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Survival tactical officer... reporting in.

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just delete this thread it got completely derailed and people are way to serious on the internet.

Edited by Tersidre
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  On 8/3/2012 at 6:22 AM, Tersidre said:

I personally believe that people who play these sorts of games and who seek moderate REAL LIFE training when the time comes to survive they will have a huge edge over those that have relied on the system to protect them their entire lives.

Beans for you, because of what you said right here.

I came in here thinking you'd be looking for a group to run with, but this is pretty cool.

Edited by Voxgizer
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  On 8/3/2012 at 6:42 AM, Voxgizer said:

Beans for you, because of what you said right here.

I came in here thinking you'd be looking for a group to run with, but this is pretty cool.

quite the opposite... i dont ever want to run with a group in this game... maybe once some new features are added later down the line but right now this game favors the single loan shark so much its mind boggling...

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  On 8/3/2012 at 6:47 AM, Arquebus said:

Nah. We will all be zombies. The crawling kind.

Speak for yourself! I'm going to be the crazy ass sprinting kind!

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  On 8/3/2012 at 7:37 AM, Tersidre said:

quite the opposite... i dont ever want to run with a group in this game... maybe once some new features are added later down the line but right now this game favors the single loan shark so much its mind boggling...

Hahaha "loan shark"

2 cans of beans....... 500% interest compounding daily... Don't pay up, I'll break your legs!

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All i know is ive been playing for a week and ive only died three times and the first two were figuring out the game controls and the last one was figuring out that if you fall more then two feet you break both your legs and bleed to death lol.

stats so far : 82 zombies killed

murders : 36

cans of beans stolen from corpses.. lost count after 50 lol.

your beans.. they belong to me.. you cannot have them.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 6:22 AM, Tersidre said:

Moral of the story... bout 30-40 of my students have started playing this game and they are going to try and kill you and take your stuff and then show me video of them doing it so i will give them some extra credit. :P

I would have figured anyone who calls themselves a survival officer would realise the difference between survival and banditry. Sounds like more government waste to me!

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  On 8/3/2012 at 9:12 AM, Tersidre said:

All i know is ive been playing for a week and ive only died three times and the first two were figuring out the game controls and the last one was figuring out that if you fall more then two feet you break both your legs and bleed to death lol.

stats so far : 82 zombies killed

murders : 36

cans of beans stolen from corpses.. lost count after 50 lol.

your beans.. they belong to me.. you cannot have them.

Pssh, you'll have to cover the 800m between you, me, and my M24 to take them, buddy. :P

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  On 8/3/2012 at 6:22 AM, Tersidre said:

What I encourage officers I am teaching or other students who I recommend this mod to is to of course try to live as long as possible but to try and play as "a bandit". Predatory instinct in humans is fierce. Its that instinct that has kept us alive over the thousands of years since we first started wandering about this planet. Its that instinct that will keep any one person alive during any survival situation. The strong survive, the weak perish.


bout 30-40 of my students have started playing this game and they are going to try and kill you and take your stuff and then show me video of them doing it so i will give them some extra credit.

You and your fellow officers swore an oath to protect and serve. Yet you train your students that if great calamity were to come upon us, the best course of action is to sefishly cut down others for your own gain. I might play as a bandit in DayZ, but in real life I would lay down my life for others. You disgust me. You're not worthy of the tax dollars spent to pay for your job position.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 10:34 PM, BransonBerry said:

You and your fellow officers swore an oath to protect and serve. Yet you train your students that if great calamity were to come upon us, the best course of action is to sefishly cut down others for your own gain. I might play as a bandit in DayZ, but in real life I would lay down my life for others. You disgust me. You're not worthy of the tax dollars spent to pay for your job position.

I'm gonna go with this guy for 100...

OP... /facepalm@u the fact that you are on a police force just adds several levels of /facepalmness.

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just delete this thread it got derailed and people on the internet need to chill out

Edited by Tersidre
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  On 8/6/2012 at 6:50 PM, Tersidre said:

I train my students to survive. I dont tell them if the world were to actually end to immediately saddle up and begin preying upon the weak. The point is that a great many people WILL start preying upon the weak and they need to be prepared for it. The best way to prepare for anything is to understand the thoughts and point of view of the people you will be up against. This game and others like it are an excellent way to show people what that way of life might be like and to understand the reasons people would choose to do it.

To survive you must be prepared for all eventualities seen and unseen you need to be able to understand how different people will approach the same situation in different ways. If i didnt teach them about this sort of thing if the worst were to happen they would simply fall victim to it.

To reiterate. I dont teach my officers to be bandits and to prey on the weak only that they understand that others will do so and they need to be prepared for it.

Yeaaaaaah.....but you give them extra credits if they killed people riiiiiight?.....so i mean if one of your student, find 5 survior, they help them and such and never killed any bandit but help other instead no extra credit for him?

Not sure if this guys is teaching his student to ''survive and help other human kind''

or if he just teaching them to shoot people in the face.

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Seems like a great idea in theory, but I have trouble getting through the challenges. I doubt most of your students have a capable PC of running the game for one. Gaming PCs are still not and probably won't ever be the norm.

Second, the game is generally difficult to install and setup compared to most.

Third, setting this amount of people up with a VOIP program seems like a real chore.

Fourth, how do you keep people engaged? Mil sims are not a top favorite amongst even regular gamers. And having to run around alone for hours on end would be annoying to many/cut into schedules. (I get this is probably the point to using it, but still...)

Fifth, the game is still quite buggy. I (with a military background) would have trouble using it when it is not even close to being prime time.

Edited by SteveLord

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  On 8/3/2012 at 6:22 AM, Tersidre said:

Hi there.

Little about me first. I work with a major police department in the southern united states I cannot say which directly.. lets just say its in texas and ends with "ston" at the end of it lol. Besides being a police officer one of my primary duties is being a survival/tactical officer who is sent trotting around on tax payer money to various areas of the country and often times even outside of the country to learn the many different methods of survival. I also happen to be an avid PC gamer.

One of the biggest topics of discussion amongst major survival training circles is how would one survive in the event of a virus or other such thing that wipes out 100% of the regular infrastructure that supports society. We pretty it up like that but we all know what everyone is thinking when someone says that. What the hell do you do during the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse? You again might be surprised to know that millions of dollars... thousands of manpower hours and such have been spent teaching individuals such as myself just what to do in this case. It isnt always zombies.. the same effect could be caused by a large meteor impact. Point being over the last 15 years or so of doing this job I think I would be able to handle myself and be able to teach others the same methods of survival.

What does this have to do with day z? Believe it or not I have been using this little mod as a teaching tool. I have not been playing that long but what i have played is about the best sort of simulation that I can recommend to people to get their head in the right mindset to deal with the very real problems that could happen. Of course some elements are silly such as finding an ak47 in a deerstand out in the middle of no where but all of the basics are there. You start with nothing and are forced to explore and search to survive. As with everything else the elements and even the zombies are not the biggest threat. The biggest threat any one person can ever come up against is going to be another human. This is true not only in this game but in just about every other situation I could ever imagine, a living breathing thinking human is by far the most dangerous X factor in all of this. Zombies you can learn to deal with, needing food/water you can deal with.. but how do you deal with 2-3 determined people who want to kill you to take what you have simply because its easier then finding the things on their own?

What I encourage officers I am teaching or other students who I recommend this mod to is to of course try to live as long as possible but to try and play as "a bandit". Predatory instinct in humans is fierce. Its that instinct that has kept us alive over the thousands of years since we first started wandering about this planet. Its that instinct that will keep any one person alive during any survival situation. The strong survive, the weak perish. The weak must band together and find amongst them the strong to protect them. But even then a band of strong individuals will always overrun and dominate the band of weak individuals being protected by the strong.

My point is it gives my students just a taste of how quickly one can become a predator and when put into the survival situation what you can expect another person to try in order to take what is yours.

While I think this mod has a long way to go in terms of really getting up to realism standards for a true survival situation, it is vastly superior to the rest of the market. I would love to see more games focus on survival aspects... I personally believe that people who play these sorts of games and who seek moderate REAL LIFE training when the time comes to survive they will have a huge edge over those that have relied on the system to protect them their entire lives.

Moral of the story... bout 30-40 of my students have started playing this game and they are going to try and kill you and take your stuff and then show me video of them doing it so i will give them some extra credit. :P

This man is a troll. Creator of the 1 makarov shot thread. Everything he types is a lie. Think of the character from "Catch me if you can".

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  On 8/3/2012 at 10:34 PM, BransonBerry said:

You and your fellow officers swore an oath to protect and serve. Yet you train your students that if great calamity were to come upon us, the best course of action is to sefishly cut down others for your own gain. I might play as a bandit in DayZ, but in real life I would lay down my life for others. You disgust me. You're not worthy of the tax dollars spent to pay for your job position.

The best criminal investigators think like criminals.

The best military commanders think, and train like their enemy.

The best "zero infastructure" survivalists think like bandits. DayZ is being used as a bandit mindset tool, not a brainwashing "lets turn cops into killers" tool.

You said yourself you play as a Bandit but would lay your life down for others. Why would you think that these guys arent doing the same thing.

Ignoring how "bandits" think and work is the worst thing "law enforcemet" could do, it puts them out of touch with who they are working against.

Besides, the OP is lying. First off no professional says they cant tell you where they work and then give hints. Plus as another post said, the technical challenges of getting DayZ to work for 30 people would definitely put up a red flag with his superiors.

Also what organization calls it "Survival Tactical" then adds Officer to the end?

Edited by Eegore

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I am in Houston and incidentally dont report back to Ft Hood until next week. First we have to make an appointment because if you "stop in" the academy they send you to go make an appointment.

Second who do ask for? If you are indeed an educator there that provides "free to the public" education then you are allowed to provide your name. I know that since McClelland brought it up a while back in the Citizen's Police Academy statements.

The number for the Academy at HPD is: 281 230-2300 but nobody there can offer information on a survival tactical instuctor or classes. We need more information from you on what to ask for. Maybe other forum members can check in and have better luck.

SWAT details number is 713 646 3930 and I assume you havent chosen your people yet because the are unaware of this survival course.

Legally you will have to offer simunition safety training prior to allowing and civilian onto the training area since sim rounds will be live. Luckily I am a Simunition Range Program instructor and can already attend your training if you are willing to provide a method to contact you, such as your name, course name an number and minimum safety protocols.

You Said:

I disgust you? I think your taking things a bit too seriously here and i openly invite any civilian to actually attend my classes if your ever in the houston texas area drop by the police academy and ask about survival classes. They are free to the public (within limited reason) and I will show you what actual survival might be like.

Speaking of which I am actually looking to do a field simulation of a survival situation. I am picking a team of 5 of my best students to go "live" in the woods near the academy for a week and to survive. They will be able to bring food and water and such but are only going to be armed with sim rounds. What they dont know is that im also selected 5 SWAT team members to go and "steal their beans" who are also going to be armed with sim rounds. If anyone is in the houston area in the next three days they should stop by the academy and ask about it I might be able to find a place for them.

Edited by Eegore

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I must say I wish he's a troll, if not... Here in Spain we do reaaaaally boring things

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  On 8/7/2012 at 1:11 AM, Bianca said:

I must say I wish he's a troll, if not... Here in Spain we do reaaaaally boring things

Unfortunately he almost certainly is, which is a shame because the idea of a legitimate zero infrastructure tactical survival course (fixed that for him) is pretty cool, and a skill I wish more people had. I myself would sign up for it in a heartbeat because I could use the practice.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 1:46 AM, Kerwyn said:

Unfortunately he almost certainly is, which is a shame because the idea of a legitimate zero infrastructure tactical survival course (fixed that for him) is pretty cool, and a skill I wish more people had. I myself would sign up for it in a heartbeat because I could use the practice.

I agree that this is some lie fabricated so someone can feel better about themselves... this is the dumbest post ive read in a long time. The idea of a legit survival instructor assigning "extra credit" to 30-40 students to go and get videos of playing DayZ is by far the most retarded half-wit shit I have ever heard of lol.

For starters, most survival classes are about 5 to 10 students.

Secondly, if my survival instructor told me to go and play DayZ instead of how to start a fire by rubbing 2 sticks on a squirrel's ass, I would ask for my money back.

Last but not least his "class" of 30-40 people would all need computers capabel of playing DayZ, they would have to buy Arma2/OA, they would have to buy or pirate fraps, learn how to use it and also hope their computer is capable of running fraps and DayZ at the same time.

People that spend a lot of money to learn how to live in the woods for a sustained period of time, dont strike me as the type of people with Gaming PC that record videos of gaming... now before one of you alpha nerds out there jumps out of your seat shouting that you are a seasoned survival expert... I didnt say its not possible, its just not "likely"... I dont think Les Stroud plays DayZ lol

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just delete this thread its gotten so far derailed its not even funny.

I make a funny story thread in the other forum and people get all perturbed because the video for it isnt up within their time frames.. not responding to any further comments on here or PMs about any of this. Try to reach out to a community and it comes back to haunt me. This is the reason i tend to stay away from forums.

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This whole culture of "being prepared for an end of the world" is becoming quite scary. Really, really scary.

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