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WHAT IF: Region's Zombie Spawn was linked to Humanity?

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I appreciate all the feedback and suggestions. But I really want to focus not on trying to hinder any one play-style ala' "Make bandits spawn more zombies wherever they go." That's not really the point of this proposal.

Getting back on focus. I simply want the region to be represent the humanity of the players in a non-intrusive way that still keeps players free to do whatever they want, but still leaves consequences (good or bad) that can be measured in an observable fashion.

Edited by bbilbo1
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That's if you assume humanity means anything.

Which is completely up to you. You're not being boxed in to any viewpoints or play-styles.

But Rocket already has a humanity system in the game to play around with.

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I appreciate all the feedback and suggestions. But I really want to focus not on trying to hinder any one play-style ala' "Make bandits spawn more zombies wherever they go." That's not really the point of this proposal.

Getting back on focus. I simply want the region to be represent the humanity of the players in a non-intrusive way that still keeps players free to do whatever they want, but still leaves consequences (good or bad) that can be measured in an observable fashion.

I think your proposal will just make it far more difficult for new comers and freshly spawned invididuals. I am sure some servers will just end up being shitholes that nobody plays on anymore because almost all of the towns and loot spawns have low humanity meaning it's next to impossible for new spawns to get gear without crawling through the bushes for 10 hours ...

EDIT: I think fundamentally it's a good idea. I just think it needs a little refinement and if possible, simplifying at least for now... On top of that, to truly utilize the benefits of this, a better way for players to team up in the game and in the lobby would need to be improved a little to encourage people to team up with randoms easier...

Edited by ZenBC

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I am sure some servers will just end up being shitholes that nobody plays on anymore because almost all of the towns and loot spawns have low humanity meaning it's next to impossible for new spawns to get gear without crawling through the bushes for 10 hours ...

That's very much a possibility. But again, my intention is not to "Fix" how players treat each other. They still can maintain a "I don't give a F***! I do what I want!" mentality if they wish. The game will not punish individual players, only adjust the environment to reflect players' actions.

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This idea is very nice. I like especially the part that makes the game "alive", "dynamic" and still keeps it "emerging" from player's actions.

Good job mate!

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I think you've got a fantastic idea here. It completely flows with players effecting the world they live in without punishing specific playstyles. Reminds me a little of Demon's Souls with World Tendency, as players behave worse the world gets worse and harder to live in but the loot gets better, if players cooperate the world get easier but the rare loot becomes super rare. I think this could also work for Dayz as we're all connected, our behaviors on one server could effect the entire hive. That or we could have a per server tendency which some people may like. It'd be real interesting to see how people behave. The worse we behave to each other the more zombies and natural disasters we'd experience. Nice suggestion either way sir.

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I'm really glad I'm getting so much positive feedback regarding this.

If anyone knows how to get Rocket's or a Staff Member's attention to this topic, it would be appreciated.


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I like this sort of idea, it could be similar to how eve deals with the security status of players.

In eve if you kill other players your security status drops and when it drops to certain levels you are basically forced out of the empire areas and have to fly in lo-sec or null-sec. you can repair your sec status, by effectively doing good deeds i.e. killing npc pirates.

In dayz you could have a similar system where as you murder other players your humanity gets lower, causing more zombies or super zombies to spawn around you (I'd prefer rabid dog packs :)), they would be player linked only focusing on the player with negative humanity, this woulld obviously be linked to buildings etc. when your status gets too low, you're effectively forced out of the towns/cities. This negative status could be repaired by doing good deeds, giving blood transfusions, bandaging, trading items etc..

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I like this sort of idea, it could be similar to how eve deals with the security status of players.

In eve if you kill other players your security status drops and when it drops to certain levels you are basically forced out of the empire areas and have to fly in lo-sec or null-sec. you can repair your sec status, by effectively doing good deeds i.e. killing npc pirates.

In dayz you could have a similar system where as you murder other players your humanity gets lower, causing more zombies or super zombies to spawn around you (I'd prefer rabid dog packs :)), they would be player linked only focusing on the player with negative humanity, this woulld obviously be linked to buildings etc. when your status gets too low, you're effectively forced out of the towns/cities. This negative status could be repaired by doing good deeds, giving blood transfusions, bandaging, trading items etc..

That seems a little too "player-centric."

I'm not really going for a direct, 1:1 player cause-effect mechanism.

This is more, long-term environment in which players are simply interacting with each other as they always do, and the world is the recipient and therefor reflects that.

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There does seem to be quite a lot of confusion regarding what you're talking about, hm? You may want to consider adding a 'disclaimer' at the top of the OP to avoid this kind of thing. xD

To let people know that directly linking players to zombie spawns isn't what you want, you know?

Anyway yea, Player A spawning zombies should be avoided. Server A spawning zombies, your idea, is great. =)

(btw, I don't think any given server will become too completely overrun- remember, KILLING zombies increases humanity already. Not as much, but it's an ambient event that could help save a town, and gives meaning to killing the zeds)

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There does seem to be quite a lot of confusion regarding what you're talking about, hm? You may want to consider adding a 'disclaimer' at the top of the OP to avoid this kind of thing. xD

To let people know that directly linking players to zombie spawns isn't what you want, you know?

Anyway yea, Player A spawning zombies should be avoided. Server A spawning zombies, your idea, is great. =)

(btw, I don't think any given server will become too completely overrun- remember, KILLING zombies increases humanity already. Not as much, but it's an ambient event that could help save a town, and gives meaning to killing the zeds)

You're right. I edited my post to be a little more clear on what this proposal is/isn't.

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OP, I don't like your suggestion for one main reason: if players are cooperating, the only challenge left for them is zombies. Working together already makes zombies less challenging. I do not think the game should amplify that with a mechanic like the one you propose.

I also have doubts that your proposed mechanic would enhance cooperation at all. Reducing the presence of zombies is not a goal many people will care about. Conversely, many people are already finding the game unchallenging even with present zombie levels. If anything, this mechanic would give those people a new incentive to decrease the humanity of a region in order to give themselves a new challenge/something to shoot.

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That seems a little too "player-centric."

I'm not really going for a direct, 1:1 player cause-effect mechanism.

This is more, long-term environment in which players are simply interacting with each other as they always do, and the world is the recipient and therefor reflects that.

ok I do understand what you're implying but perhaps there need to be some sort of balance.

Some people just get a kick from ruining the game for others, by shooting players and causing more zombies to spawn in a town, would mean they could snipe from a safe distance and make a town a no go area and pick off more players as they try and deal with the spawn, making the situation worse.

They could effectively keep a town locked down by the number of infected spawned in there and them being on the outside. But I guess the other players would have to group together and deal with any snipers first!

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I actually ADORE this idea! :D

This also fixes a major advantage that bandit snipers have, scouting towns that have zombie spawns in them because it's means a survivor is there.

Edited by "Lost" Alice

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In battle/war you do not eliminate your allies until you have overcome the enemy.

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OP, I don't like your suggestion for one main reason: if players are cooperating, the only challenge left for them is zombies. Working together already makes zombies less challenging. I do not think the game should amplify that with a mechanic like the one you propose.

I also have doubts that your proposed mechanic would enhance cooperation at all. Reducing the presence of zombies is not a goal many people will care about. Conversely, many people are already finding the game unchallenging even with present zombie levels. If anything, this mechanic would give those people a new incentive to decrease the humanity of a region in order to give themselves a new challenge/something to shoot.

I appreciate the feedback. Let's discuss your points:

  • "If players are cooperating, the only challenge left for them is zombies. I do not think the game should amplify that with a mechanic like the one you propose."

I don't feel cooperation among players as a good, or a bad thing. It's up to the players to decide what "challenges" them. If you're insinuating, (by saying it focuses more on zombies) that PvP is the only reason to play this game, I'm going to have to disagree with you, and again state that this mod, as a sandbox, offers players many options. Not only PvP.

  • "Reducing the presence of zombies is not a goal many people will care about."

By the feedback and beans I'm getting on this topic, I'd be inclined to disagree with you. Believe it or not, there are, shockingly, players who want to kill zombies in a zombie-themed survival game.

  • "Conversely, many people are already finding the game unchallenging even with present zombie levels. If anything, this mechanic would give those people a new incentive to decrease the humanity of a region in order to give themselves a new challenge/something to shoot."

And that would be a completely valid reason why this proposal would ENHANCE this mod. It's not a simple punishment/reward system for players which you seem to be thinking. This is a system that provides objective consequences to player interaction in a game where otherwise there would be none. And in a situation where death just means respawning without gear, maybe a lingering impact on the environment is just the tweak and feature that this mod could benefit from.

Edited by bbilbo1
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It's so great to have a suggestion OP with a brain that treats feedback logically. =D

Edited by Zetal

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I think this is a brilliant idea. low humaity players would perhaps inhabit the high value areas while the game gets harder and harder for them as the bodies pile higher, while high humanity players would skirt around in the low value areas perhaps raiding high value areas occasionaly - if they dare. I love the way this is left up to the players. Perhaps this idea could entirely replace placing zombie spawns specificaly in towns etc - zombies are atracted to high 'crime rates'..wherever the crimes happen

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Its an interesting idea.

Though I could see that making just starting annoying as Cherno, Electro... would be swarmed... making it even more difficult for fresh starts.

The system is there to be worked with.

But there needs to be a little more incentive...

Maybe Good Humanity could help with not being seen and heard as easily by zombies, while bandit may be vice versa?

Or maybe Good Humanity would allow things spawning in around that area to have a higher chance of not being cans but useful items. While bandits may cause more empty cans... meaning they are getting penalized for using others to get their gear so that is what they may be forced to do and maybe in the end have to be kind?

and then! Maybe it could stick from character to character as more of an account features where it'll penalize or reward certain play...

I dunno litterally was just typing as these came up just not...

But yea...

In any case everything has pros and cons and its gonna take time for Rocket to find the best way for the humanity to work. =)

Thats penalising bandits. This system seems to be showing that Bandits can come in and ruin survivors safe-haven, which is what they ALWAYS seem to want to do. They kill for their benefit or protection. This system would kill for their benefit, and would cause Bandits to be more of an actual Bandit, by destroying more of a society.

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I like the general "activity" idea but why a "humanity" factor to turn it into a good deeds vs evil deeds mechanism?

I would love to see random teamplay encouraged - and actually rewarding - but not through a mechanism that implies a kind of dayz Santa who's checking his list twice, knows if you've been naughty or nice and puts infected under your christmas tree accordingly.

Edited by TheStoryteller01

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