topic: I have never been hacked or saw a hacker. Maybe in german servers its not as common, I don't know. There was an incident some days ago where I was unsure if it were hackers. People roaming through the woods with a car trying to kill us, looking like they knew where we are. But its pretty uncertain if these were hackers. Other then that, I had no problems. I also hope Battle Eye will fix the issues and huge amounts of bans will be coming soon. So I'm all for talking about this issue. I guess with a lot of things we might need to wait till there is a standalone version where Rocket has access to the Arma 3 engine but who knows. Maybe Battle Eye still collects data before the new ban waves.

yes, everyone can see these are multi account trolls. i dont believe they are in the pay of warz because it doesnt exist (at least as what that marketing claimed it is), even as the cartoony shitty game it would be. i just think they are very sad fucks with not much else to do. just keep playing and enjoying yourself dont let the smacktards get to you bro

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Those people that say ''it's not a major issue, its not that bad'' i belive are the hackers trying to look cute.

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Those people that say ''it's not a major issue, its not that bad'' i belive are the hackers trying to look cute.

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The regular server i play on has hardly any hackers on only had seen hacking on the server twice every other server i connect to is hacker paradise

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Really? Another "QQ Hackers" thread? I mean come on... there's like 10 of these still active. Such a pointless thread...

Not as pointless as your response, though.

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I am shocked that no one else has hacking issues. Across several severs (and server hosts), my pack of friends and I run into hacking nightly. If it isnt someone spawning a helicopter, its mass-kill, or teleport tricks.

Tell battleye you say? I will. But, when Warz comes out it won't be BattlEye's problem, it will be DayZ's.

Most of the people who don't have hacking issues are people who hack themselves or don't actually play for more than 15 minutes at a time, once a month, on an otherwise empty server.

Edited by random51

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Those people that say ''it's not a major issue, its not that bad'' i belive are the hackers trying to look cute.

It's not that bad.

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Most of the people who don't have hacking issues are people who hack themselves or don't actually play for more than 15 minutes at a time, once a month, on an otherwise empty server.

Nice statistics, where did you get them from? Your ass?

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Next time you hacked ...........

Listen to -

.................................!! :P ;)

Then carry on playing!!! :D

Quick edit its in the title folks...............!!! <_<

Edited by Itchy
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This game is KOS, and so are the forums. Posting about hacking is asking to get Killed On Sight.

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