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Currently using my new favorite weapon setup.



M9 SD (for those pesky zombies)

RangeFinder (that i just got off a bandit i killed)

Night Vision


Coyote backpack

and all the other goodies.

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DMR and L85A2 AWS for spotting, ghillie suit, NV googles, Rangefinder, sachel charges and ontop of that i have more common loot such as toolbox, gps, compass, food, water and few medical supplies

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M4sd, coyote pack, m249 saw (lost my mk48 because of a bug :(), nvg and rangefinder. I dont rebember what sidearm i have, probably 1911.

In theory, same life, (i've died 2 times because of running to a tree<3, but my teammates have my back and they looted everything, so i have same shit), but now i have;

- M4 CCO SD, 3 mags with me, another ~15 in camp

- AS 50 with 2 nato mags, ~5 in camp, along with 1 m107 mag, ~10 in camp

- Coyote

- Camo

- 1911


- Every tool minus radio

- Food'n'Drink

- Some med supplies :P

Access to L85, M249 (we have like 20 belts of ammo for this o_o), AS50, M4SD, M16ACOG, M14, all the AKs, some M4s etc. We have plenty of ammo to everything.

Edited by csharp

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The hackers "ruining" the game are the ones blowing up everything and killing everyone.

The ones who spawn stuff in are nothing more than easy prey.

Does that mean I like hackers? Nope.

I'll continue to shoot children like you with these guns, and you can continue to whine about it.

You've derailed this thread enough.

Why on earth do you format your text like that? You look like an attention seeking little twat.

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Why on earth do you format your text like that? You look like an attention seeking little twat.

+1 ya have my beans

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If someone whines about dying to a "hacked" weapon, they need to leave DayZ. It's a weapon, just like any other. It kills the same, and requires the same amount of skill to use.

Execpt when its a Thermal AS50...

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Current Set up

M24 (3 m24 mags and 1 dmr mag for extras

As50 W/ 2 m107 mags (holding for a friend)

M4a1 cco sd (up for trade w/ 2 sd mags-PM for offers)

NVG's ranges, gps, map, etc.

I love my setup :D

no ghillie :(

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MK 48

AS 50



and all the other common stuff (GPS, Rangefinder, NVG)

Works fine just now.

Stats atm:


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Oh god. If you believe that BattlEye counts each time I fire my rifle. You are so. Just so. I don't even care to discuss that with you anymore. Try imagining the scope of that.

Maybe you'll do some more research on how BattlEye actually works. -Facepalm-

Would you prefer I use my L85?

You must not be able to read. I said it doesn't even pick up the first dozen times, but continued usage will cause it to flag your account. Maybe you shouldn't skim a post in a fail attempt to try and act like you know whats going on, eh?

:thumbsup: Good job.

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You must not be able to read. I said it doesn't even pick up the first dozen times, but continued usage will cause it to flag your account. Maybe you shouldn't skim a post in a fail attempt to try and act like you know whats going on, eh?

:thumbsup: Good job.

Dude, stop trying to reason with him

Let's hope that BattleEye will flag his account and eventually ban him

Just sit back and relax, it's not like you're ever going to meet this exploitive fucktard in battle, too many servers and too much map space

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M4A1 Camo SD - stolen off that bandit that tried to shoot me from behind while I was running into a barn. Shame he ate a Makarov round to the head and died. I also got an M1911, AS50, Rangefinder, Map, Compass, Knife and everything else you'd need as well as a Coyote Backpack to store it all in. My fastest gearing up ever. And all that near Elektro. I guess he was trying to score some easy kills?

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Before my death a couple of days ago, I had what I would say is pretty much the most powerful and capable combination that's possible. In my opinion at least.

Primary was the L85 of course.

In my Backpack, an AS50, and the Mk48 Machine gun.

My Side arm was an M9 SD.

I perfectly balanced out ammo so that I always had enough for whatever I would encounter, even carrying one M107 mag and one AS50 mag, so I could use the 10xM107 on players, and the 5xAS50 on vehicles. A couple of bottles, cooked meat, blood bag, morphine, epi pen and painkillers, and I'm set. Obviously, every tool in the game as well.

Couple this with my Ghillie, Rangefinder and NVGs, I honestly don't think I could have a better setup.

Until some guy with thermal sees me in a bush and puts AS 50 through my face. Little disappointing, but it's always going to happen at some point, you accept it. I could regain the kit in a couple of hours by just running around the West and North areas of the map and raiding tents, so I'm not too bothered. I've taken this opportunity to try that certain other map, and I'm enjoying that right now.

Edited by Trickster

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Three man sniper team (sometimes four), 2 snipers and 1(2) spotter, all guillied.

Sniper 1 (me): DMR with AS50 as backup; M9SD; NVG; Binoculars | Range Finder

Sniper 2: DMR with M4A1 CCO SD as backup; M9SD; NVG; Binoculars | Range Finder

Spotter 1: M4A1 CCO SD with L85A2 AWS for thermal scouting; M9SD; NVG; Range Finder | Binoculars

(Spotter 2: Mainly M4A1 CCO SD with backpack slots to spare; M1911; NVG; Binoculars)

And of course all the ursual supplies and gadgets, such as food, drinks, bandages, painkillers, GPS, etc.

Why DMR's? Simple, they are night friendly which happens to be the time we mainly roam the land. For daytime escapades, the AS50 comes in handy, as we usually go for those 800+ meter killshots.

Sniper 2 and Spotter 1 also acts as small strike team for supply runs and CQB if necessary.

We've been quite successful so far due to our squad mentality, dicipline and strict rules.

Happy Hunting!

[EDIT: Corrected spelling mishap]

Edited by Davy Jones

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You must not be able to read. I said it doesn't even pick up the first dozen times, but continued usage will cause it to flag your account. Maybe you shouldn't skim a post in a fail attempt to try and act like you know whats going on, eh?

:thumbsup: Good job.

Where is this mentioned?

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AS50, Bizon SD, G17, Camo Clothing, NV, Rangefinder, Coyote Backpack. (just raided the AS50, NV, and RF out of a camp site, they had 5 more AS50's, 3 M107's, and some FAL's.

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