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Establishing a Player-Run NW Airfield Depot

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I saw a pic of a guy in Stary I think that was taking all of the items from the tents and making piles of gear that people could take. Would anyone be interested in setting up a supply depot at one of the barracks in NW? We'd need a bunch of people for security, probably all on a TS.

We take all of the items from the barrack and surrounding buildings and make piles of gear on the strip, sorted into piles of food, medicals, weapons and ammo by type, utility gear, backpacks, etc. Light a bunch of fires, set up zombie detail, stuff like that. Probably set up on the northern barrack, and send groups to the southern one, hangars, fire station, and control tower. Maybe have a secondaries out only, or primaries down rule. Bandits could be welcome, though under escort from one of the security details.

It's the kind of thing where if people all work together, there are enough supplies to make it worth leaving the operation alone and playing nicely. If we get enough people on board, we have enough people to defend the place. As long as no one kills anyone else, the operation can continue and people can just walk in and get some gear. If there's enough gear, getting into fights is pointless and risky. A group that could kill all of the people there for the gear could also just walk in and take what they wanted.

Interest, thoughts?


Thread it's from: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6528

All non-ID'd players must WALK, with their primary down or their secondary out. Non-ID'd players should ignore zombies, and allow security to mop them up.

All items are put into piles inside a hangar (like the NW side hangars) to prevent dickbag snipers like TOCMasterK.

Piles are sorted by item, and weapon piles are sorted by ammo type. Anyone is allowed to take whatever they want, but ID'd players get first dibs.

Volunteers: Wears the yellow tactical glasses, carries chems for ID.

Blue: Item runs

Green: Security detail

Red: Bandit escort

Item Runs: Runs between the hangars, the fire station, the southern barrack, and the control tower. Takes all items, drops them in the Pit.

Security Detail: Routinely patrols the area and clears out zombies. Some are posted on the watchtowers with rifles for additional security.

Bandit Escort: Walks with players wearing the bandit skins. In charge of executing bandits that step out of line and attack other players.

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I think the cleanup script is going to ruin this idea.

You can't just leave a bunch of weapons laying on the ground, as aesthetically appealing as it is. You'd have to use tents.

Props on all the thought you put into this though :P

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I think the cleanup script is going to ruin this idea.

You can't just leave a bunch of weapons laying on the ground' date=' as aesthetically appealing as it is. You'd have to use tents.

Props on all the thought you put into this though :P


Tents are another option, though they'd probably be something we'd find in the hangars and then set up later.

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cute idea.. would really require some dedicated 24/7 security. And even then.. server hopping scumbags would simply leave the server, join another, walk inside the safe zone, spawn behind you and kill everyone

People just like to do that kinda stuff for kicks, even though they are being GIVEN the loot at such a location you'd be getting shot at anyways

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sounds good, but who's to prevent bandits from camping the area outside the airfield?

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cute idea.. would really require some dedicated 24/7 security. And even then.. server hopping scumbags would simply leave the server' date=' join another, walk inside the safe zone, spawn behind you and kill everyone

People just like to do that kinda stuff for kicks, even though they are being GIVEN the loot at such a location you'd be getting shot at anyways


So they kill me. Oh no, whatever would I do? Maybe walk back and set back up?

sounds good' date=' but who's to prevent bandits from camping the area outside the airfield?


Not my problem. I only want to run the depot. Maybe the people that want access to the depot prevent the bandits from camping the area outside the airfield?

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was merely providing my 2cents good sir no need for the sarcasm.

It's more than "oh no they kill me"

If people are getting killed there it's no longer a place people want to be, it'll quickly decay into anarchy due to the anxiety of everyone after the shooting.

Heck if I was there and shooting was going down I'd

a) take all the best stuff and RUN



Shoot anyone who looks at me funny.

Don't get me wrong I love these ideas of player run businesses/locations but the current mechanics of the game make any effort at defense easily exploited

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I'm down. add dlorT on steam, ignore the trollish nature of my name, i'm primarily a scavenger, i don't waste bullets on morons unless they're acting funny. Hit me up and we'll meet up on a server, and teamspeak and talk politics, i've got a group of players


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I will join you, but why not elektro/cherno... We would need a working car or two, couple of tents and we can go back and forth, shuttling loot down into the cities.

Why cherno... My goal is to make cherno, or atleast a part of it, a safe-zone... well safe as it gets. It is full of newbies, and they could get bunch of some basic free stuff, for more hardcore equipment, trading would be needed. Like an empty tent, where the buyer puts in his valuables, then you put in what he wants and you exchange.

Needs people for security, fires burning. A nice social place with security, warmth, trading... like the Bar in Stalker... hell it even has Duty and Freedom HQs in it, yet its a ceasefire zone.

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I would be interested in giving this a shot merely because I would like to see a move towards player held locations. I like all the thought put into this however I don't know if anyone can 'hold' the airfield and keep all the supplies there 24/7.

I suggest we have tents in locations outside the airfield that only a few know about, so we can log off and not worry about people raiding the tents. We could also move the locations as we get more tents. We could have them in far off locations and just run the Huey back and forth to try and minimize the possibility of Bandits following us /finding the tents.

An idea a had to help keep people safe; create a list of who is part of the operation. Pass the list out to ALL members. As soon as we see someone who is not on the list walking around trying to blend in, wears glasses and has a chem light, that person tells everyone in TS to take a knee. Anyone left standing who looks like one of us gets shot.

Steam ID is mindlord, I might be able to convince a few close friends to the cause.

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I'm down for for this. As someone mentioned, it would be awesome if we could get a helicopter or some cars running.

My Steam ID is PieceOfDust

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I've been thinking about something similar with a couple of friends, most of us have at least two ARMA keys because we got the Steam version for convenience but had the original disc version, too. This means we have been able to sort-of mule a bit of stuff around, especially tools (you can collect multiple tools in your alice, you just can't put them in the main inventory) so we've been making nice trades with newbies as well as experienced players who needed something.

We've basically been using our secondary characters and a tent in the woods between Lopatino and Pustoshka. Vybor is a pretty neat base of operations. There's a school and a supermarket next to each other, there are a few auxiliary buildings and easily accessible wells where you can fill water bottles safely.

Another nice retreat is Myshkino, although there are few buildings there.

We've also holed up in Devil's Castle, nice place, easy to defend, a number of good loot spots and you may be able to get a heli down close-by to shuttle loot in for trade.

I honestly would not setup at the Airfield(s), though. There really is no good reason to, especially if you want to help new players. It's much more sensible to move into hot zones and loot zones to grab what you need and annihilate aggressors and move back out, collect the stuff in tents setup in the outskirt woods and move them around on a regular basis. Shuttle stuff to two or three "shop" locations at opposite ends of the map, some locations catering to newbies, some to experienced people who want good stuff.

Just my two cents and I'm generally happy to establish any semblance of human trading and civilization to see people rise above the animals (;-)).

Steam ID is identical to username.

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agree with what others say about cherno as a base....

Airfields are generally hostile with players popping in and out server hopping. Also, the immense amount of open ground makes it a difficult area to protect from snipers

But say, a block or two in Cherno, with a centralized house/building. Block off all roads except 1 main entrance with barbed wire. Barbed wire works as a checkpoint, stationed guards etc.. preferably at a corner that does not offer bandits a sniping point on the guards.

Tents for stashing loot and as others said, it's in newbie territory, it'd be set for helping newbies out and heck they may stick around to help out if they appreciate what we're doing

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On one hand, server hopping assholes, the huge amount of ground to cover, and the popularity of the place would make it really tough to defend.

On the other hand, Cherno/Elektro, aside from medical supplies, doesn't really have loot worth hoarding AFAIK, and any assaulting parties would have a good chance of having a relatively close respawn point.

Issues on both sides could be solved (only sectioning off a small part of NWA, sending runners long-distance to get loot for Cherno, etc)...seems like it's a choice between fighting geared-out northerners, or being zerg rushed by bean farmers.

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Those are good points... however, I would like to point out that no matter WHAT you're doing, you can be shot for ANY reason (or even no reason at all).

Setting up anything in any location and announcing your presence will draw bandits like flies. Part of the challenge - and therefore part of the fun - will be fighting them off.

For this reason, I will have to agree with others before me and say that we should set up in Cherno or Elektro. While there may be more bean bandits there, I believe that it is actually a safer place to be for the reasons mentioned above. The close spawns also mean that we can re-group quickly if we're attacked.

In any event, we're going to need to get a vehicle running to help make supply runs and to store our stuff in hidden tents across the country.

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this kind of ideas makes me think ALOT about a real safe zone :3 nice dreams... impossible? i dont know

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Sounds like an easy Bandit target to me, but hell you guys want some help?

I could setup in the woods where your team is venerable, maybe set me up with a rifle and the like? Do we have a VOIP setup?

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I don't like the idea of anybody imposing rules on me, I don't need a safe haven, just a place for me to drop my guard in a world where you can't drop your guard. I manage just fine, bandits and all, getting in and out of the airfield.

"if your not with me, your against me" and since I'm not with you, I guess your against me.

Now, I might take advantage of the situation if it suited me and worked in my benefits, but if the place became a hinderence or obstacle I'd soon be working on take it out, one makarov at a time.

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i vote on being the guy who stands in a warehouse all day and anybody who walks by I will say nothing but "Get out of here STALKER"

@Bricks... if you don't like rules imposed why would you walk through the checkpoint? If you don't need a safe haven why would you walk through the checkpoint? Why fight for the loot when we've got it on platters?

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