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US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

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Server Name: US 362 (AGW Clan)

(Your) Timezone: EDT

Date/Time: 8/1/2012 - 8/2/2012 7PM EDT - 7:00 AM EDT

Server Administrator('s): N/A

What happened: My group and I recently raided their camp site that was placed in a very obvious spot to which the clan responds by locking the server... and I can only assume they are flying a helicopter around to search for their vehicles we stashed around on the server.

Evidence/Proof: Here is a picture around 7:00 PM EDT: http://i.imgur.com/jxkU0.jpg

These same people stayed on the locked server the entire time.

Here is another picture around 7:40 PM EDT:


It seems another clan member has joined the server and has begun looting with them.


Another clan member has joined the server at 8:00 PM EDT.

I cannot start a formal post on the server report section in dayz forums I assume due to the heavy server load it isn't showing new posts.

http://i.imgur.com/FkGAc.jpg Another member has joined at 8:12 PM EDT The server has been locked for more than an hour since I started monitoring it.

http://i.imgur.com/lT5WJ.jpg 8:30 PM EDT

5 hours later the server is still locked http://i.imgur.com/UPBto.jpg 12:09 AM EDT

12 hours later at 7:00 AM EDT August 2, http://i.imgur.com/iUipB.jpg

I have attempted to make contact to the server admin but I have not had any luck.

Edited by Brostradamus
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If you had really tried to get in contact with the admins you'd know some hackers have taken a liking to that server and messed it up. The server wasn't locked to reclaim vehicles and consider yourself lucky the server was locked otherwise you would have been caught in a major lagspike that flat out kills you. Oh, and I saw you guys raiding the vehicles the other day but didn't engage you. Good day.

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so your saying having 8 clan members in your locked server because hackers were going rampant Is a legit reason? when the server was locked for more than 12 hours? with anywhere from 1-8 players

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I'm clearing up the air of what really happened there. I'm not part of the clan I just jumped on TS to find out what was going on with the server since this was the 3rd time or so a server I was recently on ended up locked. It's not my server and I feel I've said enough since it isn't my server or clan, I came here to point out how OP's original assumptions were wrong. Anything else can come from the admins themselves since they -do- want to reopen the server. Good day.

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I play with those guys often and I can vouch for hackers screwing with us almost on a daily basis. Here you are playing having a great time then all of a sudden your teleported to the airfield or some random spot. However I've been lucky never been killed by a hacker but have been killed indirectly one time. I have no problem with an admin shutting down and locking a server in this case because is there anything else a server admin can do? they could just let it run wild or I guess they could shut the server down permanently but if that were the policy there really wouldn't be any servers left for DayZ. Anyway have a good one

Oh I should probly also letcha know I'm a nobody no say and no power. I just play from time to time

Edited by Grimco
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If you had really tried to get in contact with the admins you'd know some hackers have taken a liking to that server and messed it up. The server wasn't locked to reclaim vehicles and consider yourself lucky the server was locked otherwise you would have been caught in a major lagspike that flat out kills you. Oh, and I saw you guys raiding the vehicles the other day but didn't engage you. Good day.

You really coulda took an additional 10 mins to come up with a better lie than that.... i mean seriously. LOL

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I am one of the Admins for AGW & I can speak directly about our recent server issues. Our server has been the focus of several hacker attacks with the mass teleport & mass kill scripts... as well as a few others that have been rampant & on a daily basis for the last few weeks. Unfortunately there is little we can do at this point to stop the hacking & the only option we have, other than simply allowing hackers free rain on the server, is to lock it immediately after each mass attack. We haven't locked it on the smaller hacks, just the ones that effect ever player on the server the time of the attack.

We do not keep it locked at all times, nor do we use the locked time to loot/move other players vehicles/gear & we also do not have a chopper flying around looking for other players vehicles/gear... the average DayZ players has enough to deal with from hackers, players & Z's, we are not adding to their problems by stealing from them, your stuff is exactly where you last saved it & we are trying to preserve your status as well as others on the server. When a mass teleport occurs we try to shut down the server as fast as possible to hopefully keep as many players alive as possible, it's doesn't always work, but at least some of the players can rejoin on a low pop server, move back to where they were without losing all their gear to the hacker who would have shot them, were it not for the Admin intervention.

Unlike many servers out there, we are trying to actually Admin our as much as we can, not take advantage of yet another DayZ player.

Also, I have not received any request for info from you ether here or at our web site, your attempts to contact me or any of the other Admins is welcome, we would be happy to answer any question you have.

Edited by TCEd
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I livestreamed every second we spent on that server, multiple raids. Many hours playing there as well and have never seen these "Mass player teleports, (thunderdoming) and mass player kills" The fact that you found out your camp got raided and directly after we noticed a few camp vehicles being moved. (Possibly trying to relocate.)

The complete utter bullshit involving server admins recently crying when they lose their camp,s kicking/banning from servers, shutting it down, rolling it back etc etc is getting unbearable because people simply cannot handle the fact that you lose gear in this game.

Stop trying to hide your mistake and your fuck up that you left the server locked and didn't think anyone would notice, 12 hours and you were all hopping in and out of the server? Cmon, a 5 year old might be gullible enough to believe that but anyone with an IQ over 5 would realize you are trying to cover your tracks.

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okay you clearly dont know what your talking about we got hacked DAILY for the last weeks. we have seen ppl change the time of the day cayse they dont have NVGs so they can see... we have numberous teleporting hacks that got some of us killed. and we have seen the massive kill hacks... you all play this game for free and thats the only reason that makes you guys come here and start complaining how admins (THAT PAY FOR THEIR OWN SERVER) run their server. and why should we cry if one of our vehicles gets stoolen at a certain place? isn't that the meaning of this game? lol cmon YOU sound like your a 5 year old.

each time we get hacked we put up a password on the server for a few hours, the last time we put up a password was cause we all got tired of being hacked over and over again so we left it passworded longer then we intended to do.

you have to see it on both ends here what if you are an admin of your server wont it freak you out if YOUR server got hacked over and over while the DayZ staff doen't do anything about and the only thing you can do is lock it?

and just so you know we are putting the server up to veteran mode over the weekend so everything will reset.

ooh and btw we are not a clan!


just checked the browser and there are 48 locked servers lol

Edited by TPFir3fox
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I see you all are handling this situation very maturely, I suggest you read the rules and regulations pertaining to the proper administration of a DayZ server connected to the hive as well as look over the ToA.

Edited by Brostradamus
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We all know your type, when you dont have a valid argument you turn to name calling and immature actions. I can't believe you don't realize everytime you guys post, your making it worse for you and your server. Try handeling it like adults, admit to what you did and dont do it again. Play the game as it was meant to and stop ruining it becasue you can't handel losing your shit fair and square.

Not to mention you all keep refuseing to answer to why all of your clan members were in and out of that server durring the time it was locked. Knitting sweaters? I'm sure... lol

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We all know your type, when you dont have a valid argument you turn to name calling and immature actions. I can't believe you don't realize everytime you guys post, your making it worse for you and your server. Try handeling it like adults, admit to what you did and dont do it again. Play the game as it was meant to and stop ruining it becasue you can't handel losing your shit fair and square.

Not to mention you all keep refuseing to answer to why all of your clan members were in and out of that server durring the time it was locked. Knitting sweaters? I'm sure... lol

well tbh we explained every little detail so i think you didn't do your homework johny!

the guys that where on the server where just playing the game like everyone else does without being hacked, not looting or all the other crazy shit your talking about and... infact some ppl got teleported and tried to meet eachother with not that much succes lol. WE DO NOT HAVE BASES LIKE YOU CLAME WE DO, LIKE I SAID WE ARE MOVING TO VETERAN MODE SO EVERYTHING WILL BE GONE AS WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT STUFF, WE JUST WANT A HACKING FREE SERVER.

and if we have a hacker again we WILL lock it for less then 1 hour, we do this so the hacker gets lost and finds a new server to hack.

we keep doing this untill the staff deals with the hackers cuase at this moment they do ZERO.

if you dont like it then disconnect go to your ingame browser and look for a different server, or go play world of weirdos.

cmon dont you think its a little obvious that we want to protect ourselfs on this, i am not impressed by your threat post dude.

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btw brostradamus you said in your reporting post that you tried to contact us???

cmon you could atleast come up with another excuse by saying i was to lazy to contact them.

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I need to keep my eye on this thread looks like people are getting told what for here

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I am one of the Admins for AGW & I can speak directly about our recent server issues. Our server has been the focus of several hacker attacks with the mass teleport & mass kill scripts... as well as a few others that have been rampant & on a daily basis for the last few weeks. Unfortunately there is little we can do at this point to stop the hacking & the only option we have, other than simply allowing hackers free rain on the server, is to lock it immediately after each mass attack. We haven't locked it on the smaller hacks, just the ones that effect ever player on the server the time of the attack.

We do not keep it locked at all times, nor do we use the locked time to loot/move other players vehicles/gear & we also do not have a chopper flying around looking for other players vehicles/gear... the average DayZ players has enough to deal with from hackers, players & Z's, we are not adding to their problems by stealing from them, your stuff is exactly where you last saved it & we are trying to preserve your status as well as others on the server. When a mass teleport occurs we try to shut down the server as fast as possible to hopefully keep as many players alive as possible, it's doesn't always work, but at least some of the players can rejoin on a low pop server, move back to where they were without losing all their gear to the hacker who would have shot them, were it not for the Admin intervention.

Unlike many servers out there, we are trying to actually Admin our as much as we can, not take advantage of yet another DayZ player.

Also, I have not received any request for info from you ether here or at our web site, your attempts to contact me or any of the other Admins is welcome, we would be happy to answer any question you have.

So the admin has come out himself and given you a valid and level headed response for the lock yet your still QQ'ing? Seriously? Butthurt much dude? It's a half broken mod we're talking about here. Yes sometimes admin abuse is an issue, but these guys had the decency to respond to your claim. I've personally been kicked out of servers and killed by hackers, and sure its frustrating, but if they are willing to engage you and have a dialog about your accusations, then I'm not sure why your still here bitching about it.

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Not to mention you all keep refuseing to answer to why all of your clan members were in and out of that server durring the time it was locked. Knitting sweaters? I'm sure... lol

AGW is not a clan, never has been, we are a Tournament Gaming Community, we've hosted several different tournaments for the last 7 years. The ppl you saw on the server while is was locked were members of our community. They are the ones who actually donate toward our server cost on a monthly basis. Their support is way more important to us, than weather our server gets blacklisted for an alpha mod or some player get his panties in a wad because we are taking action against hackers to the best of our ability.

If anyone thinks they can do better, simply rent a server yourself & see how you like being bashed for trying to Admin that server.

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I see you all are handling this situation very maturely, I suggest you read the rules and regulations pertaining to the proper administration of a DayZ server connected to the hive as well as look over the ToA.

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I am one of the Admins for AGW & I can speak directly about our recent server issues. Our server has been the focus of several hacker attacks with the mass teleport & mass kill scripts... as well as a few others that have been rampant & on a daily basis for the last few weeks. Unfortunately there is little we can do at this point to stop the hacking & the only option we have, other than simply allowing hackers free rain on the server, is to lock it immediately after each mass attack. We haven't locked it on the smaller hacks, just the ones that effect ever player on the server the time of the attack.

We do not keep it locked at all times, nor do we use the locked time to loot/move other players vehicles/gear & we also do not have a chopper flying around looking for other players vehicles/gear... the average DayZ players has enough to deal with from hackers, players & Z's, we are not adding to their problems by stealing from them, your stuff is exactly where you last saved it & we are trying to preserve your status as well as others on the server. When a mass teleport occurs we try to shut down the server as fast as possible to hopefully keep as many players alive as possible, it's doesn't always work, but at least some of the players can rejoin on a low pop server, move back to where they were without losing all their gear to the hacker who would have shot them, were it not for the Admin intervention.

Unlike many servers out there, we are trying to actually Admin our as much as we can, not take advantage of yet another DayZ player.

Also, I have not received any request for info from you ether here or at our web site, your attempts to contact me or any of the other Admins is welcome, we would be happy to answer any question you have.

So you admit to breaking the ToS of hosting a DayZ server connected to the hive? I'm pretty sure #1 on that list is "The server must never be locked."

Obviously you feel you're special and can break these rules and obviously, as of August 4th 2012 the Dev team has yet to black list you for breaking the first rule on their list.

Really if the Dev team is going to have server rules they need to enforce them. There have been plenty of other servers attacked by hackers who have not broke the rules and locked their servers so that they can just continue:

... playing the game like everyone else does without being hacked...

So why are you special? I hope they blacklist you.

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Oh boy oh boy, I am going to donate to their server so I can play like everyone else does! On a private locked server for 12 hours at the NW Airfield just respawning all the loots over and over, cherry picking the choicest guns and equipment! All with no fear whatsoever of anyone logging in near me that may be dangerous! Just like everyone else! Everyone else! Everyone Esle! Eveyrsohf elfe! JDEfnso;ei'sOMje' mjsoFMjls"Vm"LSea'

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Regardless of if the server is being repeatedly hacked, keeping the server locked while a consistent number of players have been logged in (presumably your "tourny community") for extended hours looks like pretty good proof to me. So not only is locking the server breaking rule number one, but there's extremely strong evidence that you are abusing admin priviledges to aquire gear with no risk from other players. That's two violations which merit a blacklist.

@TPFir3fox, learn to spell claim correctly please. It will help you look more credible in the future.

@Shadowfox931, do you really expect us to believe that both you and fire share the same name structure and piss poor english for a US server are in fact not a part of the same "tourny group?" The butthurt attitude of the "good day" statement aids to africanbeez credibility.

By the way, there's no such thing as a tourny group there's either teams or a corporation (or makeshift corporation) which host a tourny. The host of the event can have their sponsored team compete in said event. What was described by TCEd is a clan community. Deal with the connotations that come with the territory don't call coffee pot a cooking pot, it's just dumb.

Edited by Forseti
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Pretty much what Forseti said.

Also, if stuff needs fixing after a major hacker attack, you shouldn't have 6-8 people on the server when it's locked. It looks nothing short of suspicious. And to be honest, what can those people do to help? Absolutely nothing, I imagine.

Edited by Asphyxiation

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