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Comparison with COD

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I can't even fathom why people relate the game itself to COD. It just... no.

180* of difference between A2 and COD mechanically. And leave Counterstrike far, far, far, far, far away from the word COD.

Though you don't have to be a water snake, you can turn with your back to the water and run.

Some people do play the game like COD though, that's the difference. Cherno of Duty exists.

That is all.

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I go around shooting anything that moves' date=' thats the way I play the game.[/quote']

Yep thats COD.

Just because you do it in a clunky old outdated engine makes you special ? nope...

With love from Battlefield.

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I go around shooting anything that moves' date=' thats the way I play the game.[/quote']

Yep thats COD.

Just because you do it in a clunky old outdated engine makes you special ? nope...

With love from Battlefield.

>>Takes the piss out of run and gunners.

>>"Love from Battlefield"


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