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Locked Doors / Safes / Lock Boxes / Lock Picks

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Hello All,

I'm not sure if this has been posted yet or not. Chances are it has but please bear with me.

Anyway a random idea popped into my head.

What if some doors in Chernarus were locked and the only way in would be via lockpicking.

Lockpicks could be found and either put into the tool belt or perhaps as a limited use item.

on top of this, it would be neat to add locked containers or safes that could hold rare/uncommon items, these too would need to be opened with lockpicks.

Another thought is if you could find pad locks and lock doors or containers yourself this way you could stash your items in certain locations and lock it up.

(With this in mind it would have to be limited to certain types of buildings or doors as i could se some people locking every door on the map, another problem is having someone lock you in a building. Hilarious, but not fun for the person being locked up)

Anyways. These are just some simple thoughts and ideas.


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Yep, that could work also. Though i don't think the RV engine could handle something that awesome.

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Lock boxes were suggested recently. Interesting ideas in need of more logistic detail.

Toolkit was the suggested means of breaking locks in one other thread.

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In a village or town full of infected and other players, the last thing you want to do is open a door with a shotgun.

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Most of these have already been done and there are mods for these. LockedDoors, Codelock, Padlock, Codelock Jammers. Just need to look.

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