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Best Gear youve ever gotten?

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So i was playing with some friends and a few days ago i found a M249 with some ammo and a ghillie suit all within the same hour. then today i found a dead player with an M107 and a bunch of ammo along with a Coyote Pack. in NW Airfield. i also have 3 frag grenades and food, water, and medical supplies :) whats the best gear youve gotten?

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I can currently acquire/take any weapon/vehicle/equipment that I want that is in the game...so all, haha.

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Mountain Dew!!!!

Also tried to collect as many JD bottles one and managed to fine 5 before some Bandit killed me - wish I could have seen his look of suprise when he opened my back pack expecting all kinds of goodies!

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M107, M14, Rangefinder, GPS, PDW and the usual stuff at the same time.


One of my tents got a bug and spewed out a M4A1 CCO SD. This gun had a silencer, camo and a red dot sight.

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i just checked, i have all the usual food, drink, and meds, an M107 with 6 magazines, an M249 with 4 Belts, NV Goggles, Rangefinder, all the toolbar stuff, and a M9SD without ammo.

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Rangefinders and NVGs - M4A1 CCO CAMO SD with an AS50 in my large pack and a Ghillie. 5 Mags for each weapon.

Always roll with a long range rifle and an assault rifle. Pref an SD one. All survival gear.

Edited by snipingnewbs

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could of had an AS50 TWS (thermal) if i wanted, but didnt feel like going illegitimate

and found this recently too2lcwfok.jpg691c3m.jpg

Edited by Buffjesus

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During a daylight raid on the NW Airfield with some friends, I came equipped with an AS-50 (4 magazines), M9 SD (3 magazines), almost a full tool belt (damn that entrenching tool!), and even got an M16A4 ACOG out of it as well as 3 kills.

However, I tend to run around with a lighter load, an M4A1 with about 3 magazines, G17 with about 3 magazines, and my tool belt full. Since I have a large group of friends and we play on many servers, gear isn't really a problem for us.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 8:01 AM, Jukez said:

I think he meant the method of acquiring it as he hadnt scavenged it his tent just bugged out and produced it. I think that's what he was saying anyway...

Edited by Box

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found a helicopter crash with L85 and nvg went to my tent to drop off the m16 I put in my back pack guy appears trapped in the barb wired around my tent blows us both up and my tent as well as couple of friends who had AS50 and pdw and another with M4A3 CCO and M9SD


My favorite gun is M4 CCO SD today helped some guy today cherno hooked him up with guns and health we head to hospital find a dead body with M4 CCO SD yeah split up run to Zeleno to meet a friend get there see a guy with hacked clothing and run away then he appears in front of me shoots me then blows me up

Getting good loot is pointless

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currently have M4A1 cco, M24, PDW, 8 STANAG mags, 5 DMR mags (I want a DMR but I can use them with the m24), range finders, GPS, NVG, all the other tools (apart from a damn toolbox), couple of bloodpacks, bandages, morphine, meat and bottle for water.

To find list : DMR, Ghillie/Camo/Soldier

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Ages ago, in my personal Era of Noobishness I shot a guy at a Balotta hanger. I think he was either AFK or rummaging in his backpack, because I got the jump in him pretty good, he only got one shot off, which broke my leg, but I digress.

I had a Makarov, standard pack and some shotgun shells. He had:

  • Coyote pack
  • NVG
  • Rangefinder
  • GPS
  • Map
  • Compass
  • Toolbox
  • M9SD
  • MP5
  • M107 in his pack
  • All medical supplies
  • Cooked meat

Let's just say I was one happy (and quickly paranoid) camper. I ran the Hell out of there and never looked back. Was able to survive for 20 days until one day I logged in and died because of a new patch. At that point I was actually glad to start over. Having all that gear can make the game boring.

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the lws gun with thermal and night vision scope, m107. this is in the current life

and coyote, ghillie, m4a3 cco, dmr, rangefinder in the last one

oh, and mountain dew before i knew it was rare so i drank it xD

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I think the best gear i've ever had is the gear i have now.

as 50 equipped, L85 in backpack.

Nv goggles equipped and 1 in backpack.



All toolbelt items actually.

That's sort of the perfect gear for me atm since i'm sniping. The L85 is great for spotting, then i just switch back to the as 50, use rangefinder to see how far, and take the shot.

I've had the M249 and M4A1 cco sd and the FN fal with NV etc, i've had every weapon in the game but this set i have now is the best for me, in my opinion.

Also i once had as50 thermal scope, got it from a hacker, all i can say is this.... MY GOD that gun is OP. I'm so sad i died with it =( I was even playing super carebear with it, then a hacker goes into the server and kill errryone! ERRYONE!

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