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Sol (DayZ)

Why the "HIVE" won't work until we have some stability

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Why the fa*k are you making such a big thread and write so much down for nothing?

We don't care.

However, and this is a BIG difference, something very important that you should keep in mind at all times.

Rocket does. This isn't a total whine thread, there's some compelling stuff in here, so Rocket wants to see it. Don't like it? You don't have to read it.

Edited by Virfortis
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The hive causes problems for other reasons too. The major ISP in my country (Australia) provides free servers for games but restricts them locally (only allow AUS/NZ players to play). Because of this a major source of servers in this country is denied as Hive connected servers aren't allowed to do this.

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Rocket does. This isn't a total whine thread, there's some compelling stuff in here, so Rocket wants to see it. Don't like it? You don't have to read it.

The most stupid thing I ever read. Without reading I can't even decide if I like it or not? dumbass.

Edited by Hinaru

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The most stupid thing I ever read. Without reading I can't even decide if I like it or not? dumbass.

Nobody is forcing you at gunpoint to press buttons on your keyboard for the sake of saying something irrelevant to the thread.

If you don't like something, at least get all of the facts (usually by reading the ENTIRE thread... this IS a forum after all) before you wobble your gob and make silly comments.

It's perfectly find to have an opinion on the subject... as long as it's not completely against hard facts. Example: The sky is blue, no matter what you fucking say... your "opinion" can be that the sky is dark-mauve-periwinkle... that doesn't make you right or even validate your "opinion". Catch my drift?


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Sol is a typical forums attention whore, he post stuff everyone has heard before and states at the bottom at the post he will get flames and troll, hencing what he wants from this thread.

QQ Sun

and stop Putting your signature at the bottom of your post your name is onto of your post.

Edited by ledo1222
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Sol is a typical forums attention whore, he post stuff everyone has heard before and states at the bottom at the post he will get flames and troll, hencing what he wants from this thread.

QQ Sun

I'm sorry, I didn't know there was someone pointing a gun at your head.

Should I call the wahbulance for that ego boo-boo of yours?

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I'm sorry, I didn't know there was someone pointing a gun at your head.

Should I call the wahbulance for that ego boo-boo of yours?

What? Do you understand the post?

Dear god these fourms are filled with more ****** then I a summed.

Edited by ledo1222

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Now, I predict the usual flame post, trolls, and whatever. I won't reply to you assholes... you know who you are (and sadly I do too, after a mere week in this place).




So stop playing.

I have?

Any other suggestions? I'd love to hear them.


you got trolled, dude.

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Sol is a typical forums attention whore, he post stuff everyone has heard before and states at the bottom at the post he will get flames and troll, hencing what he wants from this thread.

QQ Sun

and stop Putting your signature at the bottom of your post your name is onto of your post.

Please tell me more about me, and how you know me so well. I'd love to hear it since I'm quite the attention whore and all that.

Also, if you provide links to all the other "turn off the HIVE" threads, I will gladly have a moderator remove this one, or merge it with the other one.

If you can't find one, then you have to suck my left nut until further notice.

you got trolled, dude.

Whoahahaha wow man SO COOL. YOU ARE GENIUS!






Edited by Sol

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Nobody is forcing you at gunpoint to press buttons on your keyboard for the sake of saying something irrelevant to the thread.

If you don't like something, at least get all of the facts (usually by reading the ENTIRE thread... this IS a forum after all) before you wobble your gob and make silly comments.

It's perfectly find to have an opinion on the subject... as long as it's not completely against hard facts. Example: The sky is blue, no matter what you fucking say... your "opinion" can be that the sky is dark-mauve-periwinkle... that doesn't make you right or even validate your "opinion". Catch my drift?


So whats your excuse for verbally abusing people because I fail to see what that has to do with your anti hive argument. By the way all your complaints seem to hinge on that fact that the Hive isn't exactly stable in an ALPHA of a mod.



Seriously when you enter Alphas on ANY game you have to expect bugs, instability and generaly experiences that would ruin the game in Beta or after testing.

Ever play the Raiderz alpha? It had a bug that would cause your character to become unbound to the main world after entering instances if you logged out/crashed/left the game for any reason inside one.

Edit: Just reread your original post and would like to point out also once this game goes standalone it will most likely being using it's own engine and NOT the Arma2 one which is where most of the bugs and loopholes the hackers are exploiting are coming from.

Dayz is remarkably playable for an alpha and the Hive works well the majority of the time. I completely fail to see why you want the hive gone from the alpha and why it would be an improvement when alot of the fun from this game comes from being able to drop in and out of different servers without losing progress.

Also data logging is never useless and you are making several VERY large assumptions about how the Dev team is Mining said data. Who says they dont have a way to distinguish combat logging from normal logging? You say that the data collection is useless ingeneral but im pretty sure thats one of the reasons the game was released as an alpha in the first place. to collect data and find issues. Large player bases do this very effectively and Rocket had no idea DayZ would become this popular this fast.

Edited by ThatDamnGinger

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6. The player base hates it

No brainer. Enough of us hate the idea, so why keep pushing it? It clearly isn't working, so unless you can control the people fucking it up for everyone else, again your data is going to be useless if anyone can just run a script and make any kind of weird and wonderful crap happen.

If we removed every feature that "enough of us hate" there wouldn't be any features left, cupcake.

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Hive sucks. I lost an M4 cco SD, and mags for my gun. I logged out 1 minute later after collecting them. Next time I logged back in, they are gone.

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Hive sucks. I lost an M4 cco SD, and mags for my gun. I logged out 1 minute later after collecting them. Next time I logged back in, they are gone.

Yeni make sure when you log off you are synced. What that sounds like is you logged off while unsynced which causes recent progress to be lost.

Just be more careful of that little link icon down in the corner there :P

(I lost a few weapons like that due to both logging off and Server Restarts)

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Well it is the broken version of the game. Things will change, if it goes standalone and in beta. As of right now its a mod alpha.

Edited by FoxHound

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So whats your excuse for verbally abusing people because I fail to see what that has to do with your anti hive argument.

Just trying to fit in with the crowd, brah.

By the way all your complaints seem to hinge on that fact that the Hive isn't exactly stable in an ALPHA of a mod.

No, my complaint is that it's a shitty fucking mechanic. It's stable enough, it's just plain shit, mate.



I laugh at how so many people seem to think that "alpha" automatically means "broken as fuck". There is a difference between something not working right, and just plain being a bad idea. No amount of beta ceta delta gamma hard-on is going to fix that.

Seriously when you enter Alphas on ANY game you have to expect bugs, instability and generaly experiences that would ruin the game in Beta or after testing.

Serious? Wow thanks man I had no IDEA what the point of an alpha was. I haven't made like, 50 games before, or anything. Maybe I should get private lessons on how it all works, from you.

Ever play the Raiderz alpha? It had a bug that would cause your character to become unbound to the main world after entering instances if you logged out/crashed/left the game for any reason inside one.

Nope. Sounds great. What does this have to do with anything?

Edit: Just reread your original post and would like to point out also once this game goes standalone it will most likely being using it's own engine and NOT the Arma2 one which is where most of the bugs and loopholes the hackers are exploiting are coming from.

Do you even know how long it takes to write an engine from scratch? Are you prepared to put up with the current state of the hackers, when Rocket admits the only real way to deal with them is to let us run private servers?

Dayz is remarkably playable for an alpha and the Hive works well the majority of the time. I completely fail to see why you want the hive gone from the alpha and why it would be an improvement when alot of the fun from this game comes from being able to drop in and out of different servers without losing progress.

Facepalm. The HIVE has nothing to do with "losing progress". Data will still work the same way, especially if you join a private HIVE not a private standalone. Point being, it will fix hackers, server hoppers, and slow ass FUCK loading times. Do you see now? Probably not... since your defending something that even Rocket see's is a potentially massive problem now.

Also data logging is never useless

WRONG. When you are recording data for say, a drag car... seeing how "fast" it can go.... when it has 4 flat wheels and is being fueled by sugar water... your data is going to be pretty god damn inaccruate. If you think that the game will be any different to that, you're an idiot and shouldn't be posting.

Edited by Sol

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and you are making several VERY large assumptions about how the Dev team is Mining said data.

How am I making assumptions? I am going by what rocket himself has said. Show me how I assume anything. Looks like you are the one assuming. Good job.

Who says they dont have a way to distinguish combat logging from normal logging?

If you knew anything about data collection, you'd realise that the server would be so laggy from recording all that shit the game wouldn't be playable. There is only so much traffic that you can squeeze without reducing the network to a crawl. When you're a networking engineer (like I am, by trade) then come talk to me again about, shit.

You say that the data collection is useless ingeneral but im pretty sure thats one of the reasons the game was released as an alpha in the first place.

Well I'm glad you're "pretty sure", I'd hate for you to be wrong about something... since I'm completely wrong about everything and I'm slightly more than "pretty sure".

to collect data and find issues. Large player bases do this very effectively and Rocket had no idea DayZ would become this popular this fast.

Which is why the HIVE needs to be dropped, at least for now.

If we removed every feature that "enough of us hate" there wouldn't be any features left, cupcake.

Wrong again. There is a difference between not liking something because it doesn't suit your play style, and not liking something because it's destroying the game. If you want to keep playinhg on Dean's HIVE, I'm not going to stop you... since I'm guessing the only people that defend this ludicrous idea are the ones causing all of the misery. Money says, you're a skiddie.

Well it is the broken version of the game. Things will change, if it goes standalone and in beta. As of right now its a mod alpha.

The grass outside is really long... It will change though when I get the lawn mower out and run around with it for a whlie going CHOO CHOO!

Oh wait, alpha isn't a reason why bad ideas should exist... just buggy code. Go ride your alpha bike elsewhere.


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Rocket should contact CCP (EVE producer).

They have knowledge and experience of:

- single shard universes

- big-ass server clusters

- marketing (to some extent)

- strong but small enough team

- also their games are relative similar

Edited by SirSlayer

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Rocket should contact CCP (EVE producer).

They have knowledge and experience of:

- single shard universes

- big-ass server clusters

- marketing (to some extent)

- strong but small enough team

- also their games are relative similar

I think I'm going to simply put myself out of my misery now.

Thanks for reading... since clearly, you didn't

Let me spell it out just one more time for you:

The HACKERS are causing the HIVE system to FAIL, because of the shitty holes in the ENGINE.

The HIVE is the "transportation device" for these hackers.

The HIVE is not essentially the problem, the hackers are.... removing the HIVE (at least for now) disables them.

Get it? It has nothing to do with needing to "learn" anything... holy fuck people you're on a forum... READ!


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I am not with the OP on this one.

Keep at it Rocket. Long hard road but keep at it

i have no advice for the op he has made his mind up and doesnt play anymore and that appears to be that

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I'm not sure if you are trolling or just stupid. Maybe you just don't know EVE or you didn't read my post.

If you actually intend to read my (next) post I might even writeup how my first post was actually quite decent.

- self-important person

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Sol, I agree with your view on the HIVE, but this is probably as far as our similarities go. My good sir, you are the epitome of unpleasant. You post an opinion and then go apeshit on everyone who disagrees with you. For fucks' sake, euthanize your ego.

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

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Sol, I agree with your view on the HIVE, but this is probably as far as our similarities go. My good sir, you are the epitome of unpleasant. You post an opinion and then go apeshit on everyone who disagrees with you. For fucks' sake, euthanize your ego.

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

~ Kazmobile

Actually I hate stupidity, and people who make imaginary connections with irrelevant shit.

If you're going to disagree, make a case and point about it.

"HURRR UR GAY" doesn't constitute as a valid counter argument. Not a single person here has provided a valid solution, or made a comment worth holding water. So far, it's full of people who haven't read the thread (or even the entire OP for the look of it) the hackers themselves that don't want this to change, or Rocket fanboys who (even though Rocket agrees with this idea as of two days ago) don't want to see it change because of some opinionated rationale.

Feel free to correct me in any way... I've been waiting for someone to do it, instead they just insult me like a child that's had it's chocolate bar taken away.

Oh and, if you don't like my attitude... suck it, up big boy.

Also, blame this community for my attitude. I started off all nice and pleasant until I realised I was fighting an up-mountain battle riddled with caltrops, tank traps, trip wires, land mines, and sniper nests.


My opinion as you put it, is fact by the way. If the HIVE was removed, the hacking would almost stop completely (at least on private servers). Prove otherwise.

I'm not sure if you are trolling or just stupid. Maybe you just don't know EVE or you didn't read my post.

If you actually intend to read my (next) post I might even writeup how my first post was actually quite decent.

- self-important person

So it's my fault somehow that you put an irrelevant post in the thread?

Grow up.


Edited by Sol

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Also, blame this community for my attitude. I started off all nice and pleasant until I realised I was fighting an up-mountain battle riddled with caltrops, tank traps, trip wires, land mines, and sniper nests.

Oh and, if you don't like my attitude... suck it, up big boy.

It hurts. it hurts me so much.

So it's my fault somehow that you put an irrelevant post in the thread?

Grow up.

I am not sure if you are actually retarded or just trolling.

CCP the devs of EVE.

Made a game which is one single universe, persistent with multiple thousand players online at once. [1 Tranquility Server with everyone on it]

In Eve you can "lose everything at once" like in DayZ. [Die and your stuff is gone vs. your ship is destroyed and it's gone forever]

It is a sandbox/player driven game with even more butthurt people like you. [You can shoot people in the face or go the friendly route]

So DayZ is kinda similar to EVE.

These people know how to run that "HIVE" thing.

Edited by SirSlayer

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