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Why we need the respawn button

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Someone nuked the server and placed us all in the water off the map. no way to kill myself, no way to get back to land (4 hours of swimming? yeah right). So here i am in vertigo just waiting to die. removing the respawn button did far more damage than it helps.

just my 2 cents.

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Go afk and wait to die from the cold?

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If you are out of the confines of the map, it "should" reset you to a proper location next time you log in. (if i remember my patchnotes correct)

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nope, i have logged, gone to different servers, now im in some Black Foggy Wasteland labeled "Wilderness"

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actually spawned in debug plains today and was pleasantly surprised when i re-logged on another server to find myself spawned on the beach with all my gear, kinda sucked cause i got separated from my group but oh well at least I still had my AKM with ammo

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Just hack your way back to land.

Removing the respawn button is great.

I've spent my past 2 lives just walking around Elektrozavodsk for about and hour and I haven't seen anyone because they can't hit respawn over and over again until they spawn at one of the big cities. Also, this has been on servers with at least 25 players online.

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I really like the idea of the no respawn button but I still think it needs some rethinking. I like the idea that people cant just keep respawning till they get a good spawn.... but at the same time I want to be able to spawn close to where a friend spawns. Hopefully in the future there's some friend system where it allows you and your friend to spawn relatively close to each other.

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The respawn button had more ups than downs. I mean, my friends and I have been able to find eachother once found dead, but the process has extended drastically since the respawn button has been removed. Understood, you get a good kill in a city like Elektro and you get great loot and next thing you know, the guy you just killed either hacks you to death with a hatchet or you take a bullet or 8 in the head. The respawn button is a must whilst playing DayZ.

Long Live Z Day!

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I mean, my friends and I have been able to find eachother once found dead, but the process has extended drastically since the respawn button has been removed.

So you're saying you respawn over and over again until your spawn near your mates?

I don't think Day Z is supposed to be played like that.

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So you're saying you respawn over and over again until your spawn near your mates?

I don't think Day Z is supposed to be played like that.

My give a shit meter is running real low on that one buddy.

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So you're saying you respawn over and over again until your spawn near your mates?

I don't think Day Z is supposed to be played like that.

P.S. Don't attack supporters!

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Someone nuked the server and placed us all in the water off the map. no way to kill myself, no way to get back to land (4 hours of swimming? yeah right). So here i am in vertigo just waiting to die. removing the respawn button did far more damage than it helps.

This isn't an argument for why a respawn button is needed, it is an argument for why effective anticheat is needed.

Furthermore you don't know how much removing the respawn button helped unless you have load and performance stats for the Hive from before and after the change. If you have them, show them. ;)

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Just hack your way back to land.

Removing the respawn button is great.

I've spent my past 2 lives just walking around Elektrozavodsk for about and hour and I haven't seen anyone because they can't hit respawn over and over again until they spawn at one of the big cities. Also, this has been on servers with at least 25 players online.

Oh, and suggesting hacking and trying to call me out on how the game isnt supposed to be played is ingenious!

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No Respawn button is ok for me... It makes it harder.. but i dont want to complain... 2 Days ago i got killed by tree in the Area of Novy Lug... I was proning under a tree and moving backwards.. The Tree got my right in my beans.. so obviously instant death.. I mean how can some1 live without beans?! But i was spawned pretty far away at cherno.. but i know myself around and there are the online maps so what the hell.. I ran there and got all my stuff back...

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I think they should just add a cooldown to the respawn button. That'd be the simplest solution. Just make it so that after you've spawned, you can't click respawn for 5 minutes or something. Just like that, you prevent people from spawn spamming while at the same time not screwing over the people that actually need the respawn button.

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i dont know about 5 minutes.. For the guys from the Thread the respawn button would be helpfull.. But i always thought going out of map would result in instant death...

If u really want to change ur respawn position u can kill urself pretty fast.. There are the light towers zombies.. etc..

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I would like to be able to choose my spawn point after getting killed.

Solnichniy, Kamenka and Cap Golova will be more than enough IMO.

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Oh, and suggesting hacking and trying to call me out on how the game isnt supposed to be played is ingenious!

It's good to see sarcasm is not lost on you buddy! Here's a logic bomb in the form of a rhetorical question: Why do you think they disabled the respawn button?

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Someone nuked the server and placed us all in the water off the map. no way to kill myself, no way to get back to land (4 hours of swimming? yeah right). So here i am in vertigo just waiting to die. removing the respawn button did far more damage than it helps.

just my 2 cents.

Just wait an hour until you die of thrist, you can watch a movie therewile.

A couple of guys in the ocean will probably be outweighted by the general performance increase.

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Easy: Get the respawn button but, only have a time out on respawns for like ten minutes, so that people don't respawn all the time to get a better position.

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I saw a hilarious video on YouTube where two skilled players picked up a noob in their heli, then flew him to the island 11km off the SE coast and left him there.

No respawn button.


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I saw a hilarious video on YouTube where two skilled players picked up a noob in their heli, then flew him to the island 11km off the SE coast and left him there.

No respawn button.


Your bar for hilarious is set pretty low.

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Yeah, I saw that one as well, wanted to laugh, but just couldn't find my Jerry Lewis impression. It looked like it should have been funny, but just seem more of a waste of every one's time. That was a ton of effort to put a guy on an island where he can't respawn or get killed without dying of thirst.

On a seperate note: The problem is people respawning to get to better "spawns". Here's my fix:

- Remove all spawns to close to Cherno/Elektro

- Move spawns to villages

- Balance coastal spawns with inland spawns

- Put the respawn button back, but only allow if under X blood or with Y injury or Z minutes since last life

There you go, problem fixed. Bandits don't have a guaranteed location to get noob kills. Players can't spawn next to the good lutz. It spreads the noob player base around. You can respawn, but under certain conditions.


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