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Do you ever go back south after you get well-geared and why?

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I go back to help noobs out. I stock up on meds, food and extra survival supplies and go to the spawning beaches to hand them out, along with good advice.

Sometimes I roleplay that my char was a refugee co-ordinator before the apocalypse swept everything away, and she's still trying to do her old job. This causes much confusion when I stay 'in character'.

It's much more difficult than it sounds. I posted a few tales about my adventures, which I'll have to update soon.

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Jeez Dirt, I actually LIKE his RP thing. Don't let him get you down bottlerocket, cause the apocalypse sure didn't!

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Yes why not? We need Fuel for our Cars, we need new cars, and perhaps a heli aswell. Sniping at different hot spots, sweeping towns and enemy tent camps, there are many reasons to head south. If we have a bus i think we will make some bus tours aswell.

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It makes me happy in the pants to go to Cherno and keep the tall buildings free of Cockroaches. I especially enjoy stream sniping the idiots that like to camp up high and shoot everything that moves. When I get bored of that I roam around and rob camps, or look for crash sites.

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Let me give you a counter-question.

What else is there to do up North?

Let me guess, build a fucking base of tents and vehicles and duplicate the shit out of them.

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Get a life bottlerocket if I seen u when i spawned and u started doing ur gay ass rp shit i would tell u to get the fuck away

Yeah, that happens. It's fucking hilarious!

I'm chasing after folk, throwing steaks and morphine at them, and they're like "get the fuck away from me!"

Fun times.

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i usually just pick up lee enfield in elektro, camp sniper hill until i see a server jumper.

~1 hour = Full endgame gear.

(Camp time may vary, can take 1 minute or 5 days, but there's quite a LOT!! of them while all this duping going on, so usually a half an hour, don't expect it to be 20-30 minutes every time though.)

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I will head back to the cost only to meet up with a friend and bring them back north.

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To shoot the noobs who just spawned right into the game. I let them run a round panicked for a while and then kill them. Always watch introduction videos on youtube first and do not act retarded in the simulator.

Edited by Vitdom

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Provide cover fire for nooblets. Taking out zombies or other snipers while they go prone and wonder wtf is going on.

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On my way back down there now to find a ghillie suit and brutally murder anyone who tries to waylay me. Friendlies need not fear :)

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Provide cover fire for nooblets. Taking out zombies or other snipers while they go prone and wonder wtf is going on.

Iv been wanting to do this. I Just drove by a new spawn in Elektro flashing my lights and was about to ask if he wanted a ride somewhere...until he shot out my glass. :( so rude.

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Yes after I get shot, I go north gear up, then back to the coast to hand out the goodies to new spawners.

Then I go back north and do it again, I do not fear the hard areas as I run around like a fooking loonatic

Ps I got a L85 AWS up for grabs Today and a DMR, some lucky buggers gonna smile when I hand each over

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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