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[From a bandit] You suck, your attitude is wrong and need to GTF over it

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Wall of text.

TL;DR s in the title.

My own experience:

I've died about 7-8 times, having played this game for about two months. Half my deaths are to zombies, because I was a complete nitwit when I started playing. The other half is to being shot. I don't know wether that is good or bad compared to the general populace, some of my friends have died well over a dozen times, but they take a lot of risks because they think it's fun.

I have a ghillie, an AS50 rifle with 8 mags, GPS, NV, rangefinder, everything. I've found and had vehicles, the only thing I have left to aspire to is finding a helicopter and flying around like a bouse, I've even trained for the occassion.

But here's the thing, even if I did find one I'd just get my mates and we'd fly to the popular areas and kill every living fucker we'd see. There is literally, nothing else that's exciting to do. That and it's fun to kill people, because we all know some of them will be the carebear whiners we all love to hate.

Though let me tell you this, I have killed far less than I could've done. Some times I notice the shitty gear on someone, and I just don't bother. Other times, confrontation is too risky and not worth it. Many of you will go through this, people DO see you but avoid you. You just never know because... they avoid you.

So you died today? Here's the major reasons why people die.

1. You went into Cherno.

2. You went into Elektro.

3: You went to the NW airfield.

4. You went to Balota airfield.

5. You went to the NE airfield.

6.You were running whilst standing up.

7. You didn't have a clue.

8. Bad luck, you ran into someone.



All in all, the reasons most people die is because they take risks. Risks equals death or reward in this game, you better get used to it.

Your two enemies in this game are zombies and other players, it's most likely you'll die to other players more than zombies because the players can shoot you.

But why would they shoot you? Because they're noobs or because they've got all the gear they could ask for, like me.

Noobs shoot you for the chance of getting better stuff. The geared people shoot you because there is NOTHING ELSE TO DO when you have what gear you need. Look for vehicles? Yeah you could do that, then what? You could hoard items, then what?

Now that duping and hacking is rampant, gear is hardly a good enough reason to kill anyone anymore, unless you see a guy in a ghillie. I have several hoard tents I can just go to if I die and respawn, gear means nothing to me nor will I kill anyone for it. I will kill for the rush of the hunt. The only excitement left is to hunt for other players. The hunt for players is unpredictable as fuck and a real adrenaline kick. Even as I crawl through a throng of zombies, my only real worry is if another player see's me doing so.

An example is of me laying above Stary Sobor today and spotting 2 companions going north together. I scope in on them and watch them, to determine where they are going and why. I see them approach a deerstand when all of a sudden a gunfight breaks out between them and another guy coming from Stary behind them. One of the two companions dies, and at that point I have located the third person, the killer, sitting behind a bush in perfect view and shooting distance; And I kill him.

I lay there for 10-15 minutes more, I see another guy coming by but he never gives me a clear view of him so I never take the shot. I decide to move away, and I do. 20 meters away, someone starts unloading at me from behind, I get hit once but I survive.

THAT, is the thrill of the hunt. THAT, is what I play for.

But what about cooperation?

What would you want to cooperate to? What would be the end goal? What is the purpose of risking cooperating with a complete, anonymous internet douchebag? When you achieve your goals, when you get your gear from possibly cooperating with a stranger, what then? You will eventually face a situation with zombies or most likely survivors, where you WILL die. And that touches another fundamental problem in player mentality: A lot of player can't handle dying.

You will die, no matter what you do, you will die. Especially if you're a new player and don't know your way around. I cannot overstate this, count yourself as dead from the moment you spawn.

Get rid of your pride. Drop that lootwhore attitude you got from World of Warcraft. This is an alpha of a modification, gaining and keeping gear is completely insignificant.

Edited by Creambomb
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Today i deay because i got backstabbed, then killed in a firefight by lag (i see he watching me and go away...), but i was not in a "dangerous" area.

Cherno, elektro and other place arent dangerous. It's only because you'll find more players there that you will be shot.

If you found someone, you or he will die (or disconnect). Easy to understand. If you never find someone, you will never die.

Zeds aren't challenging,hunting down people is.You have to camp lots of hours and just wait for them to stop.

Is funnier to kill unarmed players on the coast with hatchets, crowbars, crossbows and double barrell shotguns.

People takes risk because this is a game and they want to have fun, since surviving as long as you can is easy and boring (see signature).

Edited by federik21

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You're not very imaginative are you...

You wanna hunt people, fine. Set up your own version of Hard Target. You and your buddies find one or two people that have nothing. Tell them they have a head start, and then you hunt them.

There is nothing to do.....this is the lamest thing people use to counter their "I'm a bandit" argument. Use your fucking imagination for once.

I've seen some seriously creative shit online. Like the group who picked up survivors on a bus and made 2 people fight to the death for their lives.

This game is what you make of it. If this is what you want to do, fine, but FFS, stop staying there is nothing else to do.

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I'm glad to see one of these threads after all those QQ remove snipers and the QQ murders bandit omg threads. Some people just don't seem to understand that by removing the thing in the game that anoys you the most will probably ruin the game for himself.(and everyone else)

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Imagination doesn't necessary needs to be about building something together or surviving together. You can have it by hunting others, on many different ways. I know what he meant. It is simple:

We don't understand survivors crying about bandits. Everyone can choose their own way. If I wan't to kill people its my thing, live with it. How comes no bandit ever cried about survivors? Do you see bandits saying or posting endelss same crying threads about survivors like " why don't you kill on sight" or "im sick of survivors yelling friendly" or "why do people tend to avoid others instead of confrontation" etc.. No, we don't post crap like that. Unlike you guys.

Jesus, just accept it. I am fucking sure and bet my balls for the fact that you probably would meet more people that would wan't to kill you in a real life post apocalypse then in this game actually. With the world being fucked up as it is, it is most likely you will get shot by the first guy to come across, like in the game. Just accept peoples different ways of playing. If I'd see a guy coming towards me in real life with a filled backpack I'd kill him first chance I get to survive longer with feeding myself rather then sharing it for 2 hungry mouths. Now you can call me a psycho, but its just like that.

Don't be a dumb noob. Just because you don't know how to conceal yourself and get shot while running brainless over the open field, don't come here crying. Being bored and having nothing to do is a damn good point, and you can't deny that. It is not an excuse its a fact. Most people are not the sort of guy to play this for a year by just collecting loot and supplies to eat and drink, hiding in the forests avoiding the bigger towns, no.. Once I get all I need, I seriously can only kill people or zombies to have fun. Most people are like that. So stop countering every bandit explanation about killing others. I also could say that you guys willing to team up with randoms are fake and just attention wh*res, and not survivors. Its the same as calling bandits names and denying our way of playing.

If you don't agree with us and are against us, why bother reading the long post and wasting time replying on it? Just proves once again how much of attention wh*res you survivors are.

Grow balls and live with it, simple as that. Because your never ending cry posts won't change a god damn thing about, so why bother.

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Majority of dayZ players dont want to nerf things, remove sniper rifles etc.

And you aint gonna change anyone's mind with this. Useless thread, no offense.

Edited by Jimmy McNulty
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What exactly is the problem with having different servers for deathmatch & coop-oriented games, again?

Invites carebearism

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Didn't read the thread, interested in the title...

[From a bandit]

I love self proclaimers.

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This game is what you make of it. If this is what you want to do, fine, but FFS, stop staying there is nothing else to do.

There is nothing else to do. Your examples are pretty fucking retarded and a waste of time imo. Fuck with unarmed newbies? No thanks.

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Another griefer, that never bothered to find out the original idea of this game. (which I think is dead)

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I've ridden the rails (fails?) of PvE long enough to know where it ends. Top-tier stuff with no reason to keep playing.

I'd say i've died close to 15 times...and I'd wager that players made up 12 of those deaths. More importantly, those have been my LAST 12 deaths. Once you hit a point in this game (for me it was about 20 hrs, but i'm a slow read), zombies pose zero threat. I don't mean on that life, I mean that you know the ins and outs of how zombies operate and can successfully navigate/evade them. If zombies are no longer a problem and i have food, water and medical supplies...what the heck is to stop me from just raiding NWAF over and over until I get top-tier stuff? And once I do that? Believe me, the crisis of faith I suffered was terrible.

...and I'm not a bandit. I'm just saying I understand why most do what they do. Without Bandits, this game would be too easy. Granted, they are all over the place but that just further reinforces how careful you have to be around cities, heli crash sites, NWAF, etc.

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and the worst part about it is

killing people /zombies with the chopper doesnt even give you +kills

so in the end slaughtering people with the chopper is just meh w/e

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I've been killed by evil ladders more than zeds. Lost NV from hitting a washing machine while driving a pickup. I always come back for more. Some of the best times ive ever had in a game have been when i died during a firefight in this game, I never mind dying to another player, The high stakes is what makes this game a rush, People need to stop crying over gear-- As soon as you spawn in You are destined to die somewhere, somehow, if people can't handle that they should go back to wow and cod. My only complaint is when I die to an invisible guy at point blank range... happend 3-4 times now, or being artilleried.

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Guest cRy

While I agree with the GTFO note, you made. I think you are about as much of a pussy as those DCers and newbies complaining about KoS. Learn to play. I die 2-3 times a day. I have top-tier gear in two hours after that, every time. Maybe if you knew where to look or had something viable that was saved, you would too.

As far as your note, once again, I agree but don't think cause you sit with your ghillie in a tree take a couple shots killing one person and logging for the day, that you are skilled in any way, shape or form.

Reading that you have played for 2 months and only died 12 times makes me wonder whether you yourself are a meta/DCer. It is suspect, is all I'm saying. Basically, what I am saying is, you make a great case for a 10 minute timer to keep you in game after you murder someone. Forcing your soft, non calloused hand, to either stay put and die from a smart player or move, causing you to be vulnerable.

Sadly, if they don't fix hacking and DCing, I doubt they will ever placate to the real players of this game. People that go balls to the wall and expose themselves to danger.

I also chuckle at the fact that you made mention that you are more aggressive than the rest of your friends that play. Wtf do they do? That shit sounds boring. Learn to play.

P.S. I die 2-3 times a day and average 7-12 kills per char, daily.

Who has more fun? Oh, OK!

Edited by cRy

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Come back when your not using tents full of duped shit and then tell us how imaginative you are

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I've got no problem with pking, it's fun to do, educational when it happens to you and part of the game. What I do find hilarious are all the internet tough guys saying in a REAL zombie apocalypse, I'd kill anyone I saw for their supplies just to survive a few more days. Really? In the impossible situation of a zombie apocalypse I'd honestly rather be dead by my own hands. Why would you want to prolong the agony of surviving in that hell? There will never be a new book written, or a new movie filmed. All your food from now on will be preserved crap or whatever you manage to hunt and kill. Relationships will devolve to either rape or caveman alpha-male dominance in a group. Quality of life is nil. You will never raise a family. I could go on, but fuck who would want to live like that?

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There is nothing else to do. Your examples are pretty fucking retarded and a waste of time imo. Fuck with unarmed newbies? No thanks.

Ok, so I guess you said they suck, they must suck. Didn't realize I was talking to so many of "the fucking kings of DayZ" here. My examples were simply to point out that there are things to do in a sandbox game if you have enough brainpower to come up with shit...

I'm completely and 100% fine with bandits and murderers. I'm fine with other threats other than crappy AI. I'm just not fine with folks who seem to think that they have a right to tell everyone else how to play. There are plenty of ways to play this, none of which are wrong, but stop telling everyone how YOU want them to play. If I want to run through a field spamming AK fire lining up zeds for miles and miles, that's my choice. If I get killed by a bandit, I don't fucking care. I respawn and have fun getting my loot again. I'm not attached to it like so many of the people here on these forums seem to be.

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I've seen some seriously creative shit online. Like the group who picked up survivors on a bus and made 2 people fight to the death for their lives.

Mind = Blown :|

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Those evil bandits! Dare to use their weapons in a first person SHOOTER game. They just don't understand that the excitement of fighting is far to stressful and makes bad breath. And there aren't any mints to loot...

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Wait a minute here...So you're telling me that it was my fault that I got shot while running around at night in Cherno with a lit road flare yelling "FRIENDLY" into my mic?



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