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About malcotch

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  1. malcotch

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

  2. malcotch

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Enjoying 0.55
  3. malcotch

    Odd Zombie Behaviour

    I was walking along a track late last night heading into what I believed to be Krasnostav, when a deer or another small animal ran across the road and across the field, following behind moving fairly fast was a figure, I quickly checked and there were no other players online, so I can only assume it was a zombie chasing the animal. Is this a new feature I've never seen Zombies interact with other animals before? Also it was a little unnerving in the darkness, especially with the speed it was going, not even players seem to run that fast!
  4. malcotch

    Is the AUG worth finding?

    I'm happy with my black CR527+mag, I one shotted an infected, what more could I want :)
  5. ok I do understand what you're implying but perhaps there need to be some sort of balance. Some people just get a kick from ruining the game for others, by shooting players and causing more zombies to spawn in a town, would mean they could snipe from a safe distance and make a town a no go area and pick off more players as they try and deal with the spawn, making the situation worse. They could effectively keep a town locked down by the number of infected spawned in there and them being on the outside. But I guess the other players would have to group together and deal with any snipers first!
  6. I like this sort of idea, it could be similar to how eve deals with the security status of players. In eve if you kill other players your security status drops and when it drops to certain levels you are basically forced out of the empire areas and have to fly in lo-sec or null-sec. you can repair your sec status, by effectively doing good deeds i.e. killing npc pirates. In dayz you could have a similar system where as you murder other players your humanity gets lower, causing more zombies or super zombies to spawn around you (I'd prefer rabid dog packs :)), they would be player linked only focusing on the player with negative humanity, this woulld obviously be linked to buildings etc. when your status gets too low, you're effectively forced out of the towns/cities. This negative status could be repaired by doing good deeds, giving blood transfusions, bandaging, trading items etc..
  7. I agree ..one fix I want to see, if you die you lose all your shit, your inventory gets reset, including saved tents, vehicles etc.
  8. malcotch

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I think 30s would be enough time to keep a character in game, but only if they have received damage or fired a weapon in the last 10s This avoids people having the misfortune who disconnect randomly or when they think they're safe and someone chances upon their logged out location. Nothing will be perfect for everyone, but I welcome an improvement over the current mechanics
  9. I think 30s would be enough time, but only if they have received damage or fired a weapon in the last 10s This avoids people having the misfortune who disconnect randomly or when they think they're safe and someone chances upon their logged out location. Nothing will be perfect for everyone, but I welcome an improvement over the current mechanics
  10. malcotch

    My complied top 15 Thoughts

    I find the wilderness is too safe, the chance of encountering a pack of rabid dogs would create some nice tension, especially if you can hear them approaching!