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Found G36C SD (CAMO) on another Survivor - is that weapon a hack?

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I need your advice! I just found a weird weapon on another survivor which isn't in the game afaik.

I was running (newly spawned) through the forest between Cherno and Elektro and bumped into that guy called "MP". He had a silenced weapon in his hands and seemed friendly (didn't shoot me the second he saw me) so I turned my back on him and started to go my way - I'm not the bandit type (yet). But then he started shooting but lucky me was in cover behind a tree. I had a Lee Enfield on me and shot him down. Then I looted him (obvious) and found this crazy weapon: G36C SD (camo). I've never seen it and never heard of it, so my first thought was: "hacked"!

This "MP" guy was obviously also newly spawned because ha had nothing else of value on him. Only this weapon and a humongous amount of STANAG SD ammo.

I've took it all, but now I have doubt: is this weapon cheated? Should I destroy it? What should I do? Am I super lucky and shot down a bandit type of player who found this weapon near a heli crash site? Or is it the more obvious: one of many hacks? In which case I am tempted to destroy that weapon (in other words: put it in my full backpack) because I don't want to look like a hacker and I don't want cheated weapons in the game.

Thank you for your help / advice. And sorry for my english.

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Simply put - yes (It's a hacked weapon).

Edited by krtshv

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It's hacked, put it on a Zombie body and then hide the body.

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Hey, thanks for you fast answers!

It's hacked, put it on a Zombie body and then hide the body.

I will do that asap!

Topic could be closed!


Should have keeped my Lee Enfield... <_<

Edited by kingkrabbe.#bof

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This is hacked weapon, but u cant be punished for using it.

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Can someone tell me why it's always the G36C suppressed? I've never seen someone say the SCAR or the P90, it's always the G36C.

Just curious.

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Can someone tell me why it's always the G36C suppressed? I've never seen someone say the SCAR or the P90, it's always the G36C.

Just curious.

I haven't played the singleplayer that much, but maybe it's just an awesome weapon?

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Hey, thanks for you fast answers!

I will do that asap!

Topic could be closed!


Should have keeped my Lee Enfield... <_<

If you make your way up north then I will more than replace your Lee Enfield for you. I have lots of kit, and the game needs more people who are friendly and averse to hacked stuff. Good job on the kill by the way. Clearly that guy had to hack because he sucked. You should have taken screenshots/a video of killing him (his name popped up) and then the G36C on his body, would have earnt him a nice ban. Or you could have pressed "study body" on him, whilst looking at him holding his G36C - that would have made a nice screenshot.

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A friend and I were way at the northwest point on the map and I was fully kitted. 22 day survivor with one self defense murder, Ghillie, gps, rangefinder, nvg, m4a3 cco, all meds. Well anyway I'm hidden under a pine tree and I get a scar weapon error. All of a sudden we here a bullet whiz by and then I'm dead. So my friend takes cover under our ural, bang dead. Ok some sniper saw us and killed us whatever. Then our other friend sees people dropping like flies in the server and aborts. I love this game and don't have problem dying even from bugs, but come on really you suck at the game so bad you have to ruin everyone elses day? I've had nothing but bad luck on my next 2 lives. I met a "friendly" survivor in cherno just to have him unload an ak into me. Then on the life after I got sick from a bug, but found a boat only to have a server restart while in the middle of the water-_- now I don't know what I want to do haha.

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Next time please feel free to make some effort and check wikipedia http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons with complete list of legal weapons...

I know that site and what weapons are in the game but I didn't know if that weapon I found was maybe just added to the game or something. I searched for it here in the forum and found nothing specific that's why I started this topic. Mainly to adress the problem and for a simple solution on how to destroy the weapon which I got. =)

If you make your way up north then I will more than replace your Lee Enfield for you. I have lots of kit, and the game needs more people who are friendly and averse to hacked stuff. Good job on the kill by the way. Clearly that guy had to hack because he sucked. You should have taken screenshots/a video of killing him (his name popped up) and then the G36C on his body, would have earnt him a nice ban. Or you could have pressed "study body" on him, whilst looking at him holding his G36C - that would have made a nice screenshot.

That's a kind offer! Maybe I will come back on it. =)

Taking screenshots of his G36 holding corpse is a good hint. Will do that if something similar happens to me again.

But there isn't a central website for reporting hackers/cheaters, is there?

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so if you find a weapon not listed in the dayzwiki legitimately is it still consider a hack?

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yes you can.

go to battleye's website and do some reading. you cannot get global banned for picking up stuff spawned by hackers.

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I find that weapon today in firestation in elektro. Admin checked the logs from server and it says that the weapon is spawned normaly and no hacks on it. So i pick it up and will use it :)

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Also just found this weapon on DE 884.

A van of NPC's came into elek. Must of been around 5 of them. Managed to kill them then looted there bodies. I found this weapon on all of them.

Their skin is different as well.

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NPCs = Non-Player Characters, are you sure you are using it correctly?

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yes you can.

Does rocket lie?

"Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database, but you will not receive a ban without creating them yourself."


Edited by BluSub6

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Can someone tell me why it's always the G36C suppressed? I've never seen someone say the SCAR or the P90, it's always the G36C.

Just curious.

There is no P90.

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