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Establishing a Player-Run NW Airfield Depot

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There's another thread out there with a similar idea, i'd be interested in running guard duty and helping to get this going. Would be fun to bring a little civilization to a small segment of the map, even if it was only temporary.

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I can't see this working in the slightest.

Good luck with it, really, but I can just see snipers camping tree lines where you can't see, and the second you come out to drop loot on the floor, bang dead.

You run all the way back from Electro, start dropping loot on the floor, bang dead.

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I am interested in this i think i would like to help. is this already going on or yet to happen?

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I'll save you the trouble of looking up my post history, I am merciless and evil bandit to those who I don't know outside of the game and am ventrilo with. I could see this idea working out if you fortified around the Northern barracks and industrial area. You could set up a tent farm industrial area and use the walls and choke points to you advantage and get a massive stockpile of goods from firestation+barracks+control tower, without too much risk to yourselves to open ground. The only issue with the industrial walled off area is you are very at risk to frag grenades. You have to watch your chokes with a minimum personnel (frag grenades love bunches of people) and I would keep a bulk of people in Forrest behind wall. The southern barracks has a similar setup is a little more spread out less loot spawns but safer lots of free cover and you could police more angles. This would be risk versus reward on can fill tents very quickly. I would reccomend setting up vehicle hideaway, away from your premium secret off base tent farm.

Personnel wise you are looking at about a 10 minimum (at all times) and 25ish man prime operating time requirement. Hangers are suicide for looting due to snipers. Also firefights and the the firestation control tower are an issue with unsilenced weapons you can get overrun with superior firepower just because the zombies respawn so quickly.

Smarter bandits are going to harass from the trees, snipe (hangers+control tower and firestation) and use frags, smarter bandits will eventually find your premium tents and vehicle base... But If you have a larger enough operation you can replace your losses much faster than they can take them or move your base on occasion. Ideally your fire teams will be holding your premium items so losing your premium base is less of an issue because they were just backups.

Good luck vehicles will be very necessary because it's a 40 min sprint (not stopping) from most spawns, copter makes round trip transit about 15-20 min and cars round trip is 20-30.

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I'm sorry, but I feel like this is going to take a good 100 people to participate. Not a 100 playing at the same time, but 100 participating. Rabbican has a great point that it's going to take a lot of man power to keep this area secure. One of the few places I've ever felt was safe to create into a fortress is the factory west of Solnichniy. Wire fence up the side passages and leave the front open. Simple is always better, and the amount of cover is high. It is near many deer stands and is cities. Just my opinion.

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to keep it going it would require some effort but it would be interesting to see how long it lasts, the logistics required isn't really a huge deal as was said you only need about 20 guys to hold the place down properly untill ppl need to log, then it all goes to hell. i guess you'd need to keep reminding ppl in global aswell that its been conquered. to avoid unnecessary skirmishes.

i'd be interested in trying such a thing just out of curiosity my steam name is heathy(lolcat picture).

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My steam name is reidloS doG. I would be glad to join in a project similar to this, but the NW airfield is just too big.

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OMG, I made a thread about encountering that whole Stary pile situation right. Then all this security hooplah happened... and my thread disappeared. Any way, found three big piles of loot in the middle of Stary and 50+ zombie corpses strewn from one end to the other. I thought it was either a bandit trap or stuff hackers spawned in. Especially due to the sheer amount of dead zombies. Ultimately, I manned up and descended to the tents after a few minutes recon. Scored a Coyote Elite backpack and MP5SD6 for a second primary (to compliment my M107)! And some sandbags, which are supposedly "rare", too.

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the downside is, as soon as one guy gets killed.. bandit or not, people would likely go into preservation mode and KOS.

also. whats stopping me from now putting on yellow glasses, and grabbing a chemlight..

walking into a building with 1/2... using the m9sd to drop them. then walking out with a diff chem light...

you shouldnt have given away your 'codes' to the public

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bleh the game really does need a way of telling who is on your side, like for example a grouping/squad system, how ever subtle if it just enabled name plates or something on the ppl in your team, it would at least help a group get organized and have ppl worry less that someone is going to accidentally shoot them not knowing who they actually are. untill something like this happens it will just be blind trust and for the most part you won't know who the heck is who after 1hr of all of a 20 man group wandering around in the airport. keeping it safe is the priority but it won't actually be possible unless the group which is occupying can actually tell which dudes are its members with a quick glance because lets face it that first glance is usually the end of someone in dayz.

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I'm down for this idea. Been playing since the opening week of Dayz and have security experience. I know some crazy shit that will be fun to use in Dayz. Send me a PM, I've got a private coded TS server for COMSEC. And with the needed 100+ players your going to have some serious OPSEC issues. Give me 20 players max and I can get you a nice setup.

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So, is somebody working on this idea at the moment? With the editor, I have set up some sandbags encapsulating the control tower, the firestation and one of the hangars. This set up could easily be expanded. There would only be two entrances for zombies, the back door of the firestation and also the ladder on the control tower. These two could also be blocked easily.

Players can entry just by climbing over the sandbags. And in case of a bandit attack one can just go prone and then crawl to safety inside the control tower or firestation.

I feel that this would be a good start to the project and I am ready to start setting up sandbags. Just want to know what server.

Edit: 9hns6c.jpg

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I think the OP is also the guy who wants to set up Freeside Trading Co. So, I'm betting his idea has moved on from this.

Still, this does sound like an interesting idea. Would require quite a few people to pull off though.

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